Thursday 19 February 2015

Horus and birds in the mist

Hi Everybody!

We had another cold and very misty day again, but I still enjoyed
my walks, especially as I saw spring flowers growing - snowdrops, daffodils,
and even a yellow crocus. It makes it easier to believe that spring will be here sooner or later!

For Art Journal Journey I am sharing another Egyptian page showing the god Horus, the son of Osiris and Ra. He is shown as a falcon or a falcon headed man, and he was the god of light and the protector of the children. I used a brushwipe page, (A3) which I sprinkled with Brushos and sprayed with water. I drew lots of hieroglyphics  down the sides of the page. Horus was drawn onto a separate sheet, painted with water colours and gel-pens, and highlighted with gold and white. I used metallic pens for the breast plate, and added mica flakes to the sun-crown and breast-plate. He is holding the Ankh, the breath of life in his talons.

Here are some of the visitors who came out of the mist:

I met the raven down at the shore

The heron was busy fishing again

This was the view from my window this morning

The trees disappeared into the mist

 I enjoyed walking along the shore, crunching through the shingle

And the cormorant was keeping watch on his pole again.

The feather was one of the objects I spotted along the shore. It was very large, so I'm not sure which bird it came from:

Signs of spring? I hope so

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The vibrant colours just glow off the this and your photos are beautiful.xx

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  2. Lovely orange in your Egyptian page. Beautiful birds and what a treat to see spring flowers, yes it is almost march.

  3. Love your new page, you have made it really beautifully again. The photos taken in the mist have a very ethereal feel to them - good to see the spring flowers again! Love to see the trees disappearing in the misty background. Hugs, Sarah

  4. wenn du so weitermachst, wirst du bald ein wunderbares ägyptenjournal zusammen haben!
    und der specht ist so toll getroffen, was für ein schöner vogel!

    1. Danke, der Specht ist schön und sehr komisch zu beobachten, der Eichelhäher auch!

  5. Was für eine strahlend schöne Arbeit.. Du überraschst mich jeden Tag auf's Neue... sogar Hieroplyphen kannst Du?! (naja zumindest
    Deine Vogel und Landschaftsbilder sind herrlich, die Feder gefällt mir so gut und die Schneeglöckchen machen wirklich Hoffnung auf Frühling....
    Einen schönen Tag Valerie!

  6. was für eine leuchtende seite,wunderschön gemacht,gefällt mir sehr.
    die aufnahmen sind auch spitze,tolle bäume und vögel.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    knuddel jenny

  7. A lovely walk Valerie, even though it was shrouded in mist! and a super vibrant painting. Our weather has been milder the last few days but the weatherman says it'll snow next week! Brrr. Xx

  8. Your Egyptian pages are a real joy to behold Valerie with the amazing images and the beautiful backgrounds. I always love to see you printing in white pen it stands our and makes a real statement. Great words on this page.

    The bird photographs are terrific with so many different species.

    We have wonderful weather yesterday and went for a very long walk and saw lots od snowdrops and other aconites growing under the woodland along the way.Heavy rain today and the forecast says all day so maybe I might get some crafting done.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xxx

  9. Wonderful vibrant page Valerie and , as always, amazing photo's of the beautiful birds

  10. Beautiful artwork today Valerie and I love your shots of the mist! The blue feather is gorgeous, I bet the bird must be incredibly regal! hugs :)

  11. Thank you so much for the linky invites! I'm so happy! Yeah - ok.....LOVE the Horus picture.... I have a bit of a 'thing' for Egyptian art and design and those colours make me feel hot sand and dry air. It's incredible. As for your photos.... you know I now have a catalogue of them that I'd love to use as art inspiration? yeah. They're awesome! I completely have wildlife-envy as well - such a variety! Love birds. Hmmm.... you and Susi have made me want to paint more birds! Thank you so much for being epic - big hugs from Shroo:)xxxx

  12. This is my favorite piece so far--great job on Horus! I love a misty morning as long as it burns off and becomes a beautiful day. Yay for the signs of Spring!

