Thursday 9 May 2024

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I enjoyed a sleep in and then coffee in bed - yessssssssss! I  could get used to things like that, so I think I must do it more often!

Today the weather is nice, no rain - yet, mild temperatures and ideal for taking a little walk into town and having a cup of cappuccino. And I visited Heike and we had a nice gossip for a few minutes / hours and then I came bach home. Now I'm sitting here with my coffee and typing this.

Recently Heike gave me some nice totes she got when she bought something, and they inspired me straightaway:

And after half an hour playing with acrylic pens I had this:

I love the simplicity and sparse use of colours:

Sometimes it's fun to do something different:

I found this poem on the internet, and found it fitted well to this face:

If you could see what I see when I look at you,
You'd definitely love you, too.
You would hold your head up high,
For you possess beauty that no one can deny.

Linking to our challenge at  AJJ, poetry

Selena Odom. "See What I See." Family Friend Poems, November 22, 2018.

And this second piece is a great contrast to the first one:

These trees along the path are beautiful:

The same view in 3 different seasons:

Eye to eye....

Sound advice:

And some pics from David Zinn's lovely works and some funnies:

I will be linking to Gillena's AFFF and Nicole's FFO on Friday.

Have a great time, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and photos Valerie. Enjoyed the thinkies. Nothing like coffee in bed!

    1. Thanks Christine, indeed! A small luxury but very enjoyablr! Hugs!

  2. This was such a great post.
    Love your art, love your photographs and some great funnies/thinkies too.

    So pleased you enjoyed a lay in and also spent time with Heike.

    Wishing you a happy Thursday and Friday.
    I think we will have sunny days which will be very welcome!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! The sun is shining here, wonderful! Have a great day!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Glad you had a long sleep, that's good. And coffee in bed is even better. I love your beautiful face, very elegant, it would make a good design for that fashion firm! Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like my face! Have a restful day, hugs to all!

  4. Perfect morning a good sleep and a lay in -not that I manage either! Fabulous arwork and love all the Nature pics.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, I know you have a lot to contend with just now. Nature is always worth looking at, and for me, the greatest artist ever! Hugs!

  5. Sleeping in and coffee in bed! Don’t get too used to this, Madame, there is work to be done, as you have proved by the magnificent interesting creations you have made from those tote bags. They are simply wonderful, Valerie. My mind wouldn’t work in a way to visualize them, let alone create them. I stand in awe of your creativity. I can only imagine what it would be like to go shopping with them now, and the interesting conversations that would ensue. This raises designer bags to a whole new level. I am very glad to learn that Heike is back to her old chatty self. Maybe she’ll get out again and find more interesting totes for you. Balconia-by-the-Rhine is obviously the place to be. Hugs and kisses to you both - David

    1. Yes! Sleeping in and coffee in bed was sooo good Im thinking of doing it every day. But then the novelty would perhaps wear off.... I love altering things, and these Oui! tote bags are fabulous. I wish I had more of them, but most of my friends and neighbours shop at stores that don't cost quite so muc h! Heike is doing well, and I see here nearly every day, but today I am staying home to get some work done. Sometimes I just need to take care of mself! Have a great day, hugs! xxxxxxx

  6. Yes, those shirt tags. They feel so rough on my skin! Loved the kind and inspiring words of this post. I'm headed to work in a few and this was the perfect post for my morning. Thank you and bigg huggs your way from me to you!

  7. Hi Val, beautiful art and fun funnies. David Zinne is fantastic, too, love his little figures! Have a nice evening, hugs, Martha

    1. Hi Martha, thanks so much. Have a good Friday and weekend, take care, hugs!

  8. Great funnies. Love the creative bag and your piece. You do faces so well.

  9. Wow, today you have some fabulous faces Valerie. I love them both. That was a great idea to make a face on the oui bag. It works with your poem and is perfect for AJJ. Isn't it true we don't always see ourselves how others do? I hope you have a great end of the week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's really true. Have a great Friday. Hugs!

  10. Your artwork and photos are absolutely lovely!
    Sounds like you had a relaxing day, starting with a well-deserved sleep-in and coffee in bed.
    Your creativity always inspires me, especially the way you transformed those tote bags into beautiful pieces of art.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

    1. Thanks so much, dear Veronica. Sometimes we need a really relaxing day. But today I need to be up and out early. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  11. Hi Valeria
    Thanks for dropping by.
    The linky for today is up; at Art For Fun Friday 105.


  12. Beautiful art work based on those totes. Coffee in bed sounds like the best possible way to start any day! Thanks for another fun read with beautiful photos to enjoy.

  13. I do love what you did with the "Oui" tote.

  14. That sounds like a perfect morning! I love the tote bag and how you jazzed it up. It's much cuter and they should hire you to do their designs! And also love your way with the paint on your second piece. It sounds like a good day -- a nice walk and time with a good friend. You can't beat that!

    1. So true! Spending time with friends is always very special! Hugs, Valerie

  15. Really fantastic art and scenes.
    Happy you linked this post to Art For Fun Friday


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend, be happy! Hugs!

  16. Obie twoje prace są interesujące i bardzo mi się podobają. Uwielbiam poranną kawę ;)) Życzę miłego weekendu:)

  17. Your art and photography are awesome ~ so unique and creative ~

    Wishing you good healthy, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much, dear Carol. Have a great weekend, be happy! Hugs!

  18. Both face pics work. Clever use of the tote bag. That bar in the bath made me laugh. Haha.

    1. Thanks so much! Hmmm, perhaps ou could install a bar in your bath, too!?

  19. You are so creative. Your art is beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much, Hena, have a wonderful weekend!

  20. I LOVE your drawing on the tote bag, fantastic and then your beautiful colourful artwork, love, love, love..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. You improved that plain tote bag a million times upwards! I like your painted face too. And thanks for all the LOLs and memes you included!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Debra! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  22. More gorgeous art work, I love how you used the tote bags. I often keep things like that, it's just so difficult to just dump them. Some interesting thoughts too. Happy weekend. Hugs Angela xxx

    1. Thanks, I can never let go of such things, and have painted many of them! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  23. What a lovely poem! Both of your faces are superb! More Zinn too! A truly great post! hugs , Chrisx

  24. I like happy.
    I also took part in face off.

  25. Sounds like a wonderful day for you! And I like your faces, well done! xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  26. Wow! more beautiful artwork! I'm absolutely loving these too! You are so creative, I love these! have a good rest of your weekend - Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle, take care, have fun! Hugs!

  27. How lovely is the face with the word on it. Such a limited palette works really well with this and the stark contrast of the black on white is inspired. I was happy to see this and then as I scrolled down I was met with an explosion of colour. What a beautiful beautiful piece of artwork Valerie. I love this. I hoe you have this displayed on your wall somewhere for everyone to enjoy.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks, Neet, glad you like my faces. I need to have more walls to display things! Hugs!


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