Tuesday 25 November 2014

Jam packed with Christmas Spirit and more

Hi Everybody!

Today we have a new challenge again at Try it on Tuesday, 'Christmas is coming'. I made a batch of Christmas jam, and have dressed the jars up to look festive. In the meantime I have 15 jars ready, so I will have lots of little presents for neighbours and/or friends. The jam is made with apples, coconut, almonds, raisins, mixed spice, cinnamon, ginger and vanilla, and the 'Christmas Spirit' was rum - of course, just to make sure it is all germ-free....
You have 2 weeks to get your creative juices flowing and link up your Christmas projects! Hope to see lots of you there!

At Tag Tuesday our theme is America. I made a tag, layering the images over and under a cut out 'window'. The statue of Liberty is a stamp from Scrollswork, all other images are from Gecko Galz.

For Art Journal Journey, 'Inspired by the Masters', I was once again inspired by Klee's cat. This time I painted it in acrylics, using the paints rather thickly to achieve some texture, and controlling my instincts to paint everything smoothly and tidily. The black lines were drawn with a thick/thin felt pen. This is the last of the Klees for the time being!

This is a photo of my shadow leaving the archway in front of me:

The visitors were busy all day, eating all they could:

Have a great day you all, 
take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. your jam looks amazing Valerie, and beautiful art today as well. Love the texture on the Paul Klee inspiration.

  2. Fabulous selection today! The jam looks delicious, the card is lovely, and your painting fantastic. The photos are top, too! Just great! Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh - deine Marmelade hört sich sehr lecker an - das richtige für ein gemütliches Weihnachtsfrühstück :-)
    Die Amerika-Karte ist klasse und dein Bild wieder meisterlich! Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag. Liebe Grüße Dagmar

  4. WONDERFUL YUMMY everything today Valerie.
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  5. Fantastic jars of your wonderful jam-they will be well received for sure.

    Wonderful America tag-we thought alike once again :)Mine has the same ideas.

    Love the Klee cat with it's vibrant background and the smug cat look that you created.

    Amazing pictures of the birds on your bird fat ball. I am sure not many people have ever seen a woodpecker close up--I know I haven't.

    Have agreat day

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Diese Marmaleda muss einfach nur köstlich schmecken! Und wie liebevoll diese Gläser aufgemotzt sind..da könnt ich mir eine Scheibe abschneiden auch mal so hübsche Geschenke zu machen ...also wenn es nicht zuviel verlangt ist, wäre eine genauere Rezeptur dazu ( so ungefähr ) bei Gelegenheit mal ein Hit!!!! Eilt aber nicht ..ich weiss nicht ob ich das noch heuer machen würde..... ts....(oder ist es eine Gehimrezeptur?)
    Die US Karte ist mit viel Geschick gemacht.. Du bist eigentlich auch eine Scrapperin im Herzen oder?
    Dein KLEE gefällt mir auch wieder sehr...ich bin ein großer Fan von ihm , wie Du vielleicht weisst!
    Danke sagt AJJ ! Dein Thema ROCKT wieder!
    Der Specht sieht schon richtig mollig aus .. kein Wunder bei Deiner Verpflegung!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag Valerie!

  7. Lovely post Valerie.....

    How wonderful to see a woodpecker on your feeder!

    Karen x

  8. Your jars are embellished so lovely - I'm sure they are delicious. Great idea for our theme.
    American-artpiece is stunning and I love your bird photos.
    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Your jam sounds so delicious, lucky friends and neighbours. and it's adorably decorated too with the happy gingerbread men.
    What a great painting of Klee's cat. I wonder what the Masters would have thought of our "Inspired by Challenge"? Maybe they would have a go themselves?
    Marvellous to have a woodpecker on your feeder and of course it's always good to see the bluetits.
    Have a great day and a good walk (if you go for a walk today).

  10. Yes, I think some of them would have joined in with the fun! I already had my first walk, the next one will be this afternoon!

    1. It's a great theme, I might continue it for the rest of the year, maybe once a month? - we'll see how it goes. I think artists like Klee and Alan Davies might have had fun with blogging and showing off their latest work.

  11. Good Morning Valerie. My mouth is watering at the thought of your jam and some hot toast. Lovely gifts. What a fabulous card too. Have a lovely day. Hugs Rita xxx

  12. It is posts like this that make me wish I lived closer to you....then we could share a cup of tea and some jam and watch the beauties visit for their snacks. We'll just have to do it virtually!
    Have a beautiful day!

    1. Yes, I often wish we didn't all live so far apart!

  13. What fantastic jars so beautiful decorated, Valerie! I really love them. Your GG piece is fabulous with a great design. Your Klee's cat painting is an amazing artwork.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. What a sweet and thoughtful gift. I'm sure they we'll love it! Yum
    Hugz, Z

  15. WOW Dein Klee macht mich sprachlos, richtig super. Auch die abdere Collagekarte ist toll und natürlich die Fotos. Hier ist es heute wie gestern trübe und kalt, nix Sonne:-(
    LG Anja

  16. Fabulous makes today Valerie. Love the journal page cat. Your jam gifts will be a huge hit with the folk who are lucky, to receive a jar. Its sounding so delicious, I am imagining a cold night ,a cup of coffee and hot buttered toast, topped with the jam. YUM.
    Yvonne xx

    1. That's just what I had this afternoon - I kept a few jars for myself, too!

  17. Well hello Mummy Longlegs! Fab art today Valerie, I do love the Klee's cat and your jam always sounds so yummy. xx

  18. Beautifully decorated gifts! I love it when someone does something different! Nikki xx

  19. Your jam looks delicious Valerie and sounds divine! It is so much fun to follow you because I can never tell what kind of art I will see next! I also love seeing what you are cooking up, both on the stove and in your journal!
    Sandy xx

    1. Nice to see you again Sandy! Mostly I don't know myself what will be on my blog menu from day to day!

  20. Your Jams look lovely and whoever gets one is very lucky indeed. Love the art... Reminds me of the art in my first apartment ....many moons ago :)

  21. Those jam jars look so festive and I'm sure they will be well received. x

  22. Love your idea to decorate your jam jars for holiday gifts. I plan to do the same and like your ideas. What an inspiration you are, Valerie. Interesting photos of the shadows and "God Bless America" tag is needed right now as areas of our country are in great strife with protests and property being damaged. It is hard for me to understand that people who do not agree with the law cannot respect property and lives of others.

    Hugs for you,

  23. Indeed, Carolyn, and not only America needs God's blessing. I can understand people demonstrating and being frustrated, but running wild and destroying everything they can get their hands on is another story. The same thing happens everywhere these days, freedom seems to be oft misunderstood.

  24. Love the sound of your jam Valerie - perfect for hot buttered toast Mmm.
    Fabulous pictures of your visitors. Avril xx

  25. Lovely looking jam and great decorations hugs Bee


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