Saturday 13 December 2014

This and that on Saturday

Hi Everybody!

Well, we are certainly having some interesting weather just now. It was extremely windy, wet and dark - just the weather which makes you so much enjoy coming home! I spent a lot of time 'playing' in my arty kitchen - it was unfortunately too dark to do h*******k! I got more little note-books altered, so I will show them tomorrow when I have taken the photos.

For Art Journal Journey I made another collage for my giant journal using strips of ribbon and paper on an old calendar page. The ribbon was a present tucked in with my order of gesso - 3x3 yards of ribbon, so that was nice. I used strips to make the starry night sky. At the bottom I used pieces of blue and green and the Yarn from Patty to make the river and meadows.  The houses are scraps of various  papers. I glued it together first, and then added the stitching. My machine is working, but still making a dreadful noise. At the bottom I added 2 strips of washi tape.

Yesterday I used some of my small collage scraps to collage these cardboard tubes, the left one will be a present for a friend with some pens in it, the right one is my 'travelling' pencil selection.

I did the small wooden hearts, too, and will use them for another project sooner or later.

I managed 2 walks, although sometimes it was hard to stand because of the gusts of wind.  At home I had fun watching the blackbirds. I love their blue-black feathers.

This one always tries to hide behind the big cactus, perhaps he thinks I can't see him there:

It was nice to see this tub of flowers near the Basilica:

Not many people were out, although it was market day:

And the roses at the Marien Hospital are still blooming.

We even had waves on the Rhine today, which is quite rare, but it really was windy.

Have a great day you all, take care, and stay safe if it's stormy!
Thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful giant collage and lovely crafts. Enjoyed the photos too, not the wind and cold!

  2. My, you were busy! What a lovely collage, like a wintry scene at night. Great alterations, to, love those pencil boxed. And the photos are beautiful, love how you blackbird is playing around. Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. ooohh sweetie,deine collage ist soo wunderschööön,und deine herzchen und dosen sind auch klasse,amn rhein ist es wirklich traumhaft.
    ich hab die erste stulpe fast fertig gestrickt,kommt noch ein spitzenband am schaft,hoffe mein wichtelkind freut sich darüber auch.
    jaa,meine glöckchen stulpen klingeln sogar,ich werd sie mir noch in weinrot holen,das es zu jder kleidung dann passt.
    hab ein schönes we,du liebe.


  4. Fantastic collage with great use of the netting again and the interesting sky.

    Isn't it lovely to see a splash of summer in a tub as you go along on your walks. Some flowers survive the harshest weather. Your blackbird might be shy :) but is certainly handsome.

    I like the idea of the tubes for pens and pencils--must try that :)

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Die Collage ist soo schön Valerie.. all die Glanzkomponenten sind himmlisch und die Nähte perfektionieren alles so schön! Diese Dosen sind ganz mein deem Lagenlook alter Ephemera und dieser Krakkeleffekt ist spitze...die sind fas Zu schön , wenn DU mich fragst..o.k. zu schön kann gar nichts sein!
    Die Herzechen sind allerliebst und werden Dir sicher sehr gelegen sein wenn Du sie in anderen Arbeiten zur Hand hast!
    Sehr weitsichtig Frau Jeal!
    Ich glaube Deine Amsel liebt Deinen Kaktus genauso wie ich...drum versteckt sie sich dahinter!
    und dass Ihr überall noch blühende Pflanzen habt zeigt wei warm die Region doch ist...
    bei uns gibt's sowas gar nicht!
    Die seltenen Wellen hast Du auch toll eingefangen!
    Schönen Tag liebe Valerie!

  6. Eine wirklich gelungene Collage - die Nähte dazu machen es perfekt!!!
    Hier ist es auch grau, nass und stürmisch - ideales Bastelwetter und es gibt ja noch einiges zu tun, damit nächste Woche meine Weihnadhtspost auf die Reise gehen kann. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und lass dich nicht wegpusten :-)
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  7. sehr schöner post, Valerie! die Elemente in der Collage passen so gut zusammen, und genähtes liebe ich sowieso... eine solche mail-art-verzierte rolle als stiftehalter muss ich mir auch mal machen, die sieht sooo klasse aus!
    noch ist das wetter bei uns heute einigermaßen - zeit, endlich einen Weihnachtsbaum zu kaufen!
    liebe grüße und schönes adventwochenende, johanna

