Thursday 4 April 2024

Intarsien - Geometric shapes no. 3, AJJ

 Hi Everybody!

Today I cut some golden pieces to resemble intarsien, which were often used on handmade furniture as ornaments. My great uncle was what used to be called  a 'cabinet maker', and together with a partner he made beautiful pieces of furniture into which intarsien made of all sorts of wood, ivory, gold foil etc were inserted.I loved watching him work and admiring his patience as he inlaid these fine and delicate pieces. This is not a pattern from him, but one which  I cut and laid digitally:

I saw this beauty on FB:

I love the last remains of last year's flowers, they look like lace:


More of the clinic buildings - geometric shapes everywhere!:

Geometrical Bee food:

More from David Zinn:

I am linking to Nicole's  FFO, too.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think David Zinn is a treasure for the world. Do you have any furniture that your great uncle created? He sounds like a master craftsman.

    1. He really was a master craftsman, but sadly, I have none of his furniture. His work was almost like magic for me when I was a child!

  2. Love all the geometric shapes,the Bee food and the cute pavement art.Did you manage to get home today?
    Carol x

    1. Yes, I am back home as of this morning, everything needs unpacking and tidying, but I am taking my time! Hugs!

  3. Hi Val, glad you are back home. DON'T go mad tidying up, you need to rest still. Take it very slowly, and wait till your young man comes! I have also had a busy couple of days as I got an advertising programm which kept me busy. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. I have just unpacked and then laundry ! And I am enjoying being lazy! Hugs to you all

  4. I do enjoy David Zinn's work - it's great.
    Pleased to read you are back home now, just take things slowly.
    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. Happy that you are now home. Beautiful gold inlay work. Love the photos and zin's art.

    Hugs and Blessings

  6. Your piece is really gorgeous. In knitting there is also a style called intarsia and it's just like in woodworking/cabinet making. You certainly nailed it on this piece. And I bet yesterday was a really happy day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am happy to be home. I have never heard of interest knitting, must look it up! Hugs!

  7. Your range of shapes and images is very lovely. The buildings of your clinic are quite interesting. David Zinn is all around me (his main locale for his art is Ann Arbor where I live) but I rarely encounter his work, it’s so ephemeral.

    best, mae at

    1. The clinic buildings were erected about 150 years ago, and it all has a great, Victorian flavour to honour Florence Nightingale, the founder of the clinic. The main hospital bearing her name is huge and very modern and a university teaching hospital, but our clinic is still a part of the hospital, just in one of the old buildings, which I love!

  8. seems that you have inherited art talent from your great uncle. I love the building's architecture. Enjoy a wonderful weekend, Valarie.

    1. Thanks so much Tom. Have a great weekend, take care!

  9. Your great uncle's craftsmanship sounds magical.
    The geometric shapes and David Zinn's art are captivating.
    Take it easy and enjoy your time back home, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Veronica, I am resting a lot , hard! Hugs!

  10. You clearly were influenced by your great uncle's talent with artistic projects. Geometric shapes are always eye pleasing, along with all the other art shared here today. Have a good weekend!

  11. Your uncle sounds like a very talented man.That must be where you get it from:) Have a grand weekend. I hope you are well. Sandra

    1. Thanks so much, Sandra. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Love, love, love the mug with flowers. The whole post is fun, the mug is my fave.

    1. It is indeed, perhaps I will make myself a mug like that. Hope you are doing well, just got back from the clinic yesterday, need to find my feet after 7 weeks away!

  13. Beautiful intarsien art. I love it. Great that you came home after staying at the clinic for so long.

    1. Thanks! The clinic was very good, but it's better to be home!

  14. I'm happy you are home and I really like your new banner. That layout of your art is amazing. I so love this. Wonderful photos today too. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very lovely day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I still need to take things easy, but I'm SO happy to be home!

  15. So happy to hear that your home, take it nice and easy though 😊. Your page is beautiful and I love hearing about your uncle, thanks for sharing your wonderful memories. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x ❤️

    1. Thanks Jo, I am taking it easy as I can't do anything else just now! And that gives me plenty of time for reading, painting and sitting at the computer! Hugs!

  16. I'm loving your art work today and David Zinn is such a clever artist. Pleased to hear you're back home again. Take care and have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. It's good to be home again, but I miss the full service we had!

  17. Oh I love intarsia! When Katy was a small child there was this restaurant near us that had the walls full of wood intarsia landscape scenes. I think that is where I first fell in love with the technique and read about it. I would have been glued to your great-uncle's side, lol. Your homage to him is so pretty. That clinic is too, XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I love these beautiful wood pieces, made my hand and lovely. Plastic is just not the same! Hugs!

  18. I hope you have a piece of your grandfather's furniture. It sounds lovely. And I do love your images of the clinic. It's a terrific building. But I'm glad you are out of it!

  19. I love your piece for your challenge at AJJ. So rich in colour and with lovely patterns subtly used within the golden pieces. What a lovely story lies behind it. What a fantastic man he must have been to make such beautiful furniture, a true cabinet maker entrusted to use such expensive materials in his work.
    Love the skeleton petals in your flowers, don't they look so pretty and delicate.
    Hugs, Neet xx.

    1. Thanks so much, Neet. I think my great uncle had golden fingers. I always love those skeleton flowers, too, so I asked the gardener if I could have some and e said I coud take everything with me if it meanst less work for him! Hugs!

  20. How impressive that your uncle was a cabinet maker. That would be so interesting to see first hand. I know you enjoyed watching him. My great uncle on my mother's mother side made furniture. I don't recall visiting him much nor seeing him work but then I was very young. However, my grandparents did have him to make a rocking chair for me when I was very small and I still have it which I treasure. The David Zinn artwork is so cute! Have a doodletastic week!

    1. The great uncles and aunts were all craftsmen / women. My great aunts were respectively dressmaker, hat maker and embroiderer, and made beautiful clothes for the high society. My granddad was printer for invitations and cards etc, and his brother was a coffee and tea specialist, and I think I fell in love with coffee there when he was roasting it in copper pans, fresh for customers!

  21. The furniture sounds wonderful and I love your beautiful patterns! The David Zinn art is always fun to see, hugs, Chrisx


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