Saturday 6 April 2024

Losing my marbles - Geometric shapes No. 4, AJJ

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, so I hope we all have a good one, and some good weather. Today it was cold, wild and stormy, but some places near here had Tornadoes. But of course it's nothing to do with climate change!

Today I am sharing another journal page for my challenge at AJJ, using one of my heads. For those who don't know my heads, I can assure you that nobody suffered while making them! The head was cut from an old letter, and placed onto a quick and wild colour splurge page I painted- The small marbles are also cut from the same paper. The text was added digitally:

And I also have another tag for my challenge at Tag Tuesday  - Spring Flowers. The background is hand painted, the bird in the tree is this week's freebie at the Graphics Fairy - thanks Karen - and I added some extra flowers digitally:

The rain came down in torrents....These are all views from my balcony:

And then kept stopping and starting for a while:

This face is  made with a colourwash, using some Japanese water colour paint. I drew the outline with a fine brush, and then just used the same colour with more or less water added to paint the face and hair:

A spring collage:

More rainbows, and David Zinn has sneaked in here:

No life without coffee (and a little cake):

And here I tried to paint my friend's horse again. I think it's better than the first one I tried, but it still makes me cringe!

Have a happy weekend, have fun,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A little cake and a little coffee is what Hubby had this morning. I love the eyes, you do them so well. And that purple sky with the rainbow. OMG! Huggs, Me.

    1. Thanks Ivy. That purple sky was rather scary at first! But it was beautiful. Hope you are feeling better. Hugs!

  2. Lovely art. Oh , my the heavy rains! I hope there was no damage and flooding in your area. The rainbows are so beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. The Rhine and all of the streams are filled to the brim, we don't need more water just now! But no flooding yet! Hugs!

  3. Lovely art Valerie! So much rain! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot .com

    1. Thanks Christine. Either there's no rain or too much!

  4. I hope no one slips on there marble and falls.

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you slept well and feel a bit better today. Love your page today. I sometimes hear strange rattle in my head, I think itsy the last marble....have a great day, take care, rest a lot. Hugs, Sarah & Co!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Look after that marble! Hugs!

  6. I love the "losing my marbles" creation - mine are rapidly falling from my head these days too LOL I just love all those gorgeous rainbows and always marvel over how they're created whenever I see one. We've had those torrential rains for a while now as well and yesterday had an earthquake on top of it all. Take care and enjoy your weekend. That coffee and cake looks so warm and delicious!

    1. Thanks Carol! I think the older I get the more marbles I lose. And I don't even care any more! Coffee and cake are always nice and warming! Sorry about the earthquake, I saw it on the news here. That's really scary! Happy weekend!

  7. Losing your marbles? We’ll join the club Dahling. There are hundreds of us searching for our lost marbles, often - usually even - without a great deal of success. Who wants all their marbles anyway? A little irrationality in life is a grand thing, and you have an excuse at hand for any gaffe you commit. “I’m losing my marbles, doncha know? You too? Ah!”
    Do you know the name of the yellow bird you portray here? It looks suspiciously like a female American Goldfinch to me, but sometime these pictures are just a generic representation of a bird. I can generally tell if it’s a female, especially a human. They have very agreeable appendages, often quite prominent, quite lovely really! See what a skilled anatomist I am! Welcome home. Enjoy your little apartment to the fullest with its magnificent views from the balcony. It can’t rain forever. Please say hello to Heike the Stalwart for me. I am sure you will be hobnobbing shortly. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I am also good at identifying birds - here I would say it's yellow and looks like a budgie. I always recognise if it's a bird, and its colour. Isn't that enough. And you can evidently even distinguish male from female. These days it's sometimes difficult to distinguish between the sexes when they all look alike. Oh dear, this makes me sound prejudiced and really I'm not, just sometimes confused. It must be old age! I'm staying away fom heike for a couple of days, we both have heavy colds and don't need to take any germs off the other. But I hope we can meet up on Monday. Enjoy your weekend, BIG hugs to you and dear Miriam, Valerie xxxxxxx

  8. I always love when you share a new "head" and losing your marbles is a good one Valerie. That's a cool colorful background. And I notice Carol's comment above mine. I wonder if she lives in New Jersey. That earthquake could be felt all the way up here in New Hampshire. And you definitely made the human face wonderful by the horse. I guess we always need practice, no matter whether it is horses or any other object. :) I hope you enjoy your weekend at home and get some R&R too. hugs-Erika

    1. Earthquakes are very scary. Carol lives in PA, I have no idea how far away it is from you! I love making backgrounds like that, playing around wit paint is always great. And yes, I need to practice with horses, the last one I made looked like a long-legged, pregnant cow. At least it gave me a good laugh! Hugs!

