Tuesday 4 November 2014

Inspired by...., raindrops and birds

Hi everybody!

We had a cold, grey and wet day here, thank goodness for wellies and raincoats! On my walks I had plenty of opportunities for taking photos of raindrops!

I spent this afternoon in my arty kitchen painting, this time inspired by Henri Rousseau (1844-1910), a self-taught French  painter whose works can be classified as naive and post impressionistic. I love his jungle pictures, full of strange plants, which often remind me of places like Queue Gardens, and exotic animals. I painted the background in my A3 journal again using acrylics, and then drew the plants with felt pens, gel-pens and a white pen.  The leopard was stamped onto paper using Archival black and black EP, coloured, and then fussy cut. The lion is a rub-on. The butterfly was stamped directly onto the 'sky'. The stamps and rub-on are from LaBlanche. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, 'Inspired by the masters', and Fashionable Stamping Challenges, animals., and to Moo Mania and More, favourite colours.

This morning I could only see the trees directly behind the house, the rest was lost in the mist:

Here the mist started to lift:

The trees and flowers hung full of sparkling raindrops:

The spider's web turned into a glittering curtain in front of this hollow tree:

Have a lovely day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Val, this is stunning, a dream. I love how you have painted it, and am always astonished that you can do something new and different every day . Just great. Wonderful photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. This is just gorgeous. Love the colours. x

  3. Wonderful artwork Valerie with fabulous colours.

    Rain adds beauty to the photographs I think-the spider's one is amazing

    Love Chrissie x

  4. Lovely art and photos! All of a sudden the leaves are off the trees.

  5. AMAZING PAGE - absolut himmlisch Deine Seite und ganz zu schweigen von den herrlichen Fotos... die Wassertropfen sind sensationell schön gelungen und eine der Vogelaufnahmen hab ich gestohlen und in meinen Digi Arbeitsordner gepackt.....(hoffe Du erlaubst wieder)
    Ich freu mich dass wir alle so viel Spaß beim neuen Thema haben ... Du inspirierst und herrlich
    Madame Valousseau!

    1. Wir erlauben! Es freut mich wenn Leute meine Fotos benuzten können!

  6. wow,ein wunderschönes bild,gefällt mir sehr,sehr,sehr.
    hab einen schönen tag,liebe valerie.


  7. Was für ei tolle Arbeit - ich mag besonders den Ausschnitt mit dem blauen Himmel zum satten Grün des Dschungels. Tolle Regen-Fotos und bei dir blühen ja auch noch Rosen! Hier ist der Regen nun auch angekommen aber ich muss heute eh mit meiner Mutter zum Arzt - das wird wieder dauern.
    Hab einen schönen Tag.

  8. Love your gorgeous colours here Valerie, just a stunning work of art, along with your photos.... a pleasure to view..
    aNNie xxThe Journey is the Start

  9. Oh well done! The moment I clapped eyes on it I knew it was Rousseau inspired!

  10. Brilliant artwork, the colours are so lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Oh my gosh, your piece today! Those colours are just gorgeous and so well put together, I couldn't stop looking at it! I just love the rain, so these photos are amongst my favourites! Have a great day! hugs :)

  12. A wonderful tribute to the great artist of Naive Art . Du hast es ganz toll nachempfunden, Rousseau würde es mögen.
    Danke auch wieder für die schönen Stimmungsfotos.
    LG Anja

  13. Amazing artwork, I love your jungle and the waterdrops photos are gorgeous as well. The bottom one would make a stunning abstract hanging on the wall. Sounds likes a great day in spite of rain, Shirleyx

  14. Eine sehr schöne Creation, Valerie, und die Fotos sind auch wieder großartig

  15. I wouldn't mind being somewhere hot and tropical at the moment Valerie, it's rather chilly here today! Your painting is lovely and your raindrop pics are FAB! love them. xx

  16. Oh it does look wet and dreary but your art cheers us up. Another wonderful piece inspired by Rousseau.

    Stay dry when you take your walks.

  17. What a beautiful art piece inspired by Rousseau. You captured the style well.
    Lovely raindrop pics. We are enjoying the same here. Actually I enjoy to paint raindrops of flower now and then.
    Have a great day!!

  18. Another GREAT Journal Page ♥♥♥♥♥ Your raindrop photos area fantastic...love the two with the birds :) We had lots of cold rain yesterday...burrrr.. today it's sunny but colder. Once the sun starts setting I"ll be lighting the fireplace. Me thinks it's going to be a very cold winter again this year :(

  19. Weißt du, dass ich abends vor dem Einschlafen ständig an irgendwelche Künstler denken muss, weil dieses Thema mich beschäftigt... und gestern Abend hatte ich Rousseaus Bilder vor Augen!!!
    Du hast ihn wunderbar wieder lebendig gemacht mit deinem Bild!
    LG Ulrike

  20. Super painting Valerie. You must work very quickly to produce such lovely things everyday. The raindrop pictures are so lovely, like jewels just hanging around. :o))

  21. What fantastic painting, Valerie! Love the colours. Great inspiration of Rousseau art. Today the photos are wonderful. Hugs, Mar

  22. Gorgeous journal page, love the beautiful details you have in it too! Love the beautiful quote to go with it, so fitting too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. Superb Rousseau-inspired painting, very well done, love the slab of blue sky with the butterfly.
    Great photo of the black bird against the mist, then the mist lifting and then all the damp photos, made me feel right at home.

  24. Love your painting Valerie, great colours and fantastic animals. So pleased you are sharing it with us at FSC this time.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Lovely all the way, Valerie! The animals are fabulous and so are your photos. Hugs!

  26. Love your jungle piece! Great photos too. I feel like I get to go walking with you when I check in.

  27. stunning work, as are your photos. Helene

  28. was für ein wunderschöner post! sowohl deine rousseau-interpretation als die Fotos!

  29. Wunderschöne Foto's, herrlich!

  30. Fabulous Jungle project Valerie, love the painted background for the animals.
    Love the photos, especially the 'bird silhouette' first two.
    Avril xx
    p.s. Thanks for linking up to FSC

  31. Those raindrops look very familiar lol, love the jungle picture xx

  32. Wunderschöner stimmungsvoller Post! Tolle Fotos und super Dschungelseite!
    LG Gabriele


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