Sunday 9 November 2014

Inspired by Miró

Hi everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit. Thanks for all the good wishes, I am staying home for a couple of days and hoping to feel better soon.

Today I took my inspiration from Joan Miró. I made this painting a couple of years back for a challenge. It is painted with acrylics on an A3 paper. I wanted to make it a bit surreal, so I made an abstract background inside 'my' head and drew Miró's 'Woman in front of the sun' onto it.

For my new piece, I printed a copy of 'my' head onto an old dictionary page and fussy cut it. I made a background in my A3 journal using oil pastels in yellow and pink (for the sun). I heated it with the heat gun to make the oil pastels melt, that way it is possible to write on it afterwards with sharpies or gel-pens. I used the pattern of the woman's hair to put some punky  'hair' around 'my' head. Once again I used oil pastels which I heated. I added the title and the Miró's name and dates of his birth and death, and a few scraps of tissue tape as embellishments. It was fun making new from old for this. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, inspired by the masters.

Today I have some photos taken through my (not very clean) window. I nailed some fat balls onto the side walls of my balcony for the tits, as they rarely get a look-in at the feeder which is always hogged by their larger colleagues.... Those big guys - pigeons, jays, magpies and crows - would love to get at the fat-balls, so I watched them flattering like humming birds in front of them, and trying in vain to get at the goodies. It seems to be a case of the other man's grass is always greener!

Have a great Sunday, take care of yourselves, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. you know so much about artists. Nice trick to aid the little ones!

  2. What a wonderful piece, there is always a lot going on in your head, figuratively and otherwise! Just wonderful. Love the photos of the little tits, too. Good idea! I am enjoying a quiet moment till the littl'uns wake up, and then I will have to get cracking on breakfast! Have a good day, hope you soon feel better! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabelhaft sind Deine Arbeiten-- die frühere Miro Version ist ja schon klasse und was Du nun damit gemacht hast ist fantastisch! Du bist brav die Vögelchen so super zu füttern.... wie mein Mann, der füttert sie das ganze Jahr über, weil er Angst hat ,dass die jungen Meisen nicht durchkommen, wenn die Eltern Nahrung für sie von den chemiegespritzten Feldern holen..wir hatten vor zwei Jahren alle Jungen im Brutkasten kurz vor flügge werden verloren und sind sicher dass die gespritzen Felder schuld waren ..denn genau zu dieser Zeit fuhren die Bauern mit ihren Giftspritzen vorbei...
    Inzwischen hat es sich herumgesprochen, dass mein Mann die beste Vogelgaststätte hier weit und breit bewirtschaftet und dementsprechend ist hier emmens was los... der Specht ist der King hier und liebt die Meisenknödeln über alles - vor allem, die, die ich im WInter mit Kokosflocken, Haferflocken und Palmfett für sie extra mache- aber sie vertragen sich alle und jedes findet was Passendes zum futtern..leider kommt ab und an ne Katze und fängt sich ein Vögelchen, obwohl unsere Hunde bestens achtgeben, dass keine Katzen kommen....aber sie schieben halt leider keinen Rundumdienst...

    Danke für Deine vielen Ideen zum Thema Valerie!
    Baldige Besserung Liebe!
    schönen Indoor Sonntag wünsch ich Dir!

  4. Super image and colours are wowow.... fabulous design..xx
    aNNie The Journey is the Start

  5. Sorry you still aren't well Valerie and I hope the staying in and keeping warm works for you and you are soon back to your bubbly self again

    Great piece of art and another artist I don't know so must investigate.

    Pleased that staying in hasn't stopped your photography. What a delight for you to have birds so close to you. Thank you for sharing them

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Hope you are feeling better today Valerie, it's not like you to have to stay at home is it. Love your picture, it's very satisfying blasting oil pastels lol. I'm glad the little birds are getting their share of food (and you gt to laugh at the big ones) :-) xx

  7. Ha, I love the punk hairdo. I have to say, I've never heard of this artist either, you're always educating us Valerie! Have a warm, snuggly, lazy day inside. Hope you're feeling better soon. Xx

    1. I am so glad to be able to educate the masses....

  8. Sorry You're feeling poorly Valerie and hope you feel better soon.
    Fabulous artwork, I haven't heard of the artist so will Google her later.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Sorry, just looked up the artist found out he's a him not a her.
    xxx Hazel

  10. Wow Valerie, you have such an amazing talent. I love the updated version of your original piece. Glad you are staying in a few days to get better quicker.

  11. You must be really ill to stay inside this long :( Sending you Healing thoughts and prayers ♥ Love your art for the day and will be checking out this new to me artist...THANKS for sharing and I love what you fixed for the little birds ♥ I will be trying that too :)

    1. True, I only stays home when things are bad. My temperature is getting less so I am hopeful!

    2. True, I only stays home when things are bad. My temperature is getting less so I am hopeful!

  12. Awesome art piece, so very pink, to grab your attention. love the bids photos.
    hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Another terrific art piece thanks to Miro for inspiration. I'm surprised the larger birds don't knock down your little balls of seed for the smaller birds. Very clever idea to make sure they get fed especially when the cold sets in. Take care of yourself and get well.


  14. Fabulous art Valerie. So well thought out and the drawings are superb. Love the idea of the nail on the wall for the bird balls. We make our own and put them in a mesh container, but as you said the bigger birds are first in line. I'm going to look for a nail now. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Hugs Rita xxx

  15. Dieses wunderbare Mirò-angelehnte-Bild in tollen Farben sollte dich eigentlich schon wieder gesund gemacht haben, richtig klasse!
    Meine Balkonmeisen sind noch nicht da, aber ich habe auch noch kein Futter rausgehängt...
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht Ulrike

  16. Hope you are feeling better soon Valerie. Love your wonderful creation and the steps in your process.
    Great pics of the birds feeding outside your window. Such sweet little birds. Your idea to nail to the wall is wondeful!
    Have a nice day!

  17. I love what you did with that original art piece. It looks great on the text. Thanks for the tip about heating oil pastels. I just got a set last week. I am definitely going to try that.
    Oh my heart, that little bird is SOOOOO darling. This morning a little chickadee flew onto my windowsill right where my two cats were sitting. They went ballistic! I could almost hear the little bird laughing as it flew away.

    1. Yes, my cat used to have similar reactions, I can really imagine your two!

  18. Fabulous page and I love your words.
    I'm glad you are taking it easy for a couple of days and getting yourself better. Wee Man has an awful cold just now, so I'm keeping him home from school tomorrow, tho' he's not happy about that.
    Great ingenuity on your part, nailing the fat-balls to the wall, I'm impressed. I'm not sure I'd get a nail into my stone walls, haha.
    Thank you for your comments on my blog Valerie, they never fail to make me smile ((hugs)) :o))

  19. You've outdone yourself with this piece, Valerie, love the head itself, the patterned contents (especially Miro's woman) and the fantastic hairstyle.
    Great idea with the birds too.

    1. Thanks - if I were 30 years younger I would have a haircut like that myself!

  20. I really like this - the head is gorgeous, and the hair around it fabulous! The color really pops.


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