Thursday 21 September 2023

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hybrid piece for Elle's fun Books, cats and tea challenge at AJJ. The background is part of a marbled page made in a colour bath using left over paints. The  musical cats are Victorian scraps and the singing cat is a digi- If you look carefully you can see that his paw is resting on some books. And there's tea for the musicians. I hope they all survive the rendering of 'The hills are alive....' sung by the one and only - thank goodness - Screech Cat.

And this is the other half of the monkey business page made during one of my free lessons. I used stencils and stamps on the background:

And this is the whole double page:

Here I was playing. I altered some photos to make them look like paintings, and I think they turned out well:

This old farmhouse is on the street where I live:

And some funnies / thinkies:

I will also be linking to Nicole's FFO and 
Gillena's AFF.

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your photograph/paintings did turn out well :)

    Great funnies/thinkies.
    Great words on the 'Be Grateful' meme.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it's astonishing what we can do with computers these days!

  2. Lovely art and thanks for the funnies!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Good luck for your appointment this morning, take care! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Today more or less everything went wrong on my way to Düsseldorf, but I'm glad to say I'm safely back home and all is well! Have a great day, hugs!

  4. I would call your experiment with making your photos look like paintings a huge success.
    The criminalised onion relish made me. spray coffee everywhere.! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, glad it made you laugh! I laughed out loud at it, too, so funny! Have a good day, hugs!

  5. The musical cats are Victorian scraps
    And the singing cat is a digi.
    Valerie’s awake, she’s baking a cake,
    And it’s looking horribly squidgy.

    Thank you for providing the first two lines of this fine piece of doggerel I just composed. Right on the spot! Just like that! No preparation required. I think you will have to agree that I am nothing short of a poetic genius. Wordsworth and Tennyson move over, Schiller and Goethe, out of the way. I was about to add more, but the exquisite compactness of it, the technical perfection, the lilt of the language all compelled me to leave it alone. Scholars will be grappling with this for years to come. Students will both curse and praise it. It will doubtless be the subject of intellectual discourse for centuries into the future. Even AI will have difficulty teasing apart it’s hidden meaning. I will have to rest now and dream of my next piece of verse, but upon reflection this stanza is so perfect I may just leave well enough alone and my entire career will rest on this one piece of magic. Ever modest, hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks for the laughs, David. Your poetry is really unique, an absolute one of a kind, I hope! It will really be good if this could be a memorial to your talents.... I just got back home, I had an appointment in Düsseldorf. The trams were too late, there were building sites everywhere, lifts not functioning etc etc. I am so glad I don't have to do this daily like so many people do! They are trying to get people to use more public transport, but when it doesn't work half the time, I can't see people giving up their cars too soon. And now I'm going to put my feet up and have a rest! Hugs to my ever modest friend xxxxx!

  6. Your hybrid piece is hilarious and I can almost hear that kitty trying to sing LOL. Great fun with your stencils and those monkeys too and those altered photos are all gorgeous! Have a great day!

    1. Thanka Carol, glad you like it. Sometimes I just need to make something silly! Have a great day, hugs!

  7. WOW, I am impressed. The photos you changed to paintings are fabulous. I love the farmhouse and I bet the people who live there would love that as a framed picture. I love them all really, didn't mean to sound as if the farmhouse was the only one.
    Great journal page for Elle's theme too. Love the screech cat and the German Scraps are just perfect.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I had fun playing! The Farmhouse is lovely, I'm just afraid that sooner or later it will be sold and replaced by a ghastly concrete block of flats.I love the German scraps and enjoy buying some whenever I go to our stationers, a real old fashioned shop crammed full of wondrous and tempting things! Hugs!

  8. Love the Victorian musical cats and brilliant effect with the photos looking like paintings
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much, dear Carol! Have a lovely day, hugs!

  9. so cute , so fun so adorable cats, congrats
    beautiful photos too
    happy day

  10. What fun pages, I hope screech cat is not too screechy lol Love the Victorian scraps. Your photos look amazing, love what you did with them. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle. Screech cat is VERY screechy! Have a great week. Hugs!

  11. Grossartig liebe Valerie deine Kunstwerke , wundervolle Ideen!
    Toll deine Fotos auf Old zu machen.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Viele Dank, liebe Elke. Heute Nachmittag hat's geregnet als ob die Welt unterging und ich musste zur Physiotherapie weil die Bahnen nicht fahren konnte wegen eine Bombenentschärfung in Lohausen. Chaos Tag! Dir alles Liebe! Hugs!

  12. Fabulous and fun cats and can just hear them singing, and I love your double spread journal page.

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing them singing - ouch! Hugs!

  13. I love the painted look photos and the musician kitties. OMG:)
    Hugs, Sandra

  14. I love the farmhouse manipulation. And especially that it's on your street. Very painterly. And boy, do I ever love your art piece today. It's just so darned happy!

  15. Luv the altered photos page.


  16. That dancing kitty is fun Valerie. It's a clever idea for Elle's AJJ challenge. And I like the second half of your monkey page. I like the birds and the face. And that meme about losing your husband's things happens in my house all the time-smile. Have a great start to your weekend. hugs-Erika

  17. Thanks Erika. I'm always losing things so can't really complain about others ! Happy Friday, hugs!

  18. I'll be singing that song all day long, now. What a fun entry for Elle's theme at AJJ. Even a screeching cat hits a note every now and then.

    Nice finished art. The monkeys were cute, but the left side was really lovely and artistic.

    I LOVE how you manipulated those photos. They look wonderful. I have at least two brushes in Photoshop that might be similar, but you did a fabulous job of making your photos look like paintings.

    1. My Kitty used to yowl with my dog if I played music she didn't like, really funny. Happy Friday

  19. Cute cat playing the bass fiddle. I loved that musical The Sound of Music. Those photos do look like oil paintings. Well done.

  20. Another great post, Val, you always make a great show! Have a lovely weekend, take care, hugs, Martha

  21. Criminalized onion relish. Ha. Sandra

  22. Fun cat collage, lovely photos and funny funnies. Enjoy your weekend.

  23. Valerie thank you for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  24. Those photos do look like paintings! Nice!


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