Saturday 4 May 2024

Weekend Post - Geese by Mary Oliver

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy and restful weekend. Or an exciting weekend for those who prefer it. I just know I had a busy week and am looking forward to sleeping, reading and painting. And I have some sweet potatoes and want to make some fries with them - yummy!

I have another piece for our poems challenge at AJJ, this time with a poem by Mary Oliver. The photos of the geese are from me, and the background was handpainted. I used various offcuts of card and a textile daisy. This is a poem I like very much:

And the geese inspired me to show lots of photos of various birds. Living near the Rhine and several small streams and lakes we have a wide variety of water fowl:

These were taken at a moated castle nearby, I love the reflections:

Blackbird singing in the dead of night....

Yesterday it poured all day, with thunder and lighting as well. I was happy I could stay home:

Some thinkies / funnies (especially for Erika and Jeanie and other bookworms):

Have a great weekend, take care, 
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I hope you have a restful weekend with lots of time to nap, paint, and read. Photos of the water fowl by the Rhine are just gorgeous especially the swans. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks, I hope so, too. The swans are lovely, I love the black ones in Hofgarten, too. Have a great weekend!

  2. wishing you a very restful weekend. Love the art and the funnies. It has been pouring rain like at your place for 12 days. I am so tired of it. LOL

    1. Thanks Nicole.. you seem to get a lot of bad weather where you are. Hope it soon dries up! Hugs!

  3. Lovely poem. Beautiful photos. -Christine

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Today the sun is shining here, I hope it's shining for you, too. Love your bright and beautiful art and photos. Today we are all heading for Leah's, that means good food and I don't have to cook or clear up. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, have fun at Leah's, sending hugs to all!

  5. To begin the day with Mary Oliver is a fine beginning and I am relishing it. She has a way of taking simple words and combining them in exquisite harmony that never fails to please. If the topic is geese then that only adds to the pleasure. Thanks for all the bird pictures in this post, Valerie. Canada Geese here have many goslings now and I suspect that it is no different where you are. It is a joyful sight in parks everywhere. Naked gardening seems like a fine idea, as long as I can be an unabashed voyeur and can choose the gardeners! I’ll be keeping a watchful eye on gardens in the neighbourhood, but somehow I suspect that I will be seeing old jeans and worn tee shirts rather than titillating flesh. I have been booked to do a presentation in September on the Birds of Cuba for a programme run by the City of Waterloo, so yesterday I went to a presentation in the spring series to see what it’s like. The presenter was truly awful! I was assured by others that he was not representative of their usual quality. Based on what I saw I should be able to knock ‘em dead! I hope that both you and Heike are feeling well and are able to enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, I thought the naked gardening idea would be one for you!. I saw goslings from Canada Geese and Nile geese yesterday, and went a step nearer to get a better photo, but the parents hissed and told me to f*** off loudly and clearly! I am sure that when you give a presentation it will be wonderful as always and that you will knock'em out with your charm and knowledge. I am not doing much today, my new medication makes me very tired, so I am having a rest day. Heike is doing better and went for her hairdo this morning, I'm pleased she's picking up a bit. Have a great weekend, hugs!
      PS. I will be posting your envelope off to you at the beginning of next week, I have no idea how long it will take!

    2. I will look forward to receiving it, Valerie.

  6. The poem is another good one along with your painting. I enjoy all those great bird photos and wish you a restful, peaceful weekend. We had 3 beautiful days this past week, but now are headed for 3 rainy days with highs only in the 50s once again.

    1. Rainy days are good for crafting. Here it's dry today, but grey in grey, good for staying home and 🖌️🎨🖌️ painting. Have a great weekend, hugs 🤗

  7. That's a lovely poem. I like Mary Oliver. I even have a book of her poems pulled off the shelf that I've been browsing for ideas. And you used it so well on your page. I like the geese and the photo, well the whole page. I also love all the bird photos. You are right about the reflections. And ha ha about the books.Too many is barely enough. Unless you are my husband when I say I need another Ikea bookcase and he thinks constructing it. Grin. I hope you are having a wonderful start to your weekend. Sun here this morning, but tomorrow it is going to rain so today I'll garden some and tomorrow will be an art day. hugs-Erika

    1. I love Mary Oliver, too, and have a book of hers, too. I am having a rest day today, lots of reading ( Hilary Mantel) and feet up. Have fun in the garden! Hugs!

  8. You are lucky you have water fowl. They make life better.

    1. Thanks, it's very calming to watch them, and I love to stand by the water and just look at all that's going on!

  9. Wonderful bird images, thank you. And let's credit the maker of the mouse diorama, Maggie Rudy. She's a wonderful artist.

  10. Mary Oliver is always marvelous -- and so is every single photo you shared!

  11. Beautiful journal page and poem,love all the pics.
    Carol x

  12. This is beautiful Valerie-it's a lovely poem too! Loving all of those birds that live so close to where you love! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I love watching the birds. Happy Sunday!

    2. Thanks Chris. Mary Oliver's poetry is wonderful!

  13. I enjoyed your photographs.
    Hope you enjoy your sweet potato fries :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Happy Sunday Valerie. Thanks for dropping by my blog


  15. Your photos of the birds are beautiful Valerie, and I love your page with the geese and that wonderful poem.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. Thanks Alison, hugs, have a great, new week!

  16. I am a huge fan of both Mary Oliver and Hilda! Love that you have both of them in this post, xoxo

    1. Thanks, glad you like them, too. You can't keep good women down! Hugs!

  17. Hope you managed to get some rest Valerie, it's been an unexpected nice weather weekend here, rare for a Bank Holiday. The colours of your journal page are scrummy, work really well with your geese & poem by MO, my Son would love all your duck & bird pics it's been his obsession for 25 years :))
    Fingers crossed this comment posts Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S and thanks for the funnys

    1. Hi Tracey, glad your son is a bird lover, too, he has good taste. We had lovely weather for days, too, then rain, and now it's back to normal, sort of neutral! Have a great week, hugs!

  18. What an absolutely fabulous background you have made for your joiurnal piece for AJJ. I just love the colours and the pop of that irridescent greenish colour is fantastic. Sets your photo of the geese and the poem off very well. I do like the addition of that daisy, it works so well.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps fab photos and I just love the first one of the rainy day

    1. Thanks Neet. I discovered some sparkly colours in one of my drawers, a nice surprise. Rain is nice on photos.... Have a great day, hugs!

  19. ...what fun, less is more! Have a wonderful weekend, Valerie.

  20. Ha! Ha! On the japanese decluttering. The bra! I love it.

  21. Playing catch up and loving seeing your latest poem. I loved the photo you included of the geese. I also adored the birds and swans, too. Thanks for another great entry for AJJ using yours and Erika's theme.

    Sadly, I got a "failed to publish," but will keep trying.


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