Thursday 25 April 2024


 Hi Everybody!

I think those who don't like geometry will shudder at today's post, which features Pythagoras. He was a mathematician and philosopher in ancient Greece. Many students still have to learn his famous theorem, whether they want to or not....Here it is:

And a pythagoras joke:

I met one of my beautiful Maths teachers yesterday

We greeted and she asked me directions to the State Bank of India. I told her make a 299 degrees turn and walk for 290 meters, then subtend the angle of X using Pythagoras Theorem and round it up to the nearest degree using tan ∆. From that point, draw a parabolic curve and walk 342 meters on its major axis and bisect the straight road at an obtuse angle. That's where the bank is.

Let her feel what I felt when I was in school.

I used to like geometry  and algebra etc at school, but these days I use the calculator in my phone....

I am linking to my Geometric shapes challenge at AJJ.

This isn't me, but I love what she's saying:

I just had to go for a cappuccino this morning after my appontment at the doc's, I NEEDED it:

At the Rhine it was cold, grey and wet:

And I have some more pics from David Zinn:

There are lots of faces, so I will be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF on Friday.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice page and great pics from David. Fun joke

  2. Hi Val, good morning. I hope you're well rested. I love your beautiful page, very witty, and the joke made me Lol! Great revenge. I remember that a teacher threw chalk at you because you wrote Pythagograss on the board! Have a great day, don't overdo things, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Glad you could find something funny in a page about Pythagoras! Hugs!

  3. In a right angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides? I was hopeless at maths after my teacher in second grade left. So i got hubby to tell me what your picture represented - I had forgotten all of that.
    Very clever Valerie, and beautiful in those shades of blue.
    Love your joke and your funnies etc, especially the David Zinn ones.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope you are feeling better

    1. Thanks Neet. Maths was not by fave subject....A teacher made me write the theorem 500 times because I was not serious enough in maths, and I have NEVER forgotten it! Hugs!

  4. What a fun post full of fun creations, photos and giggles. Loving the joke about Pythagoras directions and I'm glad you treated yourself to that wonderful looking cup of cappuccino too. Enjoy the rest of this week.

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you enjoyed it. I always treat myself if I manage to walk to the bakery, but walking is getting harder all the time!

  5. Not only do they walk among us, Valerie, they vote. I hope he starts the chain saw and cuts off his dangly bits so that he can never pass on his defective genes. I enjoyed geometry at school but I have used it little since. From time to time it was useful when I was still working, but since retirement not at all really. I think we shall have to appoint you international president of the David Zinn Fan Club. No one gives him quite the coverage you do. If I am not mistaken he lives in Michigan, just across the border from Ontario, so when you make your pilgrimage to see him, pop on over for lunch one day. No doubt he will have a special piece of pavement art in mind just for you. It will probably involve cappuccino. Take good care and be sure to give Heike my best wishes. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, David, the stupidity of some people is really unfathomable! Some things - like most things - we learnt at school were not really things we needed in life, but I think slowly some schools are revising their plans and teaching useful stuff. At a school near here the kids learn how to repair things around the home, get a motor working again, or how to do their taxes or apply for jobs. I would say this is probably better than Pythagoras. Yes, David inn lives in Michigan, Mae wrote about him a coupe of days back, she did a post specially for me - that was nice! I will give your best wishes to Heike when I call her later on. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  6. As always, great and fun art to look at here. Funny ahout the pissing people off being a piece of cake. That's a great one. Huggs, Ivy.

  7. Hi Val, what a fun blog page today, really funny. And I'll forgive you maligning geometry and Pythagoras! Hope you are feeling well, take care, hugs, Martha

    1. Okay, you were a maths teacher, poor you! Hugs, Valerie

  8. I love it Valerie, and love the joke too, and those concrete drawings are so much fun and full of cuteness..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy! I wish I could draw as well as David Zinn. I'll say goodnight, it's bedtime here! Hugs!

  9. Ha ha, did you really give that story to your geometry teacher? I loved geometry at school, and I was very good at it too. Do I remember a lot of it now, probably not. Ha ha. I really like your page, and how you made it with those squares of printed paper. And David Zinn's art is really wonderful. Too bad a lot of it doesn't last. And I hope the doctor's appointment went well. hugs-Erika

    1. I had a continuous war with that teacher. Later we had a good teacher and she made everything in maths fun, just great! Hugs!

  10. A nice page, I do like the blue.
    Wonderful selection of David Zinn.

    Brr it does look cold by the Rhine.
    Here in the UK we've had quite a chilly wind these past few days, I'm still wearing my winter coat and it's April!!!

    Happy Friday wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Same here, boots and winter coat every day!

  11. I am not a math person. David Zin is fun and am also the dumbest thing in the house.

    Hugs and Blessings

  12. I am so poor in math and numbers are at the center of everything, aren't they?

    1. No, love is at the heart ❤️ of everything, and you have lots of that!

  13. Most everything came easy for me except math and computer science. I had to actually WORK to get the grade I wanted in those classes. Loved your awesome page and that cute math joke. David Zinn is really clever. Happy FFO.

  14. Is that your wheelchair because I hope it is, that way you don't fall and hopefully wear yourself out less. Operating one in public has a big learning curve as I'm sure you know if you are using one. Ah, Pythie, yes, we've met. I'm a math nerd so he's okay. He'd like the checks. Hope your Friday is going well, xoxo

    1. Thanks Ameslee! It's a rollator, not a wheelchair. I have to go up and down 3 steps everytime to get in or out, and it's not possible with a chair! I lke Pythagoras, too! Hugs!

  15. Pythagorus jokes are not common — I only ever heard one other one, and it’s too long to mention, plus it uses a word that’s no longer acceptable in polite speech.

    Have a great week!

    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. If you put 'pythagoras jokes' into your search machine you will find a lot of jokes! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  16. Pythagoras is my favourite today. Happy weekend. Thank you for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  17. My classmate in Plane Geometry wanted to be an engineer like his father. He got a D for the course. Ack! Needed a career change. As for me, I got a C, which was a miracle. Better than an F, I guess. Haha.

    1. I usually got good grades at school, except for geography. The teacher was ogs!

  18. Don't like Maths but I'll let you off because you used blue - hehe! Fun post! Thanks for the wander along the Rhine, maybe a bit nippy if you have the same north wind as we do in East Anglia?!! Although it is supposed to warm up after today...and rain!! Theresa xx

    1. Thanks Theresa, glad you have pardoned me because of the blue! It's mostly windy along the Rhine, but still a lovely place to walk! Hugs!

  19. When I was in high school I did a little musical thing where the guy who wrote it put the pythagorian therem to the tune of "The Rain in Spain." I've never forgotten it!

    1. That's fun, I know a musical one, too, but the rain in spain sounds like great fun! Hugs!

  20. ...Valerie, I'm afraid that I'm the dumbest thing in the house. I love David Zinn!

    1. So do I, his pictures take me to another world!

  21. A great post Valerie! I love your page. Maths and art were my favourite subjects at school, a strange combination. Lol!
    I hope you have a good weekend.

    1. I think it's a great combination! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. What a fun post, Valerie!
    I love how you've made Pythagoras more interesting with that joke.
    David Zinn's art is always a treat.
    Those photos by the Rhine look cold but beautiful.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks Veronica. I always used to try to make lessons at school fun, the students learn better!

  23. I hated geometry in school, but now I quilt and piecing a quilt is all geometry


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