Tuesday 3 February 2015

Tag Tuesday and Try it on Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Just a short post, I had a little accident and hurt my hand.
Lucky my projects were all made in advance!

At Tag Tuesday the theme is blues. 

I am also linking to Simons Monday Challenge, H is for...happy colours and hopes of spring.

At Try It On Tuesday our new theme is 'add a photo'. You have 2 weeks to join in You can make what you want, as long as it has a photos on it. Hope to see lots of you there!

I made an altered paper bag, a memory bag, with family photos from my childhood days, and a tag inside.

I work up this morning to deep snow, and watched the night turn to day.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie-Jael so lovely to see these beautiful creations, love the blues....do hope your hand heals my friend...not much fun otherwise.xx

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  2. Lovely art and photos but so sorry you hurt your hand Valerie.

  3. oooh schöne karten hast du gemacht,süss waerst du als kind,oder bist du das nicht??boah und bei ecuh ist schnee,wiw toll,das bei uns ist gleich wieder geschmolzen,nicht kalt genug,und ich liibe schnee und vögel sooo seeehr,tolle bilder hast du da gemacht.
    du,ich habe das neue kleid mal gepostet,geh doch mal gucken,bin gespannt was du davon hälst.hihi.
    muss gleich zum arzt und habe keine lust,brauche erst noch ne kanne cafe,werd sonst nicht wach.
    schöne woche wünsch ich dir,liebes.

    knuddel jenny

    1. Ich hab's gesehen, das Kleidchen ist super geworden, einfach süss! Viel Spaß beim Tragen!

  4. Gorgeous card with sunny colours, just right to cheer us at this time of the year. Love the memory bag, too, great idea, you were a cute kid (still are!) Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. So sorry to hear about your hand Valerie and sending healing thoughts your way and the hope it gets better soon.

    Beautiful art pieces today and a wonderful idea to decorate your bag with photographs.

    Love the blue tag as well. I am never sure what to do when I see a single colours challenge :(

    Great photographs as always-we have snow today as well but the sun is shining so I bet the snow won't last long.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie

  6. Beautiful pieces all of them Valerie! Sorry to hear about your hand, - hope it's not too bad! Snow photos are stunning too. We have had hardly any snow...

  7. I love your makes today Valerie, they're all so "pretty" and your snowy pics are beautiful. We have snow today but it's quite wet so it maybe won't lie. Hope your hand injury is not too serious, take it easy, relax today with some coffee and cake! Xx

  8. Such beautiful blue colors.... lovely post today Valerie.

  9. Gorgeous projects. Love the photos and hope you are ok! x

  10. I'm sorry you've hurt your hand Valerie, I hope it heals soon. Two lovely pieces of work, I love the memory bag, it's a great idea. We had our first snow last night and had a lovely walk with the dogs in it early this morning and it's still snowing.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. A beautiful tag and interesting project for TioT. You've been a very cute little girl, Valerie. Great works.
    Have a wonderful day, hugs xx

  12. Wundervolle Projekte sind das Valerie! Grossartig und deatailverliebt! Bin ganz begeistert!
    Und super Aufnahmen sind auch wieder zu sehen hier!

  13. Love your blue birds and all the blues, very blue, and some of your snow pictures are beautifully blue too.
    I think some of the photos are of little Valerie? - they are very sweet.
    Hope your hand gets better soon.

    1. And just re-read your post, yes the photos are of you, and I like the way you have presented them and the memory bag is such a good idea, much better than keeping photos in a box.

  14. Gorgeous work today Valerie! I just love the wonderful blue birds, on your card and the blue sky in your photos! Perfect for the weather I'm having! hugs :)

  15. Great altered bag with your so cute photos! The tag is fantastic and I love the birds and lovely colours.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Wow lots to see, beautiful projects and photographs, I love the blues. I hope your hand injury isn't too serious and that you heal quickly. Take care, Shirleyxx

  17. Beautiful work! The altered bag is wonderful! Your world looks much like ours does right now. I hope your hand heals super quickly!

  18. Such wonderful projects my friend. I LOVE the Blue bird in your first project. Excellent photos my friend.

    So sorry to hear about you hand. I do hope its OK.


  19. What a fabulous idea for the photos! Great design. Oh my goodness I hope your hand is better soon. Nikki xx

  20. Love the punch border and use of photos, very pretty. Your photos are great, too. Hope your hand is better real soon.
    Hugz, Z

  21. Beautiful projects. I love the idea of the Memory Bag for your photos, it looks fabulous.
    Hope you haven't hurt your hand too badly. Take care.
    hugs Yvonne xx

  22. A lovely idea, it's really beautiful, hope your hand gets better soon, hugs Bee

  23. Oh you did get a nice dusting of the white stuff! Looks so pretty! The card with the blues and the birds is gorgeous! Now the Memory Bag is fantastic and so lovely. What a great way to keep those precious memories! Hugs!

  24. Beide Karetn sind wunderschön, aber in die Blaue bin ich richtig verliebt!! Der etwas verschwommene Natur Hg zu den Piepmätzen vorne ist genial, großes Kino!
    LG Anja

  25. Loving all of your BLUES today ♥♥♥♥ Hoping your hand will mend fast and you can create more wonderful art to share with us Sending you LOVE and HEALING !

  26. Sorry to hear about your hand Valerie. Love your memorabilia, the photos fit in so well with what you have done. Take Care. Hugs Rita xxx

  27. Gorgeous projects. What a keepsake that memory bag is and I love how you popped up that little bird.

    I hope your hand is not too badly hurt.

  28. Love the idea of a Memory bag for your photos - and you did look cute!
    Gorgeous blue card - makes you think of summer - love your stunning snow photos.
    Avril xx

  29. Ach was warst du süß <3 Und die hast die Fotos unheimlich schön präsentiert!!! Ich hoffe deiner Hand geht es ganz bald besser! Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  30. Dein blaues Werk gefällt mir super gut und auch wie du deine Fotos verarbeitet hast. Ja, Schnee habe wir hier auch zu Genüge.... Nicht wirklich mein Ding.

  31. Valerie so sorry you hurt your hand. I hope for quick healing. You are amazing and I love these creations. The blue card is stunning. The memory bag is such a sweet idea to hold those darling photos. Love your pretty snow photos.
    Take good care.

  32. Gorgeous altered paper bag! Fabulous snow pics! Keeley

  33. great art hope your hand is feeling better

  34. Valerie, I am so sorry you hurt your hand and I hope you didn't break anything. Stay off the ice and snowy paths for a few days. WOW you did get a lot of new snow. Your blue project is gorgeous and your personal bag book with photos or your youth are marvelous. I see you had a dog. I was always afraid of dogs and now we have a very large golden retriever that is our child and sleeps on the bed. Don't know how that will go as the days progress. I may need to move upstairs for a while.

    Take care!
    Warm healing hugs with love coming your way.

  35. your photo tags/cards are very lovely....and your photos are gorgeous....we have been having a very snowless winter here in the northwest so unusual just lots of gray fogged in days

  36. Stay warm & safe!! Loving the H for happy colors - you sure did bring that out in your project. Such a very lovely project (and photos too!)- thank you for sharing with us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Monday challenge blog!

  37. Beautiful blue card. And your memory bag is a fantastic idea. You were so cute - you still have that cute smile,
    What do you mean you had a little accident and hurt your hand - sounds like a big accident with a big broken bone!
    Thinking of you Sugar and hoping the worst is over.
    Sandy xx


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