Wednesday 17 December 2014

This and that for Wednesday

Hi Everybody!

I had another busy day, with 2 doctor's appointments, one of which included getting an abscess on my finger sliced open and drained. And in case any of you are wondering if it hurt - yes, it did. Tomorrow it will surely feel better!

And here is my daily collage for Art Journal Journey. I used scraps of printed paper from an old Sears and Roebuck catalogue from the 1890s, scraps of cardboard, ribbon, washi tape, printed images, and some hand-painted and stamped scraps. They were first glued to the kraft paper and then stitched.

And as today, Tuesday, the first Chanukah candle gets lit, here are 2 cards I made using images from Gecko Galz. Happy Chanukah to all friends who celebrate it!

I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, anything goes

My balcony was feeding ground for a lot of feathered friends again.

Wonder what this one's looking at?

This dancing wild-goose was up at the top of the castle-ruins this morning:

I have 2 different pigeons visiting now:

And these 2 sneaked up and wanted to have their photos taken, too, I think they get jealous!

Have a great day, whatever you are up to, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful collage. Happy Hanukkah! And lovely shots of the birds today. Hope the finger gets better soon, it does sound painful.

  2. Eine tolle Collage und schöne Bilder- deine beiden Piepmätze sind ja süß und soooo fotogen :-)
    Ich habe heute auch noch einen Arzttermin für mich und meine Ma und dann noch Physio - so geht der Tag auch schnell wieder um. Gute Besserung für deinen Finger und liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  3. Hi Val, love your collage, beautiful colours and combination again! Beautiful cards, too! The photos are fun today, love your 'special' birdies! Look after your finger, hugs, Sarah

  4. Really gorgeous creations as always with stunning images and colours.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. wow,eine tolle collage ist das,und deine zwei vögel in mütze und mäntelchen sind ja süss.
    gute besserung für deinen finger.
    hab einen schönen tag.


  6. Hope you finger feels a lot better now that the pressure has been released. These things are very nasty and especially for someone who uses their hands so much for crafting.

    Beautiful Collage--love the colours.

    Really lovely cards and very different as well.

    Lots of birds today and the last photograph is priceless. I will be smiling all day thinking about the little crocheted hat.

    Hope you day goes well

    Love Chrissie x

    1. I have a similar hat - you would be laughing all day if I showed you a pic of me wearing it!

  7. Deine Collage ist spitze heute wieder..das mit dem Kraftpapier ist einfach eine tolle Idee und ein super Effekt und die Nähte peppen alles perfekt auf! Die Karten sind einfach NUR schön... spitze und die Fotos sind Hammer ..das Mützchen des kleinen goldenen Piepmatz ist entzückend... ich denke Deine gefiederten Gäste werden wohl auch bald so ausstaffiert durch die Gegend fliegen... lol!

    Einen schönen Tag und weiterhin baldige Besserung !

  8. Happy Hanukkah Valerie, a beautiful card and collage and the birdies are fair enjoying the party on your balcony. Hope your finger is less tender today! Have a lovely Wednesday, I'm off out for a pot luck lunch with my sewing ladies. Xx

  9. die genähte collage ist wieder toll, und die 2 vögelchen sind ja wirklich süß ausstaffiert! ich puste gute heil-wünsche auf deinen finger und wünsche dir ein schönes chanukka!

  10. So beautiful collages and your photos are adorable, thanks for sharing.
    Hugs xx

  11. Beautiful collage and cards. What a find with those old catalogue pages. I love your stitching, especially on the collage as it is such an unexpected element.
    Darling little birds, especially the ones who dressed for the chilly weather.
    Hugs and smiles,

  12. Marvelous imagery and stitching in your collage. Sweet Hannukah cards Friends are lighting candles now I think. xox

  13. Great art and the cars are very nice! Love the dancing goose and that last photo is the BEST ♥♥♥♥♥

  14. OWEE on your finger...sending lots of healing wishes your way dear Valerie!
    I have to say nothing stops you from creating does it :-)
    Another beautiful collage and the stitching is such a great way to tie it all together!
    Tweet Tweet birdies that come to visit you
    lovely Hannukah cards too!

  15. Poorly finger, hope its not too painful tomorrow. Fabulous page and cards. The star photo today has to be the last one, loved those sweet birds all cosy in their hats and scarfs.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Beautiful Hanukkah cards, Valerie. We only have one friend here in our neighborhood who practices and she is very devoted. Boise had the first synagogue west of the Mississipi River. It was small and was moved to a new location here a couple of years ago to allow for more parking. The local members have an annual day each summer where they prepare authentic Jewish foods and sell them to the public as a fund raiser. The event is very popular and the food is wonderful. She taught me how to properly make matzo balls as matzo ball soup is a favorite of Jim's. She also taught me to use my 'pretty' things and not save them for another day. She still has numbers on her arm from earlier times so she appreciates every day and makes the best of them.

    Sorry you had a sore finger but happy you went and got it treated. Now is not the time to be down with hurts of any kind.


    The birds are very pleased with their feast each day on your patio and I had to chuckle at the last two who look well fed as is.

  17. Hi Valerie, so sorry about your finger. So hope it heals promptly with less pain. Just love your creations Valerie and even with a sick finger you manage to work great art. Lovely pics too.
    Feel better.

  18. Great pages! Love the cards - especially the second Chanukah card. Looks sacred to me. You have lots of lovely visitors on your balcony - adore the woodpecker. Hoping you are WELL! hugs, Donna

  19. Deine Kollage ist einfach wunderbar. Mir gefällt deine geradlinige Komposition mit den roten Nähten sehr! Einfach toll! Wunderschön sind auch die Karten!
    Unglaublich was für gefiederte Gäste du auf deinem Balkon hast ... sogar einen Specht!!! Tolle Fotos, liebe Valerie! Gute Besserung für deinen Finger!

  20. Always so well done! I bet your feathered friends love you! I wish I knew more about the Jewish faith but I plead guilty. Your cards are so pretty and I am sure full of meaning.
    Sandy xx

  21. Great collage and love your Chanukah cards!! Especially the second- I really love the use of the cardboard like that!!
    Beautiful birds Valerie- and yikes! Hope that finger heals quickly! xo

  22. Love all your beautiful creations and photos. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)


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