Thursday 13 November 2014

Inspired by Klimt

Hi Everybody!

The week is racing by again, and I still haven't worked out where the time goes to; I get up in the morning, do this and that, and then I notice it's getting dark already. I am sure days used to be longer!
We had nice weather again, cold but with sunny intervals, and a wonderful sunrise and sunset.

I decided to do a Klimt page in my Giant Journal for Art Journal Journey, inspired by the masters, and tried to do my version of 'The tears of a woman'. I spent a lot of time working on it, with the gilding flakes, and little mosaic pieces, but am not really happy with it now it is finished. But I did enjoy getting painty and sticky, so that's something! After drawing the face I painted her with gold acrylic paint, and did the hair with gold and bronze  structure paste, into which I stamped with my scroll stamp for waves. Klimt often does a sort of mottled background, which I also tried, but it doesn't really look right. I will try again, and hope the next one will be better.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

Today I have the pictures of the sky in the morning, and the colours are different now than in summer, and very beautiful: 

And in the evening at the Rhine:

Here's hoping the sun shines for you today! 
Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! I love what you have made, and can't understand why you are not quite happy with it. You have put so much time and love and energy into creating this, and it shows! Have a great day, and take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  2. Ich weiss gar nicht was Du hast?! Ich finde sie wunderschön ... sie ist eine Schönheit!
    Ja ich kenne das aber , von daher kann ich DIch verstehen, manchmal stellen wir uns einfach was anderes vor und mögen nicht, wenn es nicht exakt unserern Vorstellungen entspricht..gibt solche Werke...

    Ich mag sie und Klimt würde sie sicher auch gemocht haben- und wäre sicher geehrt, dass wir uns so um ihn bemü!

    Deinen Sonnenauf- und Untergänge sind himmlisch gelungen..welch prachtvoille , spezielle Farben!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Tag und
    im Namen von Art Journal Journey!

    1. Danke, es ist einfach, dass meine Vorstellung und das fertige Bild weit von einander entfernt sind!

  3. I really like your tears of a woman, and the techniques you used. We're fog bound today, but we have had some lovely afternoon/evening skies lately.

  4. Stunning photographs Valerie with such richness of colour. How wonderful that you can see them from where you are--we have to walk about a mile to get even a glimpse of the sunset. Nice for us to face South and have sun on the from of the house for most of the day but I do miss the full on sunrise and sunset. Thank you for sharing yours.

    Wow! To the artwork today. It is splendid with the bejeweled look you create and the marvellous shapes.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. I'd be very happy if I'd made this wonderful work of art, the colours are textures are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Dramatic and full of beautiful elements. Great work and fabulous photos.
    Hugs xx

  7. Gorgeous the fantastic colour combo and design aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  8. Love this piece, it is gorgeous in my opinion, very seasonal in all its glitter too. Beautiful skies.

  9. Wow your artwork is stunning, I love love the textures and design. Your sunrise & set photos are also beautiful. Have a fabulous day, Shirleyxx

  10. This is stunning Valerie, love all the beautiful texture and the tears are gorgeous! You really put a lot of work into all the texture and the pieces, it is lovely! Big hugs, ~Diane

  11. Wow, this page looks stunning. Love the tears and the amazing rich shine on the textures.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Oh Valerie, your Klimt art is wonderful, I really love how you've done the tears. Can you please send the blue skies over here, it's been overcast for days! Xx

  13. Hi Valerie, Your Klimt creation is wonderful. I love how you designed the tears flowing down her face. Just beautiful!! Your pics are great and have a the look of cold weather. We are having bitter cold temps this week and so not ready for this but it is cozy for creating.
    Happy Thursday!!

  14. Wow,ich finde dein bild auch wunderschön,sie schaut zwar etwas ernst,aber das ist doch egal,sie drückt soviel schönheit mir iihrem goldglanz aus.
    tolle bilder hast du wider für uns,ich bin immer noch dolle erkältet und im bett *snief*mit heißem teee,dicke kuschelsocken.
    wünsch dir einen schönen abend,liebe valerie.


    1. Du arme Socke! Gute Besserung, pass auf Dich auf und halte Dich schön warm und kuschelig!

  15. Oh! I do LOVE your KLIMT!!!!! The tears are so awesome!!!! Beautiful skies in your photos. We are cold here but at least sunny so far.