  9. I love that bird tag. Always a joy to see rainbows. What a treat!

  10. Love all your faces and the marbles lol.Great Spring and rainbow pics,very wind here but warm and sunny,got loads of washing dry-it's the little things lol.Just had my coffee but always have chocolate with mine!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol! It's really strange - these days I'm happy when the washing machine functions, or when I don't burn the toast! But you shouldn't have mentioned chocolate, I'm trying to keep off it! Happy weekend, hugs!

  11. You should really practice your drawing more often because you are good! Love the art today and I hope the crazy weather is over now. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. Drawing has just become very hard for me as my hands keep shaking. It's easy to colour up when painting, but not with drawing! Crazy weather is the right word for it! Hugs! Take care!

  12. That rainbow is such a joy! And your photographs are absolutely wonderful. What a beautiful gift that rain brought you. Call me crazy but I never think of Germany as having tornadoes. I'm glad you were ok

  13. Fabulous head and marbles rolling all over the place and I love your sweet tag [mine is coming] and you're a fabulous drawer and your horse and girl is awesome..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, here's to marbles, Sweetie!!

  14. More gorgeous art work and loving the photos. Wishing you a very happy weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  15. Hi Val, this gave me a big laugh, thanks. I can almost hear those marbles rattling on their way out! Have a great week, so happy to know you are home again!. Hugs, Martha

    1. Next time you see a marble on the floor, don't slip on it! Hugs, have a great week l

  16. The horse is better than I can do and I quite like it, love the eye.
    Your face for the AJ challenge is great but what I really like is the background. I looked at this and thought I could see a figure to the right of the face. Slightly elongated and curved but it is definitely there. Gorgeous mix of colours and beautifully done.
    Love the circles you have placed on the face again gorgeous colours given that they are from the same piece as the background.
    According to a friend of mine the weather is supposed to be hot during the next three weeks, if we get it I am sure you will, fingers crossed, but not too hot please. Just nice.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Just wrote a long comment and it disappeared, grrrr! There are indeed figures and faces in there background, as I painted over an old piece and let some of the original shine through. That was fun. Hope you are well, hugs,!

  17. Oh goodness! Am I in spam? Where did my comment go? Blogger is messing about again!

    Sending good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Sorry, you are not in spam. Blogger is really playing games just now. Hugs and have a great week!

  18. so much gorgeous art Valerie! of course i cam for the spring flowers but i so enjoy your drawings! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, enjoy your week, stay well! Hugs!

  19. Another array of fabulous art and inspiration Valerie, the heads are definitely a signature of yours always so well executed in different designs. A beautiful Spring display and tag to compliment it, if only Spring would show it's true colours here. The rains have battered my Spring flower border grrrr.. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S The horse painting is fabulous.. don't put yourself down my friend x

  20. Hi Tracey, thanks! Sorry about your spring border, we had Torrential rains here, too, and the Rhine can't take any more! Today is like spring here so good! Hugs, Valerie ❤️

  21. I loved "Losing Her Marbles." Very clever. This is a lovely entry for your theme at AJJ, dear. I thought the tag was gorgeous, too with the bird.

    Failed to publish.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, my marbles are all gone....

  22. Fabulous post Valerie, I love what goes on in your head , especially when it has a splurge background! Gorgeous Spring flowers! The rain here has been relentless at times - lots of our roads are in need of repair and now they are also collecting huge puddles! We need some rainbows too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Same here! Big roads in town are kept up, here unfortunately not! Our road is still full of potholes!!

  23. Fabulous Tag Valerie, the bird really pops and the flowers compliment the bird.
    As always you have a wonderful arrays of photos on your blog. Hope the rain has eased, here it stopped for 2 days and got warm, almost like Spring, lol. Today, back to showers! Hugs xx

    1. Thanks Sandie. Yesterday was spring, today is stormy winter!


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