Wednesday 11 February 2015

Circles and starfish

Hi Everybody!

Quick post this evening, it's late and I want to get this post scheduled
and then sleep!

Today is the begin of a new challenge at Moo Mania and More -
You have two weeks, and we accept work in all formats, not just Moos, so get those creative juices flowing and link up your creations.

I made a journal page, which is also meant for Art Journal Journey,
Birds, beasts and humans. I painted the background (A3) with metallic paints in blue, purple and green, and spritzed it with some gold ink and metal patina, and sprinkled some fairy dust onto it.  I stamped into it using a large background swirl to give more texture. When it was dry, I stenciled the figure in the left lower corner with gesso. I drew the starfish using a home made template, and drew hundreds of tiny circles inside them, using various gel-pens and white highlighter. Then I drew more circles coming from the figure at the bottom and floating over the page.
The link on the side bar takes you to AJJ's Pinterest page, where you can see all of our entries.

Today was grey and wet, so there was not much to see on my walk:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page, a lot brighter than your grey day, although it is appealing in a different way.

  2. Eine traumhafte Seite ist das Valerie! ******
    Die Bilder heute zeigen eine wintermüde Landschaft für mich... menno es soll bitte gnaz schnell bald März oder April sein, dann wird es wieder frühlingshafter..ich sehne mich sehr nach Sonne und Frühling !
    Hab nen schönen Tag Valerie!

  3. Your starfish page is really dreamy, love it, and the wonderful colours - a great contrast to the grey in grey photos from yesterday. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  4. Fabulous creations with the star fish,lovely colours, detailed added goodies are

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. Eine wundervolle Journalseite und supertolle Fotos, Valerie

  6. Eine wundervolle Journalseite und supertolle Fotos, Valerie

  7. Just love the artwork today with all the wonderful colours and floating star fish.

    Great to see all the pages together as well--thank you for doing that for us to see.

    Well I loved the photos today as I saw something I had only imagined in the past. You have show pictures of the high wall, the seats and the bend at the end of the wall and I always wondered what was beyond. Looks like a nice park or something similar--Am I right?

    Have a great day and I hope you are feeling a bit better every day

    Love Chrissie

    1. They are the meadows along the Rhine, with paths leading in between, and a pleasant place to walk. I have taken photos before, but always from the other side, so this way it looks different! Now you know what is beyond the bend!

  8. What a fabulous page. Very ethereal. Your day was the complete opposite to ours. I hope you see some sun today ((hugs)) :o)

  9. die seite ist so klasse mit den knalligen farben, ich liebe das! aber ob ich die geduld hätte, so viele kreise zu malen, das bezweifle ich...
    durch deine Fotos habe ich inzwischen das gefühl, deine Umgebung schon ganz gut zu kennen... schön hast du´s da!

    1. Und alle mit links gezeichnet - ein gute Übung, aber langweilig!

  10. The starfish must have taken some patience! Really like them. Although grey and rainy, I loved seeing the photos--another perspective on things. They almost look like black and white photos, and I could see more details.

  11. Fabulous and colourful, your under the water page looks quite magical today. Super photos even though its a dull day.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Love your whimsical starfish Valerie! Beautiful water photos today! hugs :)

  13. Your starfish look like they're having fun swimming in the ocean. My hubby and son scuba dive and marvel at everything they see but I'm not really a water person, I can barely snorkel! I echo what Chrissie said, it's lovely to see round the corner. Xxx

  14. Gorgeous circles and stars, makes one feel happy, Valerie!

  15. Valerie, the painted background is so lovely and what a lovely journal page! The photos are always a treat and I love all the bench seats with a view of the water! Hugs!

  16. Well, that is a fabulously designed and coloured page with the jolly stars and the man, it's absolutely vibrating with colour.
    I am also wondering what the man is doing, my imagination is working overtime.
    Thanks for the gloomy photo of the benches, I love that view.

    1. And did your imagination come to any conclusions?

  17. Looks like a sleepy day grey and wet. Great photo of the benches. Valerie your artwork is stunning. I love this journal page the color and it's perfect for February. Great subject with the theme and stars.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, CM

  18. Very pretty piece with a great flow.

  19. Love your journal page ♥ I thought of you today as I was on my walk. I live in a country subdivision so there is rarely anything to photograph. Just houses setting on huge lots ... perhaps when the spring flowers arrive I'll find things to take photos of. Cold and grey here today too .

  20. Was für eine tolle Journalseite, die Farben sind sooo schön. Der Taucher unten in der Ecke gefällt mir super gut, klasse Idee.

  21. Oh, so many pretty colors and patterns! I love the way this flows. Beautiful, Valerie! Even on a gray day, your scenic walk is still wonderful. Hugs to you!

  22. Stunning work Valerie.... great photos. I'm ready for Spring now :)

    Hope you are soon able to cut again

    Karen x

  23. Immer her mit den kräftigen Farben bei diesem Üselwetter, das tut richtig gut.
    xox Anja

  24. oh my Valerie- such gorgeous colors and designs- I love this!! Well done- now get some sleep- rest well my friend~ xoxo

  25. Shiny, happy and fun. xox

  26. Your journal page is oh SO beautiful and colorful dear Valerie!
    quite a contrast to the grey days of winter ♥

  27. You really captured the gray day, I love your bright and beautiful stars though! ~Diane

  28. Ganz zauberhafte Seite! Mir gefallen deine Seesterne sehr. Tolle Farbkombination!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  29. What a wonderful Journal page you have done. And I LOVE your photos my friend.


  30. love your art so vibrant and a direct contrast to the weather outside


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