Wednesday 14 September 2011

A day of washing and challenges

Yesterday I didn't have to go anywhere, so decided to have a nice day at home. Well, it would have been nicer without doing the washing. As you will know by now, h*******k is not my strong point. Now, doing the washing isn't really bad, but as the washing machine is in the cellar and I live on the second floor, it means a lot of running up and down 3 flights of stairs....oh well, that was also my sport training for this week; getting 4 machines of washing done and dried means a lot of running!
I used the time in between to catch up on some challenges, which I somehow haven't managed to get round to in the past few days. I made an easel card which is for 2 challenges; the vintage one at *Just for Fun* and GC 117, Gal pals, at *Gingersnaps*. I have used a *nice* vintage stamp from Lost Coast Designs, which I bought at the Stamp Mecca on Sunday. The image has been stamped with brown Stazon, cut out and decoupaged onto a patterned background. For the easel I used a pretty, lacy card which I was given on Sunday, and added 3 tiny rhinestones to the front.
Inside the card I added some vintage lace and a rose image. I like the sentiment, which has a little twist to it....

Then I made a tag for the GC 116, Primary Colours, also at Gingersnaps. I distressed the background with wild honey ink, and stamped the pattern with a LaBlanche Collage Stamp in fired brick. I added a vintage bird image, some blue ribbon and blue flowers.

The last - rather crazy -tag I made is for Rebecca's Challenge at *Blog Challenge Garden*. This week Rebecca wants to see a flower pot, and she wants us to think outside the box (pot). She said we could fill the pot with whatever we wanted, so I did....

Now, if you are expecting some pictures of my washing, you are going to be disappointed....
I have to go to the dentist's again today, so please think of me!
Have a lovely day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Lovely easel card Valerie, I wonder what those ladies are talking about? The addition of the lace is a nice thought and it marries well with the lacey card you have used.
    Was it Stempel Mekka at Hagen you were at? Haven't been for a couple of years but would love to go again.
    Thanks for joining us at JFF this week - Hugs, Neet
    ps love your other artwork especially the one with the bird on.

  2. Lovely card and tags, I love them all, but the last one is my fave! Hugs,

  3. A cheeerful bunch aren't they lol maybe they had just finished the washing too :) but your bird tag really brightens the day :)
    Thank you for sharing with us at Just for Fun
    Von xxx

  4. Thinking of you at the dentist Val. Big Hugs xx
    Loving today's card and tags..esp. the flowerpot!!
    Hugs xx
    p.s. my washing day today - machine is in the garage and the door is broken so I'll be doing the limbo - my exercise for the week! lol

  5. haha .. love the 'stitch and bitch' card .. too funny. What a great stamp. I really like your yellow tag - the colour is so intense and goes great with the bird. And your flower pot -- what can I say ... Classic Valerie. LOVE it! Good luck at the dentist. hugs, Donna

  6. You've given us a laugh again this morning Valerie. Don't fancy joining their knitting group! Love the colours of your bird tag and as for the flower pot hat - fabulous! Hope your day's not too bad! Suze xx

  7. Great pieces Valerie, wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of that group of women, however its a great stamp. Yvonne x

  8. Fabulous creations yesterday, Valerie! That orange and blue are is so striking and I love the vintage tag!

  9. Am so disappointed not seeing your washing ! What a tease you are . I suppose your gorgeous card and tags will have to do ! Your stamp with the ladies is fab although they do look a miserable lot don't they . Good luck at the dentist !

  10. Hi Valerie, OOh fab easel card, love that lacy card and your tags are wonderful:0) Many thankyou's for your kind get well wishes, I'm on the mend yipee!!!Gay xxx

  11. Housework is not my strong point, either! So happy to have a husband who can handle most of it! Your artwork is wonderful!!!

  12. Love all those tags and the card, they are all great. Those ladies don't look much fun, do they? Hugs, Barb

  13. Cute card and wonderful tags...always fun to see what you've done! PopArtMinis

  14. Just found you through "Just Jingle" ... and I have to say that I LOVE your creations! "Early Stitch and Bitch"... that really put a huge smile on my face! The tags are just so beautiful - love the colours!
    Thanks for sharing!
    aka Sheleen at PatchworkApples

  15. Oh, good luck at the dentist! AND thank you for sharing these beautiful pieces with us - your tag and flower pot are so cool and I absolutely adore that first card. The first "Stitch and Bitch!" FAB!!! xoxo

  16. All that washing, ugh still its done now. Great vintage card great to be able to use a new stamp on it. Love your Primary colours Tag but it is the Tag Tuesday with a flowerpot that brings the biggest smile to my face. Thank you for sharing your vintage gal pals with us at Just for Fun XOXO Zoe

  17. Hi Valerie
    Love all the artwork BUT my absolute favourite is the easel card.

  18. I didn't know about easel cards,neat. And very creative with the flower pot!

  19. Oh wow, love your card--and the name of it!!! Too cute!!

  20. Love these all, but the flower pot hat as lovely as it is, made me laugh! I hope your dentist visit went well!

  21. What a hoot for the challenge - I love it!!


  22. Wow Valerie, three fabulous pieces, I love the stitch and bitch card though you wouldn't dare to be the 1st to leave this bunch!
    Your bird tag is just beautiful, the blue really pops off your tag, and the flowerpot lady is perfect!
    I hope everything went well for your at the dentist x

  23. Wow! Quite a crafting day! Thanks for taking two of the Gingersnap Creations challenges! Helene

  24. Oh, I had to laugh.. H*******k is not MY favorite thing either!! LOL! LOVE your easel card, and got a real kick out of your flower pot card! I didn't really think out of the box for my tag, but at least I'm back in the game. The summer season always sidetracks me, and I've missed participating! ~tina

  25. These are all delightful, but I have to say, that primary colored tag is really striking!

    I always enjoy seeing your challenge creations!!


  26. Hi Valerie. Shame they don't have the "washing machine dash" in the Olympics. A gold for you would have been a sure thing! lol! super projects but I love the flower pot hat.
    Regards Florence x

  27. thats a heck of a lot of washing Valerie......... Loving all your pieces, especially your new ladies stamp and the wonderful peacock tag. x

  28. I live the stitch n bitch!!!!!LMAO!
    My sister belongs to a ladie's quilting group. I'll have to show her this one!
    Be on the lookout for foreign objects arriving at your doorstep.
    Big hugzzzz,

  29. I love the flower pot tag. Very original!! But then you always are. Love it.
    Hugs Mary

  30. Fab creations as always Valerie. Sorry I haven't been around, my life is full of back and forths right now. Hope you are doing great and hope your washing didn't tire you out too much. Housework is good....sometimes.:))

  31. Love that fabulous inked & stamped background ... so glad you joined our primary color fun at Gingersnap Creations.

  32. WOW! Your primary tag is incredible!! Thanks for joining us at Gingersnap Creations.


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