  8. Wonderful and brilliant creation AGAIN, with the most gorgeous imagez and colours this one.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  9. Gorgeous makes today Valerie! I love the crackle texture on your pencil tubes and hearts, what a great gift for your friend! Looked like it was a quiet day there, sometimes that's a nice thing. Have a wonderful afternoon! hugs :)

  10. Genialer Materialmix deine Collage,super! Aber auch die Dosen und Herzen sehen total klasse aus.
    Auch deine schönen Fotos sind,wie immer, ein Genuß. Die Häuseransicht erinnert mich an Zons oder Kaiserswerth am Rhein. Ist es eins davon? Ich liebe diese schönen alten Städtchen. Mein Liebeling ist Zons mit der tollen Mauer drumherum, wir waren diesen Sommer schon 2x dort.
    Schönen 3. Advent und eine schöne Zeit.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Kaiserswerth am Rhein! Ich bin hier sehr gerne, und besuche Zons auch immer wieder gerne!

  11. What fabulous makes Valerie, I love the texture of the stitching and ribbon on your collage and those little pencil pots are fab. I'm currently sitting here relaxing and doing a catch up after a stressful couple of days. I had a puncture yesterday, thankfully I wasn't too far from home so hubby managed to come to the rescue and change the tyre in the freezing pouring rain. Also my spare freezer in the garage switched off. Thankfully there wasn't much in it but it's at least 20 yrs old so maybe it's just had enough! Lol! I also spent this morning doing some overdue H*K. Can you see my halo glowing! Enjoy your evening. Xx

    1. Oh, you poor dear, doesn't sound like it was a good day - things can only get better!

  12. Deine Häuser-Collage wirkt fast orientalisch, nur der Zwiebelturm fehlt...
    Auch ich habe immer Freude an meinen gefiederten Gästen, letztens war sogar ein Zaunkönig hier!
    Schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir - Ulrike

  13. Great Photos!!! There is absolutely nothing blooming outside here these days :( The birds are all adorable . Your collage is very nice and I love those cardboard tubes. I am going to have to play with some for sure :)

  14. You are such a multi talented artist liebe Valerie!
    It is a delight to see what you create in paper fabric and more...
    I think that your crackle effects add a nice bit of charm to your pieces!
    Today I thought we were being invaded by crows making such a lot of noise and circling high up in the sky for quite awhile. I couldn't really capture it in a photo. They are smart birds hope they aren't hatching some diabolical plan *ggg* ... caw caw caw
    Happy Weekend!

    1. Who knows - think of Hitchcock! They are sometimes very loud, that's true!

  15. oh the collage is wonderful, full of texture and color, love love it

  16. Beautiful collage, Valerie. The photo with the pot of flowers is lovely too.


  17. I'm enjoying your house series and like your ideas for the pencil tubes, especially for the travelling pencils, a sort of pencil bus. And it's always good to have a couple of collaged hearts just in case you need them later.
    I see the hiding blackbird has a different colour of beak, not all orange, so it must be fun looking out for him.

    1. There are lots of differences, some have different beaks, some have feathers which are different. It's fun watching out for them.

    2. We always have only one blackbird and if another turns up he is given short shrift. We have a garden that is closely guarded by the residents, especially the robin.

    3. The robin is the big boss here, too, chases the others away when he sees them. Too funny to see him chasing the huge pigeon off the tree!

  18. The tubes are fantastic!!! Dogs usually get mine to chew up and run around with. I may have to save some. Saw an eagle, it lit off from a tree right above us at the river this morning. Gosh are they magic. xox

  19. Wonderful art! I love the tubes and the calendar page is so lovely too! Beautiful bird pictures...

  20. Hi Valerie, what a wonderful collage. I love the colors and how you used all the elements for the scene. Like painting with ribbon. Love the cylinders and the hearts too. Sounds like wintry weather for you. Love the bird pic and reminds me when you hear it said, "it was so black it was blue"
    Have fun creating in your arty kitchen.

  21. Wonderful stitched collage, its a super scene. Loved the other projects and the hearts.
    Very cold and frosty here,.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I love those pencil tubes!! What a great idea!! thank you for sharing Valerie! xo

  23. Your village is wonderful and I am pea green with envy. Great collage and your tube are really grand as well.
    Sandy xx


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