Tuesday 9 July 2024

Tuesday -Wednesday post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece for Halle's 'I've got a notion' challenge at AJJ, and it's all about sewing and sewing accoutrements. 

And I have a mystery picture. I have no idea what I accidently clicked  while going past - any suggestions? It must have been taken at home, as I haven't been out, but I am clueless!


And now a mix of David Zinn's lovely images, funnies and thinkies:

Time to relax.....

Having a joke together:

And as today is Elizabeth's TsfT party, I have some drinks on offer - I hope there's enough to go round! And just now I'm not allowed to drink coffee!!

After this week I will be taking a break from TsfT as I am trying to cut back on things to stay healthy for a little bit longer. I need to cut down on posts and do more for myself - sad but true!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a darling entry for Halle's theme at AJJ. Just beautiful.

    I love the collage you created with the coffees you have shared with us. I recognize most, if not all from the past. Thanks for this great entry for T this Tuesday. I understand how we need a break at times. Just get to feeling better, dear Valerie. We'll keep the lights on for you.

  2. Lovely drink collage! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  3. That's a lovely page for Halle's challenge. That blue is such a pretty color. And you have to take of yourself. That is a very important thing. I hope you do some things for yourself and get healthy and we'll see you back for T sooner rather than later. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, just now I'm in a blue phase, I even got some blue loafers, yes! I am trying to be better in self care, I know it's necessary. Getting old isn't easy! And I will be back, at least drop in when I can! Look after yourself, dear Erika! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! What a lovely piece you made for the challenge, such pretty blues, too! I know you used to 'make things like that at school, so beautiful.I have a shoot today, so need to get organized! Take care, rest a lot, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Have fun with your shoot today, I hope there are nice people there!! Hugs to all!

  5. As for the mystery picture, Valerie, I am quite sure it was one of the fabulous birds, endemic to Balconia-by-the-Rhine, zooming around in your living room. They are known to fly at supersonic speeds, but without the boom, so are seldom seen, but this individual must have slowed down for just a moment, no doubt to admire you. I am pretty sure it was the species commonly known as the Bring Good Health to Sick Old Ladies bird, so I expect that you can look forward to a swift recovery in a matter of days. Then you will be out and about, skipping over the cracks in the sidewalk, walking barefoot on the grass, dining with Heike and enjoying the sun. Everything is about to take a turn for the better. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Now that sounds really good! But what do you mean by 'sick OLD ladies'? Old? Who's old? I'm not even 80 yet like some people I could name! I would love to go out for fcod again, for the time being I will stick to Yogurt with apple sauce and burnt toast. My toaster now only works on one heat, and it burns the toast....I need a new one!
      Have a great day, look for some lovel birds, hugs! xxxxxxxx

  6. Your page is beautiful Valerie. Great photos too, I love those laughing zebras.

    1. Thanks, Alison, those zebras are funny, what a great shot that photographer got!

  7. Good luck with recovering and feeling much better.
    Your friend, mae

  8. Another fun post with lots of interesting things to see and read. Perhaps that mystery photo is a ghost living in your home? LOL Sorry you're unable to enjoy your coffee right now, but hopefully it's just temporary. Take good care of yourself and get yourself well!

    1. Thanks Carol, a ghost? That could be fun! Have a great day! Hugs 🤗

  9. Lovely page for Halle's challenge. I love that colour blue.
    Yes, you have to look after yourself, but obviously we hope to see you back soon.
    Weaning yourself off the coffee is tough and painful (Headaches) but I suppose one has to make a sacrifice for one's health. Wishing you strength.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisa, I will try to see it through! Have a great week!

  10. I love finding a mystery pic and wondering what it was. No clues on yours. I'm glad you are taking some time for yourself -- that's important. And I know you'll post whenever you can (and we'll all look forward to whatever you share!)

