Saturday 13 April 2024

Weekend Post - Geometric shapes 8

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great weekend. We have lovely weather here, and my pains are so bad today that I can't go out...There's always something!

Today I have another piece for my geometric shapes challenge at AJJ. This time I used a photo taken from my window and matted with  different painted papers. I loved the stripes of colour in the sky and the angles of the branches and twigs:

This was this week's Freebie from Karen, the Graphics Fairy - so much geometry again:

And this was a piece from the 1990's, once again with geometric shapes:

More trees and lakes and geometry everywhere:

One of our lovely shops, unfortunately also very expensive:

The town hall:

The market was starting to close down:

A reminder of a wedding:

And a walk through the little park, which used to be the moat:

One of the huge (very huge) paintings I made in the clinic - I wish I had a big table to paint on:

A quick soft pastel under-the-sea sketch:


For me it should be coffee, but I'm sure Erika will agree :

More geometry:

Some thinkies/funnies:

Have a great weekend, have fun,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, what a lovely post. I love your great ideas where it's possible to find geometric shapes - wonderful. My shoot went off well, we got everything done on time and that gave me a nice bonus! Today the family is all at Lea's, I will be joining them thi evening. have a good weekend, take care and feel better! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a happy weekend, best wishes to all! Hugs!

  2. Fabulous art, as always. The nature's geometry is stunning. I love the way people arrange the window boxes. I need someone to help me combine plants for window boxes. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. We have a town gardener here who does the gardening for the whole town. As it's so small it's no problem! Happy weekend 💐

  3. Our lives are surrounded by geometry of all kinds, and your photos are lovely samples. I see that face peeking from behind that big painting you did and it looks wonderful like all of your art does. I love the first photo you framed with painted papers too, what a beautiful scene from nature. I hope your pain is soon gone so you can get out and enjoy spring warmth. Take care

    1. Thanks so much, dear Carol. I love hidden faces! I'm staying home today and tomorrow and then I can start again! Hugs!

  4. Lovely post vj. Amazing art works and pictures!

  5. Sorry about your pain Valerie. Lovely geometric art, geometry is everywhere isn't it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kittens get up to a lot of mischief! Happy weekend, hugs!

  7. Love all your beautiful art,the fabulous house ,all the trees and little kitten in the bag lol.My balance is a book in one hand and a glass of port in the other. Hope you feel better soon-take care.
    Carol x

    1. Kittens always get up to a lot of mischief! Happy weekend, hugs!

  8. I love the long railing with flowers going up. Back in the day, my mom and dad ate at Mc's back when they used REAL potatoes and cut them on site. Very, very different the pure garbage that company now sells.

    1. Yes indeed, and people pay a lot of money to eat it! Have a lovely weekend, dear, have fun!

  9. Loving the photographs and that amazing work of art you manmaged to do in clinic. I must say I miss the large tables I used to have when I was teaching.......oh!and I miss the children too Lol! Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. School always had a very special feel about, I miss it, too, afte all these years!

  10. That first piece is particularly beautiful. I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain:(

    1. I need to lay low for a few days, like Brer Rabbit! Hugs!

  11. Oh I do agree that life is best with a cup of tea and a good book. I'm reading a really good one now (Eleni). And like you, I tend over do it too. I like your newest art, including the geometry. And that huge painting. Isn't it fun just to put color onto paper and see where it takes you? Get some rest, read a good book and have a great rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. I think if we do things that are fun it's ard to keep an eye on the time! And then we just don't stop! Have a great, new week. Hugs!

  12. Tea drinkers are wimps, scoundrels and ne’er-do-wells! Coffee aficionados on the other hand are brave and forthright, upstanding citizens, committed to virtue, with caffeine for all. I am a proud member of that army, as I know you are, Valerie. I am concerned that your dear Heike is not feeling at all well of late, and I hope that you are caring for her well, and that she will recover soon. Maybe she needs a spell at the clinic. Now that I see the huge painting you created there, I understand that there are many diversions in addition to the good food and attention from doctors and other professionals. Home is still home, however, and I am sure you are glad to be back there. The weekend has now more than half gone, but I hope you have enjoyed it. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ah yes, so glad you put those tea drinkers in their place with that wonderful description! Latel Heike has been staying in bed almost all the time, and that is not really good. Now she has bronchitis, and needs antibiotics. I really try to get her to eave her bed, if only for a half an hour here and there, but it's hard. Slowly I really don't know what to do. She won't go into the clinic or hospital either. But I really didn't just go into the clinic to paint....Have a good, new week, take care, hugs! xxxxxxx

  13. Liebe Valerie, es tut mir so leid, dass du derzeit so starke Schmerzen hast. Den Blogpost bereitet mir jedenfalls viel Freude - besonders schön das "quick soft pastel" in Wasserfarbtönen, oh, und dieses bunte Bumenhaus ist der Wahnsinn! Weißt du, wo das steht?
    Alles Liebe nach meiner Blogpause,
    PS: Morgen geht's los mit dem Reisebericht...

    1. Thanks so much! Pastels are a wonderful medium for bringing colour onto a page, I love them! Have a good, new week, Alles Liebe, Valerie
      Oooooops, schon wieder Englisch /Deutsch, Sorry, I get worse not better!

    2. SchĂśn dich wiederzusehen
      oder besser Lesen! Ich hab vergessen wo das Haus ist, tut mir leid. Ich habe Termine am Montag und Dienstag, mal sehen ob ich schaffe mitzumachen. Bis bald, Alles Liebe, Valerie

  14. Amusing pictures. Lots to look at and admire.

  15. Loved the art and fabulous photographs.
    Do hope you feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

  16. Ah, well, once again, I've been interpreting the AJJ theme much too strictly! Hmm, you are reprogramming my inspiration, yes! Good week ahead to you, xoxo

    1. For me nearly everything is geometry! Hugs!

  17. I adore Nature's Geometry. It is beautiful. And of course, I loved the town hall's staircase. I laughed at Stoned, too. Hope you are well.

  18. I just LOVE your clinic painting. Love it! I'm so sorry you've been in pain over the weekend. I hope by now things have eased up.

  19. Love how you have depicted Nature's Geometry and all the other art you are showing us today. Am wondering just ow big s the painting done at the clinic. A3 is HUGE to me.
    Great funnies and thinkies as always.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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