Saturday 8 November 2014

Inspired by Van Gogh

Hi Everybody!

Today I am not feeling good, I have had a bad throat since Thursday, and it's getting worse. Yesterday evening I had fever and went to bed at 7 pm, which is most unusual for me. It was  extremely cold and windy, so I am happy that today is a bit warmer, although I have decided to stay home all day and get better! I can't remember the last time I stayed in all day, I must be feeling bad!

My painting today was inspired by Vincent van Gogh. I used a brush wipe sheet which had a lot of blue and a bit of red on it, added some blue spray to darken it, and some fairy dust. Then I drew the picture, from memory,  with pastel chalks and oil pastels, and sprayed it with hairspray as fixative. I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Inspired by the masters.

Yesterday started off windy, but with a lovely sunrise. It clouded over very quickly, and got really stormy.

The birds were sitting in the morning sun waiting for me to fill the feeder, which empties very quickly.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sport to hear your poorly Valerie. Best to stay clear of germs and try and get rid of the sore throat. I absolutely love your painting, the vivid colours look magical. Fantastic pictures too. Comforting Hugs. Rita xxxxx

  2. Love what you have made Val, I remember when we went to the VG museum in Holland. Take care of yourself and get better - good idea to stay home for once! Love the photos, those birds and colours in the sky are so pretty. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh yes, this one had to make into the challenge! Stunning blue. I just have to do something with my oil pastels already - they are sitting there doing nothing at the moment.

  4. Das ist wunderbar Valerie... eine fantastische Arbeit.... Madame " V. van Jael" !
    und bleib schön zu Hause heute! Versprich das!

    1. Ja, Mutti, ich bin brav und bleibe heute hier!

  5. So sorry to hear you haven't felt well the last couple of days and I hope that having a rest today will make you better again. Sometimes it is the only way--have lots of drinks--not alcohol-just water based.:)

    Wonderful autumn photographs Valerie--the birds look glorious against the unusual coloured sky.

    Love the painting with it amazing colours and the brilliant way you use chalks. I feel inspired by you to try those though I have failed to use them well in the past.

    Take care and get well again soon

    Love and a hug Chrissie x

  6. Stunning painting. Love the vibrant lines and bright colours you used. Thanks for beautiful photos.
    I hope you feel better soon, Valerie.
    Hugs xxx

  7. Gorgeous creation using fantastic colours...lovely all round...
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  8. Ein tolles expressives Bild hast du gemalt - und das trotz deiner Krankheit!
    Aber manchmal gelingen die schönsten Werke, gerade, weil man sich nicht so wohl fühlt. Das war ja bei van Gogh genau so!
    Ein schönes Wochenende zu Hause wünscht Ulrike

  9. Hope you are feeling better soon! Also hope it isn't strep throat you have. You did a great job on your piece too. Really looks like Van Gogh!

  10. Amazing painting and gorgeous photos, I love the sunrise! Have a wonderful weekend, I hope you are feeling better soon, Shirleyx

  11. Love the bird photos, I can relate to Van Gogh's well known piece. Get well soon, hope you had your flu shot.

  12. Love the Starry Night! Vincent is one of my favorites!!! He's next on my list! Great Photo's. You always have such nice images!

  13. Sorry you are not well today, Valerie. It is time to stay inside, drink a lot of liquids and stay warm. If you have some honey, a tablespoon or so will soothe the throat. We are expecting the cold front from the north next week for very cold temperatures. Perhaps the full moon is getting to all of us in one way or another.

    Love your Van Gough art. You are so talented and can draw perfectly regardless of the theme.

    Get well hugs,

  14. Sorry to hear you're under the weather Valerie, hopefully a day of rest will do you the world of good. Your pastel art is fab, I do love the swirly sky! Take good care and keep cosy! Xx

  15. Hope you are feeling better today and taking care of yourself!!! Love you painting!!! One of my favorite Van Gogh paintings and you did a great job!! The birds are pretty and those stormy skies have a beauty all their own. Take care and feel better my friend. Drink lots of hot tea... thyme tea is great for sore throats ♥

  16. Hi Valerie, so sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. My hubby got the same thing and it went into bronchitis so be very careful. Your work is gorgeous at a beautiful impression of Van Gogh. Love your pics too and the birds in the trees are so pretty against the sky!!
    Feel better!!

  17. I am making chicken soup today, wish I could send you some!! xo

  18. Zuerst einmal wünsche ich dir gute Besserung - Hühnersuppe wäre jetzt genau das richtig für dich - das ist immer gut für Körper und Seele.
    Das Bild ist einfach gigantisch toll!!!! Bleib schön Zuhause und kurier dich aus, ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

    1. Ja, aber vorher muss ich ein Huhn einfangen....Ich hab aber Gemuesesuppe!

  19. Sorry you are not feeling well, stay warm and take care of that sore throat! Your Van Gogh inspired piece is in itself inspirational! Take care, big hugs, ~Diane

  20. Really love the stunning painting with the amazing colour combo and drawings. Brilliant! Thanks for the lovely pictures.
    Take care of yourself, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  21. Super swirly van Gogh and I love the sky photos.
    But most important of all - look after yourself and get better soon.

  22. A gorgeous pastel piece, love the sense of freedom and colours . I hope you have had a restful day and feel a lot better tomorrow.
    Take care. Yvonne xx

  23. This is a gorgeous piece. Love the vibrant blue. Hope your throat is feeling better soon. x

  24. I truly hope you are feeliing better by the time you read this.
    Your painting is wonderful and the photographs richly coloured :o)

  25. Love this piece, your blues are amazing!! Hope you're feeling a lot better now xx

  26. I am so sorry that you are not feeling well and from the sounds of things you might be done and out for a few days. I know you like coffee but now might be a good time for hot tea and crawling into bed with a good book.
    Your painting is fabulous - I love Van Gogh! There is a wonderful book out there CALLED DEAR THEO - it is a compilation of Vincent ' s letters to his brother Theo. Without intending to, Vincent has left us his autobiography. After Theo' death, his widow kept all of Vincent ' s letters. I love to read and this has to be one of my very favorites. I think you would enjoy it.
    Do try to get some rest Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  27. Love the vibrant colors in your nod to Van Gogh! Sorry to hear you are feeling ill--hot tea and maybe some of that "special" jam--you know, the one with the ingredient that helps preserve it, might help! Feel Better!

  28. Dein van Gogh gefaellt mir wirklich gut! Die alten Meister sind schon eine wunderbare Inspiration.


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