Sunday 28 December 2014

Collage with memories of cake and chocolate.

Hi Everybody!

I was woken early this morning by the wind blowing hail and sleet against the window-panes, and it snowed and stormed most of the day. I am so glad I managed that wonderful walk yesterday, today it would not have been possible!

On Christmas day I went to a friend's for coffee and cake, and not only was it all delicious, but we had the most beautiful paper napkins. I took mine home with me, and used it for my collage for Art Journal Journey today. The background (A3) has been made with torn papers, printed and hand-written, and then painted with gesso. I collaged the images from the napkin using mod-podge. I mixed some yellowy-beige paint for the background, and then added some scraps of washi tape. The shiny red paper along the bottom edge was the wrapping paper from a bar of Galaxy which Suze kindly sent me, (thanks again!) along with other little presents which I will show in due time. This was a fun collage, with lots of old memories hidden in the background, and new and delicious memories at the front!

These photos were also taken yesterday when the weather was so nice.

And this is what it looked like today:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. ahhhh, what a difference a day makes!

  2. Ohhhh wie süss dein zwergen collage ist,ich bin hin und weg.
    die naturaufnahmen sind traumhaft schön,bei uns soll es auch bald schneien.
    hab einen schönen tag..


  3. Cute collage and lovely photos. But ooh that weather today. We are having springlike weather in the Toronto area, strange.

    1. oh and glad you had a nice Christmas Valerie!

  4. Love the collage, and I can imagine the cake and chocolate memories, yummy! Great photos, too, it is always so lovely along the Rhine, and I admire your patience with the bird photos. Stay warm! Hugs, Sarah

  5. What a joyful collage, Valerie! Love it and your photos are beautiful as always.
    We got a wonderful white Christmas just before it. All is white and clean now outside.
    Happy holiday season and a big hugs xx

  6. Ha, they are a jolly looking couple aren't they. Think they must've enjoyed cake and coffee too! Brr, your weather has definitely turned wintry, still blue skies but very cold here. Enjoy your Sunday, think I'll start the puzzle today! Xx

  7. Wonderful use of the napkin it is such a jolly collage..

    Beautiful photographs of your walk and so pleased that you managed to get out before the snow arrived.

    Have a lovely day today

    Hugs Chrissie x

  8. Wunderschön uns witzig, das gefällt mir, danke für das Lächeln was Du mir damit geschenkt hast!
    Die Fotos sind mal wieder einsame Spitze zum Dahinschmelzen.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes sonniges WE,
    lG Anja

  9. Really enjoyed your collage... very fun and so sweet!

  10. Hi Valerie! Thank you for the wonderful Christmas wishes you left me while I was away. I had such a great holiday, I hope you did too! Love your collage today and all the ones I missed...just playing catch up! Looks like the weather is finally catching up to you!

    It's great to be back, see you again soon, big new year hugs :)

  11. Your Journal page is beautiful, what a great idea to use the napkins! :) The photos are wonderful again, and wow you are having a wild weather day! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you all the best in 2015! Shirleyxx

  12. Valerie, your journal page is not only fun, but gorgeous! I love the way you used the Christmas napkins and all the added bits. Great collaged journal! Your walk looks chilly, but delightful. Glad you had a lovely Christmas! Hugs!

  13. Valerie, you are so talented! I love the Norwegian looking (to me!) Santas and their very wise sayings. The nature shots are beautiful, too. Wonderful collage.

  14. What fantastic and fun collage, Valerie! Love the great idea of napkins, the images are so cute.
    Beautiful photos as always.
    Hugs, Mar

  15. What a wonderful collage you created with perfect words too!
    You made me smile thinking of you tucking the napkin away to use in your art (we think alike!)
    No snow here in Virginia...yet
    just some cold rain coming.
    I do enjoy the snow ♥
    Stay cozy and warm dear Valerie.
    That bird with the blue on its wing looks so exotic to me.

  16. Darling bird photos and your collage makes me smile. I love how you wrapped the words around the images and also showed the backside of the image.

  17. What a terrific happy page, Valerie, it brought smiles to my face.
    Love the weather on the last photo, a perfect excuse to stay indoors and paint. It was a beautiful day here, clear blue skies with a lovely coldness in the air.

  18. What a lovely and festive piece of art! I love it! And your photos are just so very crisp and beautiful!

  19. Sweet couple there. Love your tree photos always. A timid but so darling bird. Back to walking again, did a 2 mile walk this morning and thought of you. xox

  20. Super cute images Valerie and your outdoor photo's are nice to look at always.
    We have quite cold temperatures here, -4 through the day lately, so we tend to stay at home. Hope you stay warm too ((hugs)) :o) x

  21. Love the sweet images! Inspiration really is all around us! I'm singing the snow, snow stay away song! It is getting colder here, though!

  22. A real fun, happy page, the couple look so sweet. Very icy and frosty for us, but none of the white stuff yet.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Love this, the writing is fun and true! Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. Cute collage and pics Valerie. .


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