Monday 11 September 2023

T sTands for Coffee and more!

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. It was very hot here, too hot for me these days, so I stayed home, did a lot of reading, drank lots of cool drinks and played in my art kitchen. It's hot in here, too, but doing nice things helps to take my mind off the heat. Tomorrow should be the last of the big heat, and then it will hopefully be back to normal, whatever that might be.... I also have some sort of allergy just now, so I'm itching, sneezing and coughing, nice. At least life isn't boring!

This week I painted an A3 piece with acrylics which will cover Elle's Books, cats and tea challenge at AJJ and  be my ticket for Elizabeth's TsfT drink party, which starts this evening. So here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

Here the kitties are sitting side by side watching the live bird programme outside the window, and they have a delicous catnip tea to drink when they get thirsty. I was inspired by a picture on FB, where the kitties were made with flat pebbles:

And some thinkies / funnies:

I'm sorry I can't write much bla-bla, My health problems are not getting better, and this means my posts are mostly shorter and fewer  - did somebody say, 'Thank God' ??

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your piece. That would make such a purrfect Valentine's Day card, wouldn't it?
    Sorry you're feeling puny. Hope you feel marvelous the rest of the week.
    Hugs, Sandra

  2. The weekend whizzed by, thankfully Sunday was a little cooler. I'm hoping that the new week will bring some lower, more Autumnal, temperatures ... we shall see.

    I do like your cat art, purrfect with tea 4 2 :)

    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. What great two little cat.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep 💤💤 and wish you a good start in the new week. Love 💕💕 your beautiful kitties having a lovely tea time together. Enjoy today, and hope it cools off a bit. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a wonderful week, hugs to all!

  5. Love how beautiful this post is and serene! Enjoy the week!

  6. Happy for you that you created two sweet kitties! It's cooling off here, but our humidity is about 98% so it's uncomfortable still. We've had thunderstorms and heavy rain. My weekend has been dominated by the Rugby World Cup. Well, I am Welsh after all and we're born with rugby in our blood! Have a good week, hugs, Deb

    1. Of course you like rugby! Glad you enjoyed it! Here it's still very hat and hmid, tomorrow should bring a change in the weather!

  7. Love is in the air in your painting Valerie, our weather is heating up 26 deG C by the end of the week and we are in for a long hot summer we are told! I enjoy your posts whether they are long or short. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I have had enough of our long, hot summer and am looking forward to cooler autumn weather!

  8. What a great painting of those cats and birds. I just love all those tiny hearts! So sorry your health isn't improving but I enjoy your posts regardless of size of content! Take care and have a better week ahead. Hopefully things cool down for you as they're supposed to do for us later this week.

    1. Thanks Carol, I thought of the little tin of hearts at the last moment! I am looking forward to autumn!

  9. How lovely Valerie! I love your cats and tea painting, it's adorable. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  10. No I did not say thank god. But I did think how well Elle's AJJ challenge fits in with T day. I like your 2 kitties and the tea cup. Very nice. I like your jars too. I have a similar collection. In fact yesterday my husband decided to actually look inside the mess of my happy space and said, quite confused, you have a jar with water in it. Well yes, I need to clean my painty brushes. Sometimes I don't think he gets any of this art, and then sometimes he surprises me. Happy early T day, happy start to the new week, and I hope it cools off and you feel good enough to enjoy your day. hugs-Erika

    1. I always use glasses, chipped mugs and tins etc for my supplies. I don't need to buy new stuff this way. Men are sometimes not quite with it when it's outside their usual job! Hope Maddie is feeling well again, hugs!

  11. I love you art but sorry to hear your health is no better-it's too hot for me too!!!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. I think the heat makes a lot of us suffer. Have a great week, hugs!

  12. That's a cute art piece. Love all those hearts floating in the air as well as that pic of the cat with hearts on its ears. I like the overall theme in this post.

  13. really love your journal page for the theme great memes-allergies-ugh feel better hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Allergies are really nasty! Hugs!

  14. I'm with you Valerie, I'm not keen on this heat. It's fine if you've nothing to do but that's not me either. I had two showers in one day on Saturday just to cool down. The allergy doesn't sound good either. Love the kitties and the dog meeting too. As long as you're around small or large post doesn't matter. Maybe you'll feel a bit better when it cools down. Sending gentle hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I think most of us are fed up with this sticky warmth. I spend a lot of time under the shower, too, and it will be my next act when I have finished my comments!I hope it will soon cool down, I don't mind if it stays 'normal warm, but not like this! Have a good week in spite of it all. Hugs!

  15. So very cute Valerie, and loved the story to go with these fabulous felines.. it gets very hot in my craft room in the summer as my window is so huge, but I tilt the venetian blind and turn my fan on then I'm good to go, ..this is what I have coming fast...summer!

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, perhaps I will paint a white cat next time! Enjoy your summer, I am looking forward to Autumn! Hugs!

  16. Your illness and health issues sound like no fun, and I hope you’ll soon be back to normal and to feeling energetic. Good to see that you are clearly enjoying your art despite the problems.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, being ill is really no fun, and it is getting worse, not better. But I still have my books to read and art to make, so that's something. Have a great week!

  17. I am sorry that you are still not feeling better. I am with you when it comes to staying in out of the heat. Thank goodness for AC.
    Your painting is so cute! It's great that you are still painting despite not feeling well.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks, Kate! We don't have AC here in this place, it's often hotter inside than out! Happy T Day!

