Monday 25 September 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday!

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, as I did mine! Yesterday I met up with 2 lovely friends, and we went to the restaurant Rhine Ferry, and were able to sit outside in brilliant sunshine and enjoy good food, with a lovely view of the river, and the ferry going back and forth.

We started our meal with non-alcoholic wheat beer, just the right thing to quench our thirst:

And we each had a fabulous meal, sorry, forgot to take pictures . we were all hungry!

The restaurant filled up more and more - some people come for meals, others just drink a beer or take coffee and cake - there's something for everyone. We were there for 4 hours, and it was great to be able to sit outside in the sunshine for so long:

This was already nearly 6:00 pm, and the sun was still going strong:

A lot of cyclists pedal along by the Rhine and there are lots of pointers to different destinations:

The road at the left leads to the ferry:

If you look at this photo in front of the sunshade on the right, there's a yellow spot - that's one of my friends and the table where we sat for 4 hours!

And of course we had coffee and Black Forrest cherry cake afterwards:


The drinks are my entrance tickets for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink party, so here a warm welcome to all who visit here today.

And I have a few funnies / thinkies for you:

Sorry, short post today, it's been a long day and I still need to do a lot before I fall into my bed!

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful day with friends-sounds really perfect, enjoyed the photos and funnies-hugs Kathy

  2. Hi Val, good morning! I'm glad you had such a great day out with your friends, and that you enjoyed sunshine and good food. Have a good week, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  3. It sounds and looks a great day out. With gales howling, it was a weekend for staying snuggly indoors in west Wales! Hope your week is a good one. Hugs, Deb

    1. Sorry you had a wild and windy weekend! Have a good week!

  4. My goodness, it looks like you spent a perfect day with friends in the great outdoors. The scenery is lovely and the cake and coffee looks amazing too! TFS a wonderful day with your readers and I hope you have many more days like this in the future. Still giggling over the childhood phone number, I can so relate to that funny because I'm that person LOL

    1. Thanks Carol, it was really a wonderful day! And yes, I still have our old telephone number in my head, but other things and numbers have just evaporated! Have a good week!

  5. Pleased you had a nice day yesterday. It's sunny here today but not sure it will last. Loving the photos. I wouldn't mind a coffee and some of the cake sounds perfect end to a lovely day. Hope your week is just as good. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I wish I could send you Kaffee und Kuchen 🍰 right now!

    2. Never mind, I will just have to imagine it for now xXx

  6. Terrific!!! I love restaurant blogs. It's so interesting to see what restaurants and cuisines are like in other parts of the world. That Black Forest Cake looks delicious.

    1. Thanks, it was delicious indeed! We are enjoying some good weather here!

  7. I’ll tell you a secret — those old phone numbers make great passwords. You can’t forget them, and nobody else can look them up.

    Just thinking about what you might have had for lunch at that glorious place makes me hungry! Not to mention cherry cake.
    best, mae at

    1. That's a great idea! Thanks, Mae. I'm having a frugal day today after so much food yesterday! Wiener Schnitzel with fries and salad, yummy 😋!

  8. What a great afternoon! Oh, Valerie -- this is our responsibility -- to savor every single second outdoors while we can! And you definitely maxed that out! Well done!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, we just kept sitting there and enjoying everything, wonderful!

  9. Looks like you had a lovely day with your friends. I love when you can linger at a restaurant and they don't shoo you away. I adore Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte and your slice is beautifully presented. Happy T Day

    1. It was indeed a nice day. You would have loved the cake!

  10. It looks like you had a really lovely time out. That sky looks beautiful, especially for 6 PM. (Here is starting to get dark-dusk like at that hour.) What a great day. And that cake looks devine, and very very yummy. Too bad I haven't had my dinner yet because now I am really hungry. Have a super T day and week ahead Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, Erika. Soon it will be too dark and cold to sit outside, so I'm making the most of the last lovely days! Hugs!

  11. Oh that is so nice the restraunt will allow you to sit there that long. Here, they want the turn over. I so love where you live. It seems like such a nice place. The cow photo got me but the witch one is perfect. Have a nice evening.

    1. A lot of placesy limit you to 2 hours, but we decided we would stay put unless we were asked to move, but nobody came to move us. Hugs!

  12. Looks and sounds like a fabulous 4 hour outing. I would love to have joined you! Love all the pictures. I still remember my childhood phone number and sometimes I remember one or two of my tons of passwords - lol. Love all your funnies. Happy t-day, Valerie. Hugz

  13. Yes, Nancy, it would have been lovely if you had been there! Isn't that strange with childhood phone numbers and passwords from now! Have a great week, hugs!

  14. Wow. You gave us beer AND coffee. The absolute perfect day That cake looks great, too. What a beautiful place to meet and eat.

    "Moo" had me laughing. So did the witch. Thanks for sharing your drinks and thinkies with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

  15. Glad you had a wonderful day out with friends, Valerie.
    As always, I enjoyed the photos and funnies.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks Veronica. Such days are so precious! Hugs!

  16. Sounds like a nice outing. And the weather looks lovely. The black forest cake sounds delicious! Haha, loved the funny about the phone number and password, that's me!
    Happy Tea day,

    1. Thanks Kate , many of us have the same problems!

  17. What a lovely way to spend four hours! So glad you had a nice time with your friends and that the weather behaved itself. Why is T Tuesday so often on a Monday, I never understand that lol. Happy T Day! Elle xx

    1. It was indeed really nice 👍! I think it has something to do with the different time zones! Happy T Day to you, too!

  18. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday, so happy for you and your friends! xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, it was so good to get out with my friends! Hugs!

  19. What a perfect day by the river! You won't forget that one in a hurry. Memories in the making. Thank you for sharing it with us this way.
    Happy T-Day,

  20. Hi Val, you really had a great day out with your friends, I'm happy for you! Have a good week, hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha! I'll mail you some photos. Hope you and the Littles are doing well, hugs!

  21. What a wondrous day. Good food, companionship and environment. So pleased for you. Hugs, S.

  22. Looks and sounds a fabulous day out with friends.

    All the best Jan

  23. aw, loverly picture and funnies! Makes me want to go on a river walk the fridge. Feeling hungry now! Have a great week Happy T day ((Lyn))

    1. Thanks Lyn! Raid the fridge and then go on a walk, first things first! Happy T Day

  24. Always love your photography and daytrips. Your humor in the form of your thinkies funnies always leave me smiling.

    Hugs and Blessings

  25. Valerie: I know I left a comment on this post. Perhaps I was banished by Blogger and sent to Spam!

  26. Reading this brought back many happy memories of walking along the Rhine and seeing all the eating places. Of course we were there in November/December so not nice and sunny like the day you got. Gosh you were lucky to have that sun until so late in the day and to sit for so long comfortable.
    Hope you get one or two more like that before it gets too cold.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it is lovely to walk along the Rhine and just enjoy life. This morning I had to go to the hospital for X rays but on the way home I dived into my fave bakery and enjoyed a huge cup of cappuccino and some biscuits, yummy! I was so hungry and thirsty! The weather has cooled off a bit and is not so stable, but it's autumn. I'm sure we will get more sunny days! Have a good week, hope you are keeping well, hugs!

  27. Sounds like a great day out! Beautiful photos and sceneries. Thanks for all these sharing. Happy belated T day!


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