Wednesday 18 February 2015

Birds, circles and humans

Hi Everybody!

Hope all of you who are snowed in in the States and Canada are
keeping warm and safe! You have really had more than
your share this time round!

For Art Journal Journey I have another piece for Birds, beasts and humans. I used a background I made recently with water colours, stenciling and distress inks. I drew the heads with my home-made stencils, and filled them using stencils from stencilry org and Dina Wakley. Then I drew lots and lots of circles in white. The quote is part of a quote from Nicholas Black Elk, a holy man of the Sioux: 
Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our tepees were round like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation's hoop.

I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, circles.

The photos are from yesterday; today we were blanketed with damp, grey mist all day!

The gulls enjoyed the weather, too, 
and I enjoyed watching them, as always.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another great page. I love how you have been working in outlines only lately. And oh my, to see green grass in your photos. I am soooo jealous.

  2. lovely art and photos, what a difference a day makes!

  3. was für eine tolle seite,sie berührt mich sehr,tolle gestaltung,idee und farben,wunderschön.
    deine aufnahmen sind auch traumhaft,so gern wäre ich mal ein vogel.
    schönen tag dir.

    bussi jenny

  4. Wow - eine fanttische Arbeit - da passt einfach alles perfekt zusammen!!!!
    Und deine Fotos sind so schön - eine Wohltat für die Seele - hier ist heute früh dicker Nebel - lässt vielleicht auf Sonne hoffen :-).
    LG Dagmar

  5. Wonderful journal page, love the sunny colours and way everything seems to fly free and float - great quote, too! The sunny seagulls are fantastic! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  6. allein schon diese farben machen mich fröhlich! und ihr scheint jetzt doch auch zwischendrin schon Frühlingstage zu haben.

    1. Danke - heute ist wieder 'Der Nebel des Grauens' draussen, aber irgendwie ist es trotzdem schön!

  7. Herrlich was Du über Kreise schreibst Valerie-- wahrscheinlich ist der Kreis deshalb eins meiner liebsten Symbole, und ich verwende ihn so gern ...
    die Seite ist TRAUMHAFT schön! Ein AUGENSCHMAUS!
    AJJ + MMM danken im Duett heute morgen!

    Die Fotos sind so schön... bin beeindruckt von den Möven...ich glaub die hatten ne Faschingsfeier auf ihrer Steg sie hatten wohl Lust zu schunkeln!!! Hoffentlich wurde keine von ihnen "seekrank"
    Herrlich die Sonne auf all den schönen Bildern... bitte schick sie mir heute auch... immer noch so grau hier!

    Einen tollen Tag Valerie!

  8. deine Bilder sind berührend, vermögen in den Bann zu ziehen, einfach traumschön!
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  9. Terrific artwork Valerie-love the shape of those heads.

    Great photographs of a nice day. The blue light on the gulls is amazing--you always capture the right moment for a photograph

    Love Chrissie x

  10. Your page is wonderful and the quote a fabulous find. I enjoyed reading it. ((hugs)) :o)

  11. Die Baum-Landschaft sieht klasse aus, so klare Luft! ... und die fliegenden Möwen sind wunderbar, toll eingefangen! Schönen weiteren Tag noch von Ulrike

  12. Wahnsinnig tolle Seiten sind das, liebe Valerie.
    Ich bin ein Fan Deiner Fotos, sooo schön

  13. Wonderful journal page, I love the heads and the colours are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Such a bright lovely post... just what I needed to see this morning.

  15. Ich finde es toll, wie die Möwen aus den Foto als Silhouetten in dem Bild wieder auftauchen. Manchmal wünscht man sich diese Leichtigkeit der Vögel auch für die Gedanken.

  16. Beautiful Valerie, I love the white on the fiery background...even more effective than black in this case! Stunning photos today. hugs :)

  17. Beautiful art, Valerie... wow very interesting page.
    Thanks for sharing your photos from garden and lake.. they are lovely!!

  18. Beautiful, beautiful work! I love the colorful background contrasted with the white ink. Your photos made me think of the book, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" today!

  19. Your photos are so beautiful it's like taking a walk right through these places when I visit your blog - can't tell you how good that is for me!

    Love your work - as always! The colours in this are captivating. I am a little obsessed with circles and they tend to feature in so many things I do. I love organic flowing shapes so much. A joy to visit you as always - hugs and sunshine from Shroo:)xxx

  20. I do do like the journal page!!! Your photos are nice and you still have green grass... ours is all brown with winter when visible...right now it is covered in white and very very cold.

  21. Beautiful quote and I love your interpretation with all the circles. The male and woman facing each other continues that circle of life you are creating Lovely.
    I love your shadow photo. That would make a stunning wall art piece if you were to blow it up and frame it. The composition is marvelous.

  22. Black Elk had some wonderful words of wisdom.
    Love your artwork to go with these powerful words liebe Valerie...
    really super!
    Your shadow photo is especially nice too!

  23. You made a great background to start with and your white faces and birds look terrific on it.
    The walk, third photo, looks rather nice and relaxing.

  24. Beautiful images, love this! ~Diane

  25. Awesome quote and page today Valerie. Its like those two heads are in conversation with each other. Super photos as always.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Fabulous page with a great quote! The white against the colourful background is very effective!

  27. Hi Valerie, Love the quote on your gorgeous art work. Yes, the circle of life, it's so true. Your handmade stencils are fabulous. It's like the two are talking.
    Great photos too on your walk.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, CM

  28. This is fabulous Val, such a spiritual piece and the colours are gorgeous. That woman with the shadow seems to be following you around again :-) xx

  29. Und noch so eine traumhafte Seite, sowohl in den Farben wie auch in der Zeichnung.


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