  18. Oh dear Val, I do hope it's been the heat making you feel unwell. I know it makes me feel that way and endless days of it wears one down further. You know, may be coincidence as the medical community likes to take credit, but there is a direct correlation between life longevity increases and air-conditioning. My dad always said it was the greatest invention of his lifetime, then the TV, haha. I think the internet scared or overwhelmed him. My mom loved it but poor thing could not double-click a mouse to save her life. I love your page, it's very sweet. So glad you are able to enjoy your painting. I hope you feel better very soon! Hugs, xoxo

    1. The heat certainly doesn't help. We have no AC here, most places in Europe don't have it - until a few years ago it was rarely so hot in summer. I think they will have installed AC when the next ice-age starts! Internet is good, but it is scary, Big Brother is always watching/listening! Reading and painting keep me going, but I do need to rest more! Hope you are doing well, Sweetie, take good care of yourself. Hugs, Valerie

  19. Liebe Valerie, das geht mir auch so irgendwie was in der Luft mit jucken der Augen , kratzen im Hals usw, mein Schatz hat das auch und ich bin froh wenn dieses Wetter aufhört mir tut das auch nicht gut mit meiner MS spüre sie ziemlich schlimm seit heute Nacht. Aber wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen Valerie und wenn es normal Temperatur wird hoffe ich der Spuk ist weg.
    Wunderschönes Journalseite hast du wieder gemacht goldig die Katzen!
    All das andere die Fotos , Witze usw klasse!
    Hab einen guten Tag , lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Hallo liebe Elke. Sorry das ihr auch Allergien haben. Ich hoffe sehr dass alles bessedr wird für uns alle wenn die Hitze endgültig aufhört. Tut mir leid dass es auch deine MS schlimmer macht. Ja, bleiben wir voller Hoffnung, die hilft immer! Alles Liebe Dir, Valerie

  20. Your awesome painting is the absolute BEST. I love the way the two cats are sharing a moment together with tea, while two little birds sit in the tree overhead. This is a wonderful entry for Elle's theme at AJJ and also the absolutely perfect entry for T this Tuesday, too.

    I wish you felt better. The heat has got to get you down. Thankfully, it rained here to today, so my AC got a rest for a change. I hope it cools for you, too very soon, dear. I just hope whatever is causing your suffering goes away along with the the heat.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. Have a great day, hugs to the boys!

  21. Your kitties are adorable. Calli and Quill love watching that channel, too. I hope the cool down has arrived for you. Rainy and very humid here. Happy T Dayh

    1. Thanks CJ. My Kitty's favourite place was on the window sill, where she could watch the birds, and hiss at those who came on the balcony!

  22. I'm so sorry about your health problems. It seems to be never ending for some of us. I have healing energy sent to you. I love this art. It is so precious. Well done my friend. Hope you get some cool weather soon. Hugs N

    1. Thanks Nicole, we probably have the same symptoms! Have a great day! Hugs!

  23. Valerie can you enlighten me..? What is an A3? Love your beautiful piece no matter what size it is.. lol We have just had a cold front come thru with much needed rain and glorious cool temps. Hopefully its here to stay for the season! And i hope you get some cooler weather too.. Heat sure doesn't help when you already don't feel good.. Best wishes in the new week and Happy T day hugs! deb

  24. I love drawing kitties from behind because I'm so bad with their faces! I really love this particular piece, Valerie. It's whimsical and fun. But I'm so sorry you don't feel your health is improving. That's such a drag on a person and I'm sure the heat doesn't help. Remember, your blog posts can be whatever you want/need to write and when you want to do them. We're just always glad when you are here and your beautiful art.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, that's very encouraging. I get cross with myself because there are so many things I can't do anymore, but I think I have to get used to it. Today I'm tired, so I'm planning on an early night with a good book! Have a lovely week, take care, hugs!

    2. If it helps, I'm cross with myself too for the same reasons. Getting used to it is necessary but that doesn't mean it's easy.

  25. Anxiety Disorders for free. Hehe.

  26. Sorry you are not feeling well, and I guess the hot weather did not help either.. Apparently I am still suffering from the effects of the pneumonia in April so `i know what it's like to not feel like your old self.
    Nevertheless the journal page is lovely. It's a great concept behind the picture of the two cats sat on the balcony looking at the birds with a cup of tea besides them. Had to smile because you then posted lots of thinkies to do with your favourite drink - coffee.
    Hoping you start to feel a bit better soon Valerie, thinking of hyou
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. No, the hot weather doesn't help! So sorry your pneumonia is still keeping you in its grip, please take it easy! When I had my dog and cat they would often sit together and watch the birds in the trees, it was so nice for me to watch them! Glad you noticed I posted lots of coffee pics afterwards, I had to eradicate the thought of tea! Hugs!

  27. Valerie, so sorry things are not going better. I hope the doctors have a solution of some type. I will definitely put you back on my prayer list too.

    Fun painting - your kitties are adorable and the birds are super fun.

    On the funnies/thinkees, we need to keep that warrior one in mind - especially as we put on more years and have more hard things happen. The coffees all look yum!

    Happy t-day SUPER LATE and GIANT HUGZ

    1. Thanks so much Nancy, much appreciated. Getting old is really not for sissies! Hugs!

  28. It was 58F here this morning, and that's been typical with highs reaching into the 80s. Our 90s and 100s temps are long gone.

    The feline health care committee meme is maddening! :(

    1. Our temps our now good bearable, which is really a godsend for me, I can breathe more easily and walking isn't so hard!


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