    1. I have no clues either! Yes, I need more time just for myself! I will post again at the weekend!

  11. I love that lovely shade of blue with the bright yellow. Pretty!

  12. Liebe Valerie, es gibt wieder viel Schönes, Interessantes und Witziges bei dir zu sehen. Besonders angetan hat's mir heute der Text zum Thema "Change your mindset" und der relaxende Babyaffe. Ich wünsche dir, dass auch du relaxen und dich bald wieder rundum fit fühlen kannst!
    Alles Liebe und happy T-Day, Traude

    1. Thanks Traude, that little monkey is so sweet. I hope I soon feel better, too. Take care, happy T Day and stay healthy and happy!

    2. Hi Val, beautiful art, as always. Hope you are feeling better and REALLY taking it easy! I was at the denist today, but it wasn't too bad this time! Have a good week, hugs from us all, Martha

    3. Thanks, Martha, take care, hugs!

  13. Such a beautiful page! I love how you put the elements together and how the lace frames the central image - perfect 😊. Your thinkies and funnies made me smile too, and wow, that coffee of the foam cat looking at the fish is amazing. Take care and happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I wish my machine would make foam like that! Have a great week!

  14. That out of focus photograph made me smile as I have done that many times and been unable to work out where I was when it happened. Love your entry for AJJ , great sentiment too. Lots to smile about on your post today. Wishing you a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Isn't it maddening when that happens? I keep walking around and trying to work it out! Have a great week, hugs!

  15. Hi Valery! I had to take a long break from posting.Life gets crazy sometimes. Working is always demanding. When we open our eyes, Monday is around the corner again. We feel like robbots. No time to have fun. Get well and post when you feel like too. Take good care of yourself, read good books, watch good films, pamper yourself first. Prioritize yoursef. Love from Brazil!

    1. Thanks Karla. Yes, I should prioritize myself, so true. And so hard! You look after yourself, too, and stay well. Hugs!

  16. Fabulous sewing theme and stitching Valerie, I would love to sew on my projects but my machine said no, stick to glue, so I do..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Listen to your machine. Sewing on paper is not good for the machine! Hugs!

  17. Awesome theme, loved reading through all the memes.

  18. Wonderful sewing theme art Valerie and true for me :-) What is red and blue in your place, maybe the colours will give you a hint? Great images of David Zinn - look after yourself, that is very important.

    1. Difficult! I have nothing red or blue. I hope I can solve the mystery!

  19. Another fantastic page. I do agree with the meme...weird is a side effect of awesome. :)

  20. Sweet page. Your mystery pic looks like a curio cabinet to me. Happy T Day

  21. I have no idea what that picture is. Just a random blurry photo, I guess. The laughing zebras made my day. We need a good laugh.

  22. My comment didn't go thru but I just wanted to say the laughing zebras made my day. We all need a laugh.

  23. Beautiful sewing theme! and really enjoyed all the funnies too as always. I hope you are keeping well too. Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle, have a great week, take care. I have been quite ill but am slowly back on the road to recovery! Hugs!

  24. Fabulous page for your challenge at AJJ, pretty enough to be a card to send to someone, Love all the references to the theme.
    Thanks for the Zinn's and everything else. The mystery photo - definitely a skirting board and a wall, well I think so, but fireplace, open doorway? Not a clue but interesting.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. That photo is really a mystery. I don't have a fireplace. I am clueless. Have a great week, take care, Hugs!

  25. Laughing zebras photo looks great. Have a great July. Greetings.

    1. Thanks so much. You have a happy and healthy July, too! Hugs!

  26. Beautiful collection of photos. And memes!

  27. I have no idea what your mystery photograph is ...

    I always enjoy seeing David Zinn and I liked your sewing theme piece.

    Your health comes first.
    Rest as you need to and post when you can.

    Sending lots of good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  28. I love your work.

  29. I love this page and it's so perfect for Halle's theme at AJJ! So sorry to read you have had to give up coffee! Hope its not for too long. Take care, hugs Chrisx


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