  16. It's wonderful, Valerie! You should be very happy with it! It's beautifully artsy, I love how you captured the tears,.. Gorgeous artwork! xxx

  17. Ich wusste doch, dass du dir Klimt noch vornehmen wirst... es ist wunderschön geworden mit den vielen glitzerigen Details! Besonders gefallen mir auch die Goldstaubtränen.

    Heute ist bei mir auch alles wieder im Lot, und danke für deine Aufmunterung.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  18. Great textures with a fabulous result on this painting. I really like all the details you have incorporated. I love it! Hugs, Mar

  19. This is possibly one of my all time favourites you have created ... it is stunning.
    You captured so perfectly the essence of his work, there is a beautiful feeling exuding from your journal page.

  20. Da brauch nix beim nächsten mal besser werden, das ist großartig geworden und genau richtig in dem Stil!!
    Und Deine Fotos sind auch mal wieder zum Niederknieen schön mit tollen Stimmungen.
    LG Anja

  21. I think she's pretty spectacular. I love the texture and all the details you put into it. Maybe not Klimt exactly, but what an original take on him.

  22. LOVE your journal page, Valerie!!!.. And good to visit with you again. It's been a while, I know... Beautiful photos!! ~tina

  23. OOHhhhh I love this piece. There is something Greekish to it. LOL Seriously love it.

  24. I think you should be very happy with your work! i think you should hang it on your wall!! Congratulations on a job well done! patsy

  25. Fascinating process..wonderful texture and I love the gold....very pretty work!

    Hugs Giggles

  26. I am a huge klimt fan and you have captured his colour palette beautifully. I love gold flakes too and use them all the time. The contrast between paint and metallic facinates me.

  27. Beautiful set of sunsets and fantastic and very creative Klimt expression. Thank you for sharing.

  28. Such gorgeous work Valerie!

  29. Wow Valerie. You can see all the hard work you put in and it was well worth it. It's amazing.

  30. Texture, metallics and jewels, what's not to love. xox

  31. I can see you put a lot of time and details into this piece, and I really like how it came out!

  32. Loving your work with the Masters! This has such sparkle!!

  33. Yes, very nice your inspiration from Klimt, full of tenderness and delicacy!

  34. Klimt inspired journal page looks awesome! Love the textures and the glitter :)
    AWESOME Skies there :D

  35. So why don't you like her so much? I think she's gorgeous, a wonderful piece of art. There seem to be so many layers, and the way you incorporated the sparkle and glitter is great. I really like this painting.
    Wonderful photos again - the landscape of my childhood. We had fog this morning, but it's burning off and the sun is coming through. It's going to be a wonderful day (it's not even 8:00 am yet).

    1. Yes, she's nice, but it was just a huge gap between how I wanted her to be and how she turned out!

  36. I love the chunky impasto painting and mixed media. Wonderful Klimt inspired piece.

  37. You did an amazing job with your Klimt inspired art project!! And your scenic photos are so beautiful too.

  38. Hi Valerie! I think you've made an awesome piece here. I don't understand what's not to like! Sometimes we are our own worst critic. Such gorgeous detail...Bravo! And I really enjoyed your scenic photos! Big Hug!!

  39. I think it looks great. Love how you did her "tears"..... And those sunset-pictures are gorgeous!

  40. I love all the texture and colors in your painting. And thank you for sharing the awesome pictures too! Happy PPF! Rasz #67

  41. Klimt is my favorite artist in the world, along with Egon Shiele. I often wonder how Klimt creates that gorgeous shimmery golden effect. You have done a wonderful job recreating it and then your face is somehow reminiscent of and indian mask, very mysterious and tranquil. Really original idea.Happy PPF

  42. Wow this is one of my favourites Val, I think it's wonderful, the textrues and colours are just gorgeous, as are your photographs

  43. A wonderful Interpretation of this amazing painting Val - and as always stunning photography

  44. I think it is stunning. I adore the gilded tears. Klimt has always been a favorite of mine!

  45. Also, ich finde sie wunderschön! Wo am Rhein bist du denn heimisch?
    Happy PPF und einen wundertollen, kreativen Sonntag! - Irma

  46. She is absolutely wonderful. I too think the background to the right and behind her is too distracting. She needs a plainer background to bring her and all her beauty forward. Blessings, Janet PPF


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