Wednesday 26 November 2014

Clogs, boots and blue skies

Hi Everybody!

We had another frosty night here, followed by a cold and sunny day,
which I enjoyed, even if I was very busy. But between walks and English coaching I found time for some painting and crafting,
so that was good.

For Art Journal Journey, I was once again inspired by Vincent Van Gogh to make a page in my giant journal.  I was fascinated by his painting of clogs, which he evidently made when he was bored, and could not leave the house because of bad weather.

I don't have any clogs, so decided to use my fave boots:

The photo was digitally altered and re-coloured, fussy cut, and then placed onto a background which was first painted with water-colours, and then patterned with pastel chalks. I think some of you will remember that song sung by Nancy Sinatra

I had fun making this page!

I was awake early again and was able to watch the day dawning, and emerging from the mist and frost:

I love walking through the frosty leaves:

Another altered sign along the Rhine towpath:

The sky was blue:

The shadows of the trees on the house looked like they had been painted:

And the view of the opposite side of the road was very clear in the book / toy-shop window:

And I had to watch the sun setting over the Rhine again:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Loved your boots and now iam siging the song

  2. Was für eine fantastische Kombination aus ditaler Bearbeitung und dem gemalten Hintergrund - ein alter Meister ganz jung interpretiert - GENIAL!!!!
    Das Schild ist ja lustig "aufbereitet" - grins
    Hier war es gestern grau aber ich wahr eh den halben Tag mit meiner Ma beim Arzt und dann wurde es schon fast wieder dunkel. Danke für die sonnigen Bilder - ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag :-) Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  3. That's an awesome Van Gogh inspired piece, love them both! Great photos too.

  4. Fantastic piece today, What a fun idea with the boots! Great idea to make a Van-Gogh from them, very clever indeed. Love all the photos, too, especially the tree shadow. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Was für eine geniale Idee zur Umsetzung dieser Stiefel! Super!
    Deine AUfnahmen sind einmalig schön Valerie!
    Hab einen tollen Tag und viel Spaß bei allem was er für Dich bereithält heute!

  6. Wow what a super painting of your boots. Love the gold speckles, super photos too. x

  7. What a great idea to use your boots for the artwork--I think I had better do a painting of mine as the weather is so awful here today that I won't be using them for walking.

    Love the photos today with so much variety to admire. I do like the idea of altering road signs though with so much CCTV I imagine I would be noticed instantly if I tried it.

    The best one for me just has to be the toy shop window with the marvellous reflection of the other side of the road--just amazing to capture that.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  8. That song is so appropriate for you Valerie! A great page and pics, I love the one of the tree shadow on the house. Enjoy your Wednesday. Xx

  9. WOW your page is amazing, I love it! Your altered boots is such a creative idea. The colours and texture is fantastic. The photos again are beautiful, the frosty leaves are stunning. I hope you are doing well, Shirleyx

  10. From sun up to sun down--your photos are all beautiful! I love your boots and yes, am old enough to remember that song well! I love the reflection in the toy shop window--how clever of you to catch it.

  11. What great idea to do this fabulous piece with your beautiful boots, really you are inspired by the Masters. Great photos, I specially love the second one.
    Have a lovely day!
    Hugs, Mar

  12. Loving your Boots. Such great work my friend. And your photos always have me smiling. I LOVE the sunrise shot.. So pretty..

  13. Eine wunderbare Idee und hervorragend umgesetzt! Einfach klasse!

  14. Clever idea to use the boots. I bet the old masters would have been into photo-editing too instead of having to grind out their own paints all the time.
    Your photos again are spectacular. It's been said before but you do live in a beautiful area - or do your photos make it look even more beautiful? The first three are specially wonderful and I always like to see the buildings.

    1. It is a beautiful place, that's true, and a great place to live.

  15. Welch ein genialer Einfall zu der van Gogh-Vorgabe! Auf welch verrückte Ideen man doch durch die alten Meister kommt, nicht wahr!
    Deine Stiefelchen sind wirklich hübsch, die hätte ich auch gerne.
    Heute gefällt mir dein Baumschattenfoto super gut!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

    1. Ja, die sind eben meine Lieblingsstiefeln, und super bequem dazu!

  16. Oh you just had to use that song title didn't you :) Now I'll be singing it in my head all day. Love the art ♥ Great photos again ♥

  17. Great boots here - gorgeous song too!

  18. Ich habe diesen song geliebt!!Klasse finde ich Deine Umsetzung und Van Gogh war auch einer der ganz Großen. Danke auch wieder für die schönen Fotos. Hier wirds auch immer kälter, ich bin noch gar nicht auf Winter eingestellt innerlich.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Abend, lG Anja

  19. Terrific job using your own boots for the challenge. I love what you created and the shadows in the photos are marvelous. What a fun day you had.


  20. What a fun page, and so appropriate considering all your walks. Lovely pics, as always.

  21. Oh I love your painted boots and non-painted boots! Gorgeous! What lovely photos today. The air does look as if it has a chilly feel. Hugs!

  22. Ein toller Song und dass dieses deine Lieblingsboots sind kann ich gut verstehen, die sehen total klasse aus. Ich liebe meine Cowboyboots auch über alles :)
    Nachdem ich seit Wochen nicht mehr auf Blogrundgang gewesen bin hoffe ich, dass ich jetzt wieder regelmäßiger dazu kommen werde... schauen wir mal. Ich habe mir gerade deine letzten Posts angeschaut und bin wie immer begeistert von deiner Kreativität und den schönen Fotos.

  23. Love your Boots. now I have that song in my head. Fantastic transformation for your page.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Hi Valerie, Love your boots and what an incredible work of art. I will be singing that song the rest of the night. LOL
    Lovely sky and walking pics.

  25. I do remembee that song! Had those white go go boots too! Love you take on the clog painting and that photo of the mist rising. Snow here sticking and so pretty. xox

  26. LOVE how your boots turned out! Just fabulous!! That song is stuck in my head now!!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. Indeed, your boots are made for walking in those beautiful scenery of your photos!

  28. Clogs are very noisy! Your boots are better :)

  29. Wow, you really have made great results with your boots! The photos are as good as always. There were many sunny photos, so you have had sunshine too

  30. Valerie it's always such a delight to visit you ;D
    There's always fabulous photos and brilliant artwork. I love your Van Gogh work and your boots are gorgeous! I have cowboy boots that are hiding in my wardrobe so I'm off to find them and give them a walk.
    Have fun and enjoy your day. xoxo

  31. Great post, love the boots! Happy PPF

  32. What fancy boots - Texas has nothing over you! Honestly Valerie, I could not stay up right walking in those boots but as you said they "are made for walking"!
    How you did that art work on the computer I will never know.
    Wonderful pictures Sugar!
    Sandy xx

  33. Bellissime scarpe,fatte per percorrere i sentieri della fantasia!!!
    happy PPF


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