Thursday 18 December 2014

Collage with a built in message

Hi Everybody!

We had a grey and cheerless day here, I got soaking wet walking, and after that I stayed home and 'played', baked and relaxed the rest of the day.

For Art Journal Journey I have made another collage in my giant journal - what else. This time it was inspired by Piet Mondrian, a Dutch painter. I drew the squares, and painted some with acrylic  paints in red, blue, green and yellow. I filled the white squares with scraps of printed and handwritten papers from letters written in the 1930s and 1940s,  as well as 2 halves of an airmail envelope from 1945. The letter was sent from Germany to Israel, and opened - and read - by a 'controller'. I painted over the texts with diluted gesso. This collage tells a story composed of colours and lines, words and sentences, but we each need to interpret it  for ourselves.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

At Moo Mania and More the theme is Merry Christmas, and I am showing one of my Christmas cards, made with figures cut from a paper napkin, fixed to card and fussy cut, and attached to  blue mirri-card with foam squares. The 'snow' has been made with Stickles and paper lace, and the scarf is a scrap of red wool.

And last but not least, some of today's visitors:

Have a great day you all, take care of yourselves,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. wonderful work for the challenges, you have such a knowledge of art. The birds are beautiful too.

  2. Loads of wonderful work today, love the collage, and the card is really fun, so pretty. Nice pictures, too - I like the way they are waiting for their turn in the tree! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Ich kann nur sagen : eine großartige Kollage!! Ein wunderbare Idee!
    Die Karte mit den Pinguinen ist einfach zauberhaft! Und wieder so viele verschiedene Vögel bei dir! Schöne Fotos!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  4. Boah... das sieht absolut gut aus dieser Mix aus Text und Mondrian Farben! EIne tolle Idee! Deine Pinguine sind herzallerliebst und wunderschön gestaltet ( danke♥ from MOO MANIA ♥)
    DIe Fotos machen mich wieder richtig fröhlich...
    aber jetzt ans fröhliche Putzen mit mir...hop hop!

  5. Terrific collage with wonderful bright colours-never heard of the srtist so much look him up.

    Terrific idea for the fun card--I like the dangles you added.

    Beautiful bird pictures--Mr and Mrs Blackbird now--how lovely. I hope they don't like your balcony so much they build a nest there.

    How is your finger? Much better now I hope.

    Have a good day with a lot less rain hopefully

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Goodness, I hope your finger is better today! I winced when I read your last post, but then smiled when I saw the last "visitors". Both pieces of art made me smile, too--especially the vibrant penguins!

  7. So many wonderful colours today Valerie! Love you little penguins! Fabulous collection of bird photos. Have a fabulous day, holiday hugs :)

  8. Ein wunderschöner Post ist das wieder, Valerie.

    Vielen Dank für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE.

  9. Great collage. Some of these old letters are so fascinating. I picked up a packet from the 40's that came from around here. xox

  10. Your journal page was very beautiful and moving. Love your Christmas cuties too. Stay dry today. Big hugs, ~Diane

  11. Au, das gefällt mir supergut!
    Zu mehr habe ich momentan kaum Zeit... aber bald wird es besser.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  12. Gorgeous work, Valerie! You take the inspiration and always inject your personal spin. LOVE your art. The cards are so adorable! <3

  13. Interesting collage today, Valerie. I love to view some of the handwriting from years back. We are getting away from handwritten letters which is a shame. In my day we had hand writing as a part of our education and then it went to printing letters and now computers. Hope your finger is healing well.


  14. Superb Mondrian collage, Valerie, and also with the drama of the handwritten letters.
    I love your Christmas card too, such a contrast.
    And your birds are definitely not "least", I love to see them.

  15. Loving your Mondrian art, he's one of the few artists I've heard of, lol. Your black lines are beautifully straight and I like the collage effect of the white blocks.
    Your blue tag is uber cute, as is that bird with the bit of bright blue plumage, do you know what type it is Valerie?
    Many thanks for your most recent kindly messages on my blog. I'm just beginning to get caught up with folks and fear I have missed so many wonderful posts, yet time will not allow any back-reading for now. I hope your finger feels better today.
    (hugs) :o) x

  16. Such great art! I especially love your sweet Christmas card!

  17. wow what a great collage, great ideas,

  18. Love the journal page, so thought provoking using the letters. The card is so cute, fantastic fun images.
    Yvonne xx

  19. I long ago ran out of adjectives for your art work! Love that red scarf. What did you bake?
    sandy xx

  20. Your cards are just so darn cute!!!! So Happy and Cheerful! Your collage is great too and those birds are so pretty. Sorry you got wet. We had snow again today... a very week heavy snow that will probably freeze tonight and turn into the dreaded ice :( The bright side is that tomorrow is supposed to be slight warmer so it should melt quickly.

  21. Your collage is rich in colour, form and history. What a magnificent keepsake you have made.
    What you can do with a napkin is amazing. Those little penguins look so puffy and lively. Fantastic card design.
    Blessing hugs,

  22. Mondrian's work is so recognisable-i really like your take on his style and live the idea if letters dating back to the 30s and 40s (it wasn't the originals you cut up though was it? !)

  23. I went to the Mondrain exhibition in Liverpool over the summer and was WoWed by his work. Seeing it up close was a real treat, love your take on his style, especially the collaged text! Warm wishes for the festive season x

  24. Oh, I love such squares, this type of art inspires also me.

    Cute Christmas card!!

    Merry Christmas, Valerie!

  25. Great paintings with squares. Love your bird photos! Have a Merry Christmas!

  26. I love the penguins!!!! And the bird pics are AWESOME!!!!! Your collage is great, love the bold colors! Deb

  27. that is one fantastic collage Valerie! Love your sweet penguins, and who doesn't love watching and photographing birds?

  28. Fabulous collage Valerie!! Also reminds me of Kandinsky! xo

  29. Very nice composition, exquisite collage! Some lovely pictures!

  30. Gorgeous love this style with the collage and bold lines and your card is soooo adorable I LOVE it!! Those birdies are precious. We have an infestation of bird flu at many farms 20 minutes from my home. So many have been's so sad.

    Hugs Giggles

  31. Lovely collage! And the birds look wonderful!

  32. really lovely pieces

    Happy Holidays

    much love...

  33. Ein wirklich interessante Idee Mondrian und alte Briefe zu mixen. Hast du Originale genommen?? Ich trau mich das nie und kopiere sie meist. Deine Karte ist allerliebst!!
    Liebe Weihnachtsgrüße

    1. Ich habe mehrer Kartons mit alten Briefe und Korrespondenz aus der Familie. Die meisten Teile sind total zerfleddert, und ich benutze sie so wie sie sind, eben meine Methode sie zu konservieren.

  34. I love how you incorporated the text into this piece. Beautiful work! Wishing you a wonderful X-mas ♥


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