Monday 13 May 2024

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday!

 Hi Everybody!

Another week is beginning, let's hope it will be a good one for everbody! On Monday evening Elizabeth's TsfT link party begins, and then we chat about this and that and show what we have been drinking. My drink is always coffee and this week I got 2 new coffee mugs given to me:

And some more from David Zinn:

I made these tags from a collaged piece I made long ago. I turned them into tags. Please feel free to copy and print them out if you like them.

That's all for today, I can't do much just now, my pains are getting worse so I am not very active at the moment.

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It's been a busy weekend, so I'm a little late getting online. Those are super new mugs. I really like them, and they will be great for your coffee. I love the flamingo picture, and Snoopy and Charlie Brown. What a happy way to start the week and day. I hope you had a fantastic weekend and have a great start to the new week. Happy early T day too. hugs-Erika

  2. Wish I had a thinking cat to put on too! Cute mugs!

  3. Your thinking cat! I love it. Huggs.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling fit for the tag. I need to get myself sorted out and ready for the day. At least the sun is shining 🌟🌟🌟. Have a happy Monday, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I need longer and longer to get myself sorted outin the morning! Hugs!

  5. Wishing you the best possible coffee-filled day today and a week ahead filled with good health and lovely weather. TFS all those great photos and tags! Nice cups too!

    1. Now that's a wonderful wish, you have inspired me to make anothe cup of coffee! Hugs!

  6. Two new coffee mugs. What a lucky girl you are. I bet you have more mugs than the average coffee shop, and more interesting ones too. I think you should use a different one each day and post a picture so that we will all be able to see the full array. We actually have quite a few if truth be known, but we tend to use the same two every day, both with bird motifs as you might imagine. Many of the others also feature birds, and a good number of them were gifts. Sorry that you are not feeling up to par, Valerie. Your body really has to learn how to behave a little better! The flamingo picture is impressive and recalls that I have seen huge flocks almost resembling those numbers. It’s an impressive experience. I chuckled at the joke about the guy giving his wife a mop for Mother’s Day. I wonder how he looked wearing it, and from which orifice it protruded! Rest up and get well. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, I really have a lot of coffee mugs and try to put out a different selection each week! The flamingos are beautiful. I haven't seen them in the wild, but our local zoo has a fabulous amount of exotic birds, I love seeing them. I wonder if you would survive if you gave Miriam a mop for Mother's Day? Have a great day and a great week, filled with sushine, birds and nice people to acompany you on yur walks! Hugs xxxxxxx

  7. Love the thinking cat and great cat coffee mugs -great textured tags too.Hope your pain eases soon
    Carol x

  8. Those are the cutest mugs! I don't think I have a thinking cat. Either that, or I never like what she's thinking!

    1. Cats do a lot of thinking,mostly about what mischief they could get up next! Hugs!

  9. Oh, those mugs are adorable! I want to come over to have a cup of tea with you. Happy T Day

  10. Such cute mugs!-Christine

  11. I wouldn't mind having mugs like those. Very clever. That mother's day joke was funny.

  12. I love your mugs. I hope your pains lessen.

  13. /05/t-stands-for-tuesday-on-monday.html

  14. I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling a lot of pain, and I hope you find some relief soon. Enjoy your coffee and all the David Zinn images!
    best, mae

    1. Thanks Mae, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so hope it will bring some relief! Have a great day! Hugs!

  15. Loving your new mugs they are so sweet and of course the funnies made me smile. Take care and rest up plenty. Hugs Angela xXx

  16. Great post and funnies. Love the thinking cat, and I had to read to my husband about the mop. Lovely tags. I love the journal in your header! I hope the pain goes away soon. Happy T DAy.

    1. Thanks Sharon, mops and mother's Day really don't go together! Hugs!

  17. Oh, dear, I was afraid there was something physically wrong from last post.
    Praying you either get treatment to help or the pains go away somehow!
    Thank you for the tags and the funnies, good to see CB & Snoop.
    And cute new mugs for you, rest and best wishes, xoxo

    1. I have an appointment at the doctor's tomorrow. CB is always good. Take care, hugs!

  18. Hi Valerie. I hope you are feeling well today. I didn't realize you had lupus until you mentioned it in a comment. Sister lupies for sure. I just joined a lupus group on FB. I have never been so sick with lupus before and figure it's time to see what others are doing. I love your cuppa coffee and the flamingos are so amazing. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  19. I absolutely adore the cat mugs. They may not be cows, but they are adorable. I also loved all the cat memes. This was perfect for a coffee drinking cat lover.

    Laughed at the mop. I once got my current vacuum cleaner for my birthday. Never will forget THAT, either. Love the David Zinn images. Second time IL typed this because I lost power and I lost all my info.

    Losing power didn't help,. though. I still got a "Failed to Publish."

    1. I like cows and cats! Hmmmm, a vacuum cleaner is a tad better than a mop!

  20. I do like your new coffee mugs.
    I am so sorry your pains are getting worse, I do hope your Doctor will be able to help you.

    All the best Jan

  21. How are you doing? I hope you are slowly getting better.
    Oh those cat mugs are so cute! And I love the flamingo photo. You had me singing out loud to Dolly Purrton, lol.
    Great memes too. Yes David Zinn is amazing.
    Sorry I'm late in commenting. Life gets in the way sometimes,
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Late or early, no problem!. Glad you enjoyed Dolly Purrton, I couldn't stop laughing at that one! Still a lot of pain, it has to get better sooner or later! Hugs!

  22. Cute mugs Valerie, and I love those tags you created!

  23. Whoever bought you those two mugs with the cats on is a true friend - what great mugs! Fab funnies, hard to choose a favourite - Dolly and the `Mop probably were my stand outs today.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks, Neet. I just love the mop funny! And Dolly P also. The mugs were from a neughbour here in the house where I live! Hugs!


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