  13. Absolutely stunning artwork, Valerie! The vibrant colours and image are fabulous. Great photos, specially the blue feather.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Your God of Light picture really glows and I like the hieroglyphics too and your very neat and pretty printing.
    I wonder who the blue feather belonged to, a blue parrot?
    Superb photos again, of the mist and the birds and buds of Spring.

    1. I think it's probably a wing feather from a heron, I don't think parrots are large enough. Parrots at the Rhine are rather rare!

    2. Oh, thanks, I didn't think of a heron. They seem to have lots of escaped and descendants of escaped parrots in the London area, thought it might have been one of those on its holidays.

  15. Wow, Valerie this page is a stunner, love the vibrant background and the images. I hoped you picked up that feather for your stash.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Great work Valerie... Spring is surely just around the corner. Yesterday the post lady was wearing short sleeves.... it was warm! Today it is grey, rainy and cold :(

    Karen x

  17. Beautiful vibrant colours and design. You are so lucky to see spring flowers popping up. We have five feet of snow covering the gardens.. and it's been extremely COLD.... can't wait for spring. Shirleyxx

  18. Meine Güte, bei dir ist ja schon Frühling! wunderschöne Fotos, besonders der Buntspecht hat es mir angetan.
    Deine Horus Seite ist so toll und farbintensiv, ich kann mich gar nicht satt sehen!

  19. Fabulous page, such patience to make it too. ~Diane

  20. The colors of your page is so vibrant, I Love the happy color my friend. Such a great page. And your photos have me smiling once again.

    Hugs, Linda
    My Happy Place

  21. Gorgeous colours. I love the gold writing.

  22. Loving the bold colors of your journal pages and the Egyptian theme ♥ Pretty pictures too . Perhaps the feather is from a Heron :) I have a collection of feathers that I have found through my walks . i love looking at them and figuring out which bird has shed it .

  23. How nice to see spring buds and a woodpecker - how cool!! That blue feather is fabulous, how are you going to use it Valerie?
    Your Egyptian page is filled with fabulous colour, so bright, I'm sure the Egyptians would hhave appreciated it :o)

  24. I love your misty photos, so full of atmosphere and mystery. Your art shines and glows with such warmth, beautiful work!

  25. The colours conjure up the heat of the Egyptian sun (not that I have ever travelled to Egypt although my Dad spent time there - re the Suez Canal). Beautiful colours.

  26. Hi Valerie, Your page is beautiful and the bright color just makes everything stand out. Look at your sweet visitor in the trees. Maybe they are watching for spring too.
    Great misty walking pics.
    Have a nice day.
    Hugs, CM

  27. Wonderful composition inspired by ancient Egyptian culture, delicious winter scenery, pure nature, pretty pictures!

  28. Another gorgeous piece in your Egyptian series. I especially love the symbols that surround Horus- you've given the whole page an ancient feel with it's subtleties.
    and how my heart fluttered when I saw those budding flowers! Lucky you,as our spring still seems so far away!
    hugs ")

  29. Oh I love this, the colours look like they are on fire! We have no sign of Spring, just gray followed by more gray lol xx

  30. WOW again are making me want to get out some orange paint!
    Brilliant creation
    lucky you with signs of spring
    everything is hiding here in Virginia under a thick blanket of snow...
    good thing because the temperatures feel like Siberia :-)

  31. Die Leuchtkraft der Farben ist total schön, ich mag Orange sehr. Mir gefällt wie du in weiß geschrieben hast.

  32. hi (: your van gogh was SO GOOD that i thought it was a printout!
    most excellent!!!

  33. Another fabulous page full of glorious heat! Snowdrops, ah I am loving seeing those. We couldn't find them here if we tried under all our snow...xox

  34. love your art piece. I love how your color palette always has such a soft glow with the oranges and yellows. Your photography is beautiful. We have had a lot of gray misty days here as well.


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