Sunday 16 November 2014

Inspired by Picasso

Hi everybody,

hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Here it was cold and showery, but there were some dry intervals in between, and even the sun showed itself here and there, so it was not too bad! A friend came and we ate rather large amounts of cake and cookies with my home made special jam, and drank lots of coffee, so that was fun - I think I need to have an 'abstinence' day now!

For Art Journal Journey I have been inspired again by Picasso. I used my home made stencils again to make cut outs of the bull and matador. The background has been splodged with water colours and drawing ink. I made the cut outs from blue glitter paper, and outlined them with black felt-pen and white gel-pen. This was fun to make. I think I have a little Picasso-Braque obsession just now, sooner or later it will pass!

After my afternoon cake and coffee consume I went out for a walk a bit later than usual, as it was just getting dark, and watched the street lamps lighting up. I have changed the route of my afternoon walk as I don't want to walk through the fields where there is no lighting after dark. 

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Just love the blues in your arty page design and the silhouette images. That homemade jam sounds yummy. I am a big lover of jams and of course am a coffeeholic too. Once again your photos are so beautifully composed it feels like I am on the walk with you. My apologies for being a bit slack with the commenting of late. Hope I am forgiven. Thank you for your always uplifting comments on my side xxx
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Lovely Picasso inspired piece, I like Picasso. The photos look lovely at this time of evening, such a different effect.

  3. Love your blue Picasso with the glittery effect, the colours are gorgeous. The evening photos are lovely, those lanterns look so pretty lit up, and I like the soft, evening colours. Have a lovely day - it's pouring here! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Lovely Picasso, looks fabulous in that design....the colours sure look good together...that blue is exquisite....your pics are gorgeous as always...makes my
    ♥ aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  5. Loving you Picasso phase! Love the streetlight lit path.... it looks so inviting.

    Karen x

  6. Terrific artwork and I love the cut out work you are doing on the pages--so effective.

    Magical photographs with lights coming to life as you walk along. Great idea to go at that time of day. Our lamps are all modern unfortunately so wouldn't look as good as those you found.

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Fab Picssso art Valerie, it looks great in monochrome and the twilight photos are lovely. You'll need to do some extra steps today to burn off those cookies! Lol! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  8. Da hast dich wieder zu einer fantastischen Arbeit inspirieren lassen!!!
    Deine Abendfotos wirken sehr heimelig - ich mag diese Zeit, wenn der Tag in den Abend über geht und die Laternen bei euch passen wunderbar dazu!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  9. Fabulous Picasso inspired piece and wonderful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Marvellous take on Picasso . What a great picture this would make Valerie. Again you have produces some wonderful pictures, especially the scene with the lamp posts. Sounds like you had a lovely time with your friend too. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. Der PICASSO BRAQUE JAEL ist spitze Valerie!
    Und der spätere Walk hat sich hinsichtlich dieser grandiosen Strassenlaternenbilder voll gelohnt!
    Einen wunderschönen Sonntag wünsch ich Dir!

  12. Wonderful artwork, Valerie! Beautifully abstract! X

  13. Gorgeous work with your home made stencils! I just love those street lights, we don't have anything so beautiful and picturesque around here! happy sunday :)

  14. What a beautiful phase you are in, Valerie! Gorgeous artwork!

  15. Sounds like a perfect afternoon jam session! It was beautiful seeing the lights come on with you, and it looks like some others enjoyed walking at that time, too.

  16. Hi Valerie,
    You have done Picasso proud!! Love this work. Great walking pics. Love the lanterns.

  17. Valerie, your Picasso inspired art today is exceptional. Love the blues with the black. Photos were remarkable as the lanterns reflect their light. Be careful out walking after dark.


  18. I Love your Picasso page!!!!! I'd give you a 5 heart salute but I'm typing one handed right now as my cat is laying on my other other arm :) Getting his morning nap in :) Beautiful photos and I really love the last one withe the streak of the sunset across the sky :)

  19. Love your inspiration piece from Picasso, Valerie! The blues and silhouettes are really fabulous. Beautiful photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Superb photos Valerie! You must love your walks so much. Do you have a dog to accompany you? They would have such fun! Carolyn xx

  21. I love your Picasso piece Valerie, especially your hand made stencils. The cake and cookies sound good, (I know what goes into your 'special' jam), and you village is just as pretty in the evening as it is in the daytime xx

  22. Another fabulous, 'Inspired by' from you Valerie :D I have never studied 'the masters' or any other artist of renown for that matter, (perhaps I should), so I find your posts educational as well as entertaining; thenk you. :D
    I love those old lamp posts, I think they are so stylish and add a little, je ne sais quoi, for me.
    Enjoyy your evening, and remember to stay clear of the jam & cookies ;) hehe ((hugs)) xo

  23. Fabulous art, love your home made stencils, will have to try make some I think. Loved the photos especially those wonderful street lamps all lit up.
    Yvonne xxx

  24. Love your art journal and even more so knowing you made your own stencil! That walk today was so gorgeous. I could just walk back and forth under those lovely street lights! Gorgeous! Hope your weekend was wonderful. Hugs!

  25. Love your blue piece! And as always I so enjoy seeing your photos of your world, so beautiful! Hugs, Rasz

  26. ... auch diese blaue Arbeit gefällt mit total! Ulrike

  27. Gorgeous work, outstanding! Beautiful walk too. Big hugs, ~Diane


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