Monday 15 July 2024

Monday /Tuesday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a great weekend! Mine went by too quickly. I went out for a meal with Heike - in Pizzeria Roma again - and as usual, it was delicious. And the weather was on our side, too, and we were able to sit outside, which is always especially good for people watching!  And as a bonus, my portion was so large that I could take half of it home to enjoy today!

Today I have another piece for Halle's challenge at AJJ:

And a few funnies, David Zinn's and photos:

Mother and daughter:

Photos from here:

Who has a good caption for this one?

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad your weekend was good! Enjoyed the funnies!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you had a restful weekend and wish you a great week . And don't overdo anything! Have you got a lot of appointments again? We had a great, family meeting, loud and fun as always. Have a great week and have fun. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Glad you had a good weekend. I am trying to be good, really! Have a great week, hugs to all!

  3. Love your funnies to brighten up a sickie here xx sending hugs to you too

    1. Sorry to hear you are not well, get better soon! Hugs!

  4. Enjoyed all the funnies 😀

  5. Thanks Ashok! Have a good week!

  6. As for the caption for the Bee-eaters, how about, “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times and you still don’t listen.” You told us that you had enough food to take home from the restaurant but you didn’t tell us what it was. Since you ate at a pizzeria I am assuming that it was pizza, but what were the toppings? I bet that Heike had the deluxe supreme, with triple cheese, now that her renown is spreading around the world, having had a bird named after here. She is a star, a bona fide celebrity. The paparazzi will be chasing her, seeking pictures, hanging on her every word. Be sure to tell her to wear appropriate clothes. No high fashion stuff, camouflage pants, sturdy boots and safari hats - that kind of thing. And she would do well to become vegetarian too to make a statement. In any event, it’s good to see the two of you and about again, living the good life along the Rhine. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. It's called a Pizzeria, but they do all Italian food, and it's always delicious! Heike hat a huge anti pasta plateful and I had lovely gnocchi with spinach and cheese sauce. I think neither of us will be wearing boots or camouflage clothes, but we got our cappuccino on the house.....we are special people.....yes, it's good that we can get out and about again! Have a lovely week, hugs!xxxxxxxx

  7. Your dining out experience sounds like the perfect way to spend time with a friend. Loved your artwork and especially the photo of that tree. It's roots look like a giant hand! Have a great week ahead and stay well!

    1. Thanks Carol. That tree is very special! Have a great week, hugs!

  8. I'd love to join you, having pizza outside while people-watching. Fun!

    1. People watching is always good! We both enjoy what we see and have fun talking about it all!

  9. this black cat looks amazing:D

  10. Hi Valerie, loving your project today and lots of interesting thoughts too. Great collection of photographs and too. I think it's not just intelligent people that have an untidy house but mad crafters too Lol! Have a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

  11. My comment didn’t go through but my caption would be “your yapping turns me off.” Love those tree roots. Awesome!

    1. Great caption! The tree roots are fantastic!

  12. That is Gigi Hawaii.

  13. I love the dress forms and sewing theme Valerie, we had nothing but winter rain and wind over the weekend so I'm glad today is Tuesday and supposed to be fine..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. I hope you soon get better weather. Rain and storm never puts me in a good mood! Haope the rest of the week will be good! Hugs!

  14. Glad you had a good time with Heike. Love that tree:) Hugs, Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra, have a good week and take care of yourself! Hugs!

  15. Glad you had a good meal with a friend and had leftovers for another meal. The tree with the "mossy foot" looks fascinating! Loved the funnies. I can only imagine how many people would turn around in a crowd if I yelled that! lol! Have a great week. :)

    1. Oh Jess, wouldn't that be fun! I must try it sometime! Leftovers are always good, 2 meals for the price of one! Have a great week! Hugs!

  16. Cute page. Pizza is my favorite and even better when there's enough for another meal. Spectacular rainbow photos! Take care

    1. Thanks CJ. I know people who think it's infra dig to take food home. I think it's stupid not to take it home. Have a great week! Hugs!

  17. I do so enjoy visiting your blog. Your creativity is without bounds We have had a lot of dark clouds that yeilded little to no rain but brought the humidity up to anhealthy level. Always facinating to see you picktures and of course zin. That bird is amazing. The frogs harmonizing made me smile. I hope you had a good weekend.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks so much Jim! We have had strange weather here, too - an occasional summer day, and the rest just not orth taking about!! Hugs!

  18. Eating outside is always nice!
    I love your sewing themed page Valerie, and thanks for the smiles today.

  19. Love your project today and of course, your thinkies and funnies.
    Your collection of photographs is fantastic as well.

    Happy Tuesday, Valerie!

  20. I too enjoyed the funnies.
    I like your photograph mosaics.

    All the best Jan

  21. I've gotten behind, so I apologize for being a day late. Those are great dress forms, and you used them well to make a great page for Halle's challenge. I'm glad you had a yummy meal out too. I had to laugh at the messy house meme. That must mean I'm really really smart-ha ha. I'm off to read your next post, and I hope you had a great Monday and Tuesday. hugs-Erika

    1. My thought exactly, I do chaos so well! Hugs!

  22. Love this entry for AJJ this week. I love dress forms and these are some of the best I have seen, all put together to make a pleasing picture. Great colour choice too, it really works well
    Lovely selection of photos and great thinkies and funnies- the tree is a bit creepy.
    "If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times, Get out of my hair and off my branch!" - oh I bet there are lots of ideas for the two birds. Brilliant picture.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Yes, that could be what that bird is saying. It reminds me of my auntie when she was flattening her husband with a string of hard words! Hugs!


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