Monday 12 September 2011

A Visit to the *Stamp Mecca* in Hagen

Yesterday I went with my friend B to a craft fair in Hagen, a town about one hour's drive from here. We set off early - which is why I didn't get round to blogging yesterday - and were there as they opened the doors to let us in. What a wonderful sight met our eyes - stamps, paper, inks, paints, sprays, and much, much more - it was difficult to know where to start. So first we went round and looked and admired everything, and all of a sudden we were each holding several bags filled with this and that, and I didn't even intend to buy anything. I think there's a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions - but the roads we trod yesterday led us straight into a crafter's heaven. Those crafty things just seem to jump off the shelves and into our baskets! In between we went to the cafeteria there for coffee and waffles to strengthen us. The people were all friendly, happy and chatty. People from the USA, Germany, and various other European countries were selling their goods, and the visitors had also come from lots of different places. There were make-and-takes to join in, demonstrations to watch, and people always willing to give tips and advise. We did two make-and-takes with a lovely crafter called Michael from Strong Stamps, a native of California with a sunny temperament and full of good ideas. It was really good to see such a lot of new things and tank up with fresh ideas. By the time I got home yesterday evening I was completely knocked out, my legs were killing me, but I was happy.

On Saturday I made a good start on my chest of drawers. I had to give it 3 coats of white paint till it was really white, and now I just need to do the drawers, but first I have to buy some masking tape today. Then when it's all freshly painted, I will grunge it up a bit, and then I can show it!

And I made my challenge tag for the Dragon's TIO. The dragon has been dreaming of red wine, and wanted to see mostly red tags. I started with a white tag, which I stamped with a background stamp from LaBlanche, using DI in barn door and poppy red EP from Zing. I added an image from my stash, a red heart, some red backing paper, a red paper clip and a red rose. And to finish it off a red ribbon. Hope that was enough red!

And as I had the red ink out, I did a spread for my scribble journal using a lot of red and yellow ink, and had a good time flicking the ink around. As the colours fitted well to autumn, I used the *prototype* from my Autumn fairy, added a tree, a mushroom, and some thoughts about the magic of childhood. Was fun to make, and good to do something different again.

So, that was it for today. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. I love your tag and journal pages. Those bright and happy colors are perfect for fall!
    And, oooh, that craft fair really sounds like heaven to me!! There's no where I'd rather be than places like that!
    Have a great week! :-)

  2. Swoooooning over your red tag. Gorgeous. Your journal is turning out to be very entertaining for you and us. Glad you had a great time at the fair. Hope you are going to show us what jumped into your basket. hugs, Donna

  3. Sounds like you had a good time yesterday! Love your tag and journal pages, ms DD has seen them and wants to start a journal, too. Hope she keeps it up if she does! Hugs, Sarah

  4. What a fab day you had Valerie and to meet Micheal Strong ! I love his stamps but only have one :(
    Your pages are so viberiant and cheering on this dark dank morningand what a fab background stamp on you tag !
    Have a realaxing day today :)
    Von xxx

  5. Superb journal pages, love the whole feel to them x

  6. I love your tag and journal pages. The colours of your pages are wonderful.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Fabulous tag Silvia! Love the background! Exquisite journal pages! The craft fair sounded very exciting and I would have to keep a tight hold on my wallet for sure!


  8. Fabulous bright and cheery artwork Valerie and just what's needed today as the gales have reached Sussex!
    Glad to hear you had a good time at the show and I know exactly what it's like to arrive with good intentions as I normally end up with bags full too!
    Looking forward to seeing what you make with your goodies.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Great tag I love your background, the journal pages are fab as well. Thanks for sharing with us at the TIO this week. Elizabeth x

  10. Hi Valerie. Your journal pages are fab - full of life. Beautiful tag. Sounds like you had a great day at the craft event.
    Regards Florence x

  11. Sounds like you had a fabulous time yesterday what a wonderful show. adore your book XOXO Zoe

  12. What gorgeous autumn colors in your art journal. :) Lucky you for going to a craft fair. I don't think I could resist all the goodies. :)

  13. Oh I envy you! That trip to Hagen sounded wonderful.

    Love your red tag and the journal pages are awesome with your autumn colours, Valerie!

  14. Oh it sounds like you had a great day.
    Love your tag its beautiful and the gorgeous journal pages are so vibrant,i love those colours.
    have a wonderful day my lovely friend
    hugs June xxxx

  15. LOvely 2 page spread... i have my debutante pages on my DragonsWeb blog if you are interested...

    Your tag for TIO is fabulous, and is definitely red enough!!! Thanks for dreaming with us again this week

  16. sounds like you had such fun at the craft fair. The journal is coming along so nicely!

  17. You definitely had a fabulous time.
    The journal pages have the warmth of Autumn colours, glorious.

  18. aaahhhh, sounds as if you've been to stamping heaven and brought a little piece (or maybe a big piece, LOL!) back with you. I love your gorgeous red and yellow creations - that autumn fairy is delightful!

  19. Fabulous journal pages, the colours pop off the page. Bet you are trying out your new goodies soon. Yvonne x

  20. That sounds like so much fun! Fabulous art!

  21. Sounds as though you had a great time yesterday! Love your pages,great colours. And your tag is super, certainly fits the bill. Thanks for joining us this week on the TIO challenge.
    Wanda xx

  22. What a fun adventure...LOVE the fall journal pages...warm and inviting!

  23. Sounds like you had a fabulous fun (albeit expensive!) day out yesterday Valerie. Love the red tag, what a beautiful background stamp, and wonderful journal pages, love the toadstool. Hope you've had a fun day playing with your new goodies! xx

  24. Looks like you had a great time at the fair and are full of inspiration. I love your journal pages and the red tag is very sumptious. x

  25. Hi Valerie , sounds to had a fabulous day at the craft fair am so jel !!!! Beautiful tag the background is amazing. Your journal pages remind me of soft boiled eggs for some reason ! A good thing for me anyway !


  26. Sounds like you had a blast Val! Gorgeous tag and your journal is lovely.

  27. Oh my... love the "red" tag!
    How wonderful, to spend time creating art at the fair. Sounds like you had a fantastic time :]
    Thank you for sharing your journal page, really digging the mushroom, Valeria!!!
    (he,hee,heee) Love mushroom images.
    Take care <3

  28. Terrific RED tag, Valerie. I believe you have jumped right into autumn with your colorful journal pages. You certainly get a lot accomplished for one day. Craft fairs are always fun and definitely pull at the purse strings. It will be fun to see what you create from your purchases.


  29. Dein Tag sieht klasse aus, gefällt mir gut. Vielen Dank für's Mitträumen bei TIO in dieser Woche. Wunderschön sind auch deine Journalseite, die Farben sind genau meins ;)
    Schade, dass wir uns beim Mekka nicht persönlich kennengelernt haben.

  30. Love your red tag for TIO - thanks for dreaming with us. Your journal pages are great too, and I enjoyed your day at the show in Hagen!

  31. Loving that your journaling and great contrasting colours makes for a great page. Lovely tag too!

    love Dawn xx

  32. The tag is beautiful... and the journal pages...WOW!Thank you for dreaming with us at T.I.O

  33. Oh my heart beats fast as I look at this beautiful red tag!


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