Wednesday 3 April 2024

What comes around goes around - Geometric shapes No 2

Hi Everybody!
I just had this post finished, and must have pressed a wrong button - poof! All gone. So now I have to start all over again, grrrrr! Today I am sharing another piece for my chalenge at AJJ  - geometric shapes. Once again I have used circles, together with ovals, discs and a star. And I would love to see you joining in!

Watching my tulip grow and change:

Shadow windows - the sun and the window were both behind me:

An evening wqlk through the gardens and cloisters:

Painting to pass the time - very soothing 

More from David Zinn:

Another abstract piece made on an A1 cardboard backing from a sketch block, things like this are fun. There were some colour smudges on the cardboard, I just left them there and went wit the flow.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and photos Valerie! Gorgeous tulip. -Christine

    1. Hi Val, good morning. I hope you are enjoying your last few days in the clinic. Take care, and remember to take a taxi home! Enjoy your day, hugs from us all, Sarah đź’–

  2. I .love that cat behind bars, sooo funny, and love all the shapes and colours you have used, hope you are well..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Yes, indeed, too funny. Tomorrow - Thursday - I can go home!

  3. It is frustrating, infuriating in fact, when you lose a post like that. It has happened to me, not too often fortunately, but I know that sinking feeling when you realize that what you just spent an hour creating has gone. Your tulip looks quite lovely, viewed from every angle, and your geometric creations are both interesting and appealing. Tomorrow you will be going home, Valerie. Yippee! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, I am happy. The clinic is great, but home is home! Big hugs!

  4. Sorry you pressed the wrong button and had to start over. Grrr!!! Glad you have the patience of Job. I think you are blessed to find fun and joy in art. Look for beauty everywhere!

    1. Thanks, I was so cross with myself. Luck I didn't have a hammer nearby!

  5. David is an amazing artist, such brilliant work. Loving your artwork too and the tulip, gorgeous colour. Great photos too. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I love how David just leaves his art by the roadside!

  6. Everything is fun to see today with your photos, tulip and fabulous paintings and creations. What goes around truly does come back around again I agree! Take care and have a good day today.

  7. I hate it when that happens! I love your art pieces today. And the clinic is beautiful at night. Aren't tulips fascinating as they change?

    1. Thanks Jeanie. In the evening, before it's really dark, everything looks so magical!

  8. Love the colourful journal page and beautiful grounds.
    Carol x

  9. Meant to say love the beautiful tulips too.
    Carol x

  10. Tolle Formenkunst gefällt mir auch die Farben und die schöne Tulpe und all das andere.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

  11. Lovely art and I enjoyed your photographs.
    What a beautiful colour that tulip is.

    Take care, I think it's today (Thursday) you go home from the clinic ... lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  12. I love your bright geometric art! I love to see tulips right through to petal drop! I hope you're enjoying your first day home, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, it's so good to be home, even if the heating isn't working, and it's cold and stormy outside! I still need to tidy things and put my cases away, but I'm taking my time! Hugs!

  13. You have certainly treated us to a lot of your art today, with three pieces. I do like the balloons in the first piece and the words are so hopeful. If only there was more often Karma.
    Love your rainbow, funnily enough there has just been a double one on the weather forecast on tv. Great idea to make a colour block painting from one or two specks.
    Great photos and pictures, thanks for the DZ ones.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love your tulip

    1. Thanks so much, Neet, yes, it would be good to see Karma catching up with some people! Rainbows are always delightful to see. Take cars, I hope you are doing well! Hugs, Valerie


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