Saturday 9 September 2023

Weekend Post - Cats, a hat and monkey-business

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great weekend!
I have been busy this week doing various art lessons, and although some of them are things I would not usually do, it was fun. I made this page some time last week, I think the page background was a lesson from Wanderlust, but I can't really remember, I did so many different things and have mixed and muddled again!

We started off by dividing up an A3 page using painters' tape round the edges and through the middle,, and then further dividing each half with thin washi tape. We used oil pastels and water colour pencils to colour the background, smearing it with water, and then adding some scribbles. then I gave it all a very thin coat of diluted white acrylic. I decided to do a different theme for each side. On the right side I used stencils to paint the monkeys and dots, and then gave one of the monkeys a hat - which isn't visible here, as it was a last minute idea.

I will show the other half another time. I am linking to Elle's  cats, books and tea challenge again.

And this is the 2nd Tag for Pinky's animals challenge at Tag Tuesday:

A few photos taken early this morning before it heated up:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those monkeys are lots of fun. Pink was a good color choice for the silly guys too. They work great with your background. And nice tag too. It sounds like a good week trying out some new techniques. Your meme about feeling the need to go clean and going into the craft area describes me today. It was much more fun than cleaning. :) Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Pink monkeys are fun! I found the stencil and didn't even know I had it....yes, crafting is always better than cleaning! Hugs 🤗💕 !

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Love your fun journal page with the sweet little kitties and cheeky monkeys, too funny. Love the hat, really brilliant! And yes, I hide, too. When I think I should clean, and mostly in my studio! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah!

    1. Thanks Sarah, kitties and monkeys go well together! Hugs!

  3. Well, I think that's a great idea sectioning off the larger sheets before you start painting. I could see that working very well for scrapbooks. especially if you didn't want to do a lot of layering of card shapes and things. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I will definitely use the idea of dividing up the background again, it was fun and easy to make. Hugs 🤗💕!

  4. It looks like your art time was a fun success and a great way to pass the time. I just love that dog wearing the shoes, it brings the giggles every time I see it. Beautiful views and wishes for a beautiful weekend too

    1. Thanks so much, dear Carol. My dog always took a shoe into her basket when she slept, that was so sweet! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs 🤗💕🤗

  5. Hi Valerie, love your page, and the little black kitties. I am so far behind with Wanderlust this year lol. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month Happy Journalling! Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I am behind with so much just now! Hugs!

    2. Okay, we seem to have similar piles of not yet finished stuff everywhere! And it seems to grow from day to day!

  6. Fun page with the monkeys and the little Inks. I wonder if the monkeys will fight over who gets to wear the fancy hat. It looks very quiet on the river today. Enjoy your day!

    1. I'm sure those monkeys will fight for the hat! Sometimes the river is teeming with boats, but I love it when it's quiet. Happy weekend!

  7. I hope your weekend is more fun than a barrel of monkeys1 And the funnies are terrific!

    1. I was a teacher for half of my life, I was used to barrels of monkeys!

  8. Great idea sectioning the pages and love the pink monkeys and your new blog header
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much, dear Carol. Have a great weekend đź’–đź‘Ť, hugs!

  9. I like your monkey art. And that Forgetful Folks joke made me laugh. OMG, where do you find these gems?

  10. Lovin' the monkey with the hat, and I like how that background works.

    That's such a pleasant place to walk.

    1. Thanks. It's wonderful to walk by the Rhine, I love living here!

  11. Fun and cute with all those monkey's Valerie and love your new cute tag..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Wonderful art Valerie and beautiful photos by the river. I am still chuckling over hurkle durkle - that is me most mornings!!

    1. Oh yes, my fave too! It's Sunday today so I'm still lounging in bed at 10:00 !

  13. Your talent at work - knowing how to make those rectangles a fun place for climbing monkeys. Genius, well done! Don't you just yearn for cooler weather? I hear the weather forecast but each day melts into the next and I'm like, when I feel it I'll believe it. We're in such a severe drought as is much of the US now. We need it to rain for 40 days and nights! lol Have a good Sunday, xoxo

    1. It was fun making the background paper with rectangles, I will def. do it again. It's still hot here, too but in a couple of days it will be over. I hope you get your needed rain soon! Take care hugs 🤗!

  14. Such amazing little monkeys , Valerie, no doubt modelled after yourself! Sorry to be late coming to your blog, and now I have to be brief in my comment. We are away on vacation with friends on Vancouver Island, and also visiting Miriam’s sister who lives in Victoria, so there is not much time. I’ll be back to normal by the end of the week. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. David, I'm so sorry - didn't you recognise yourself? I'm the cat! Have fun on Vancouver Island! Big hugs! xxxxx

  15. Lovely pink monkeys.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Pink monkeys are always fun. Have a great day! Hugs!

  16. Interesting monkey art vj. Great collection of pictures. Enjoyed your weekend post

  17. Thanks Ashok! Have a good, new week!

  18. Hi Val, hope you are doing well and that you enjoyed your weekend. We had family time, grandma came and we ate lots of cake, it was soo o good! And I 've got tomorrow off work, so that's even better. Have a nice evening and a good start in the new week, hugs, Martha

    1. I know what wonderful cake your grandma bakes, yummy, glad you enjoyed it! Hope Johny is feeling better now. Have a good week, and enjoy your day off! Hugs!

  19. Great journal page and a great idea to section off your pages before painting. You've definitely captured the cheekiness in the monkeys. Have a good week Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle, sometimes it's nice to do something that's just fun! ou have a good week, too! Hugs!

  20. I do like the pink monkeys.
    Lovely photographs.
    Great collection of funnies.

    Wishing you a good new week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I love pink monkeys, too! Hugs, Valerie

  21. Somehow I missed the monkeys and the cats. This is very clever and I like that monkey stencil. Of course, if it involves a cat, I will definitely love it. Thanks for this lovely entry for Elle's theme at AJJ. It is a great technique and a nice way to experiment, too.

  22. LOL really enjoyed the thinkies. Nice tag.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  23. The Wanderlust idea worked out really well and I love how you included those monkeys (and cats too). The linking of the monkeys is a truly inspired idea, and very effective on the page.
    of course the photos were lovely, you have an eye for the right kind of things to photograph and they are always very pleasing compositions.
    Take care
    Hnugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much! I love making things where I can play, so this was ideal for me! Hugs!

  24. Your art work is amazing Valerie and it's always good to stretch ourselves. I love your fun tag, made me smile instantly and I love the colours!!


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