Saturday 18 December 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody! 

It's weekend - enjoy!

Thanks to all who sent good wishes for my poor fingers, They are slowly getting better, and the blisters and cracks in the skin are starting to heal, which is a great relief. I hope it stays that way!

Today I am sharing another A3 face I painted, a bit different to those I usually paint, but I had great fun painting it:

Today I am also sharing another piece for my 'doors' challenge at AJJ. This is a photo of the school in London where I studied from 11 to 18, when I left to visit university. The motto 'Enter in and learn your duty, duty both to God and man' was written over the imposing entrance doors. Inside the entry was a bust of our founder. The school motto was taken very seriously. We were well taught, strictly disciplined and encouraged to undertake social activities to help others. The doors leading into the building  were also a portal to learning and moving on in the academic and work world. In the meantime the school has moved  to another location, and the students still wear uniforms, but they are not as ghastly as the ones we had to wear!

© Copyright John H Darch and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am very happy that your fingers are at least a little better, Valerie. As for the woman you present to us today, she is scary! I would think twice about getting on her wrong side. Interesting to see your old school in London with its motto. I bet you were a good girl in school with never a need for punishment, and in those days they probably still used a cane. Can you even believe that we used to cede authority to others to physically abuse our children? I have no doubt that you were a good scholar and did well. I have a busy weekend coming up which is why I am commenting on your blog tonight. Tomorrow, after a couple of years off, I will be taking part in the annual Kitchener Xmas bird count, and on Sunday I will be leading a group of eighteen (including Miriam and me) for a full day of winter birding. It was twenty-one devotees up until a couple of hours ago when three people cancelled. Looks like winter weather is returning for the weekend too. Keep making progress with those recalcitrant fingers. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David. I was a good student and always got top marks in every test etc, but sometimes I was a bit naughty and rebellious. We didn't get physical punishment, but lots of detention and some other strange punishments, like having to wear a notice all day saying 'I am a very naughty girl'. And to add insult to injury we had to write the notice in large block letters ourselves, ouch! Have fun with your birding events at the weekend, counting birds sounds strenuous. And enjoy your day long winter hike, wrap up well! Hugs!

    2. Naughty and rebellious? Sounds like you haven't changed too much!

  2. Lovely art and colours, hope your fingers keep progressing to health...big hugs. xx

  3. I can tell you had a lot of fun with this face. Never mind those fun eyelashes, she has some great hair. And I like how you altered that photo of your school. It looks pretty imposing compared to schools round here, so the motto seems like it was well chosen for the architecture too. Have a great weekend Valerie. Glad to hear your fingers are slowly improving. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I did indeed have fun with this face, and I love doing big hair, especially as mine is so thin and weedy looking! The school was really imposing, the first time I had to go up those steps and through the huge doors My knees were knocking! Have a great weekend!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Lovely art most of all glad to hear your fingers are improving.

  6. It's nice to read about your fingers starting to heal. That is definitely good news. The lady you drew reminded me of an old movie star who wanted to still be on top, but had lost her beauty. It is certainly different and that is why I like it so much.

    Your school is wonderful and I love how you transfixed it to the playful and fun entry you gave us. It's got a bit of whimsy and a bit of realism, which is great for your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear. The building itself is certainly imposing.

    Those funnies were really clever today. That's one way to bolster one's ego!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am happy my fingers are not oozing all the time anymore, that was very nasty. Tha lady looks a bit like Bette Davis, and a lot like my mum when she was in a bad mood, which was nearly all the time. That school left us all with many lasting memories, most of them good ones! It's good to booster one's ego from time to time! Have a great weekend!

  7. Great pictures 😊 have a nice weekend 😊


  8. Hi Val, good morning. I love your lady, and she looks a bit like your mum. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw our old school again, that brings back memories. And when you were a prefect you were always telling me not to chatter so much - and I still chatter too much today! Those were the days, long past! Fantastic post today, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I thought you would have a nice surprise! Yes, you always talked gong up the stairs and it was forbidden, like so many other things! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to you all!

  9. Good to know your fingers are recovery and soon they will be back to normal. Beautiful art pieces. I like the impressive school building and the kids playing kite. Thanks for all the funnies. It brightens up my gloomy and rainy day.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Laughter is always good. It's cold and misty here. Take care!

  10. Glad to hear your fingers and hands are improving. The portrait you painted reminds me of the elegant models from the 1920s or 1930s. Your school building is impressive and imposing. My high school was knocked down and rebuilt. It looks like a resort hotel now. Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks CJ. New schools here are also built to look good these days

  11. Ich wünsche dir genauso gute Besserung für deine Finger und Händen, man braucht sie gerade du mit dem malen so wie ich die Augen.
    Schön und interessant gemalt das Gesicht und die Schule!
    Ich wünsche dir ein angenehmes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir ein erholsames Wochenende, Alles Liebe!

  12. I think this face is your most dramatic one yet. It seems to hold a story of one side shown to the world and trying to remain hopeful, while the other side just wants to give into despair. Wow. Powerful.

    1. Thanks, that's a good analysis, I enjoyed making it. Have a great Weekend!

  13. Happy weekend Valerie, I am so happy to read that your fingers are on the mends.
    You are so good with faces in your art. and I loved your doors page too. Sounds like an excellent school which we need more of those in today's world hugs Kathy

  14. Thanks Kathy. Children need discipline as well as love to prepare them for life! Have a great Weekend!

  15. Wow! She is amazing Valerie! Another great page for your doors theme too.
    Glad to hear that your fingers are improving also.
    Happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Alison you have a good weekend, too, stay safe and well!

  16. Painting is intriguing. I like how you laid out color of yellow.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. Fantastic art work vj. Hope your fingers heal fast. Have a great weekend

  18. Valerie, so glad your fingers are healing. Your face painting is fabulous - so much to see and such a cool mood you created. The school doors and saying are fun - so cool to see where you went to school. Schools were very different when we attended from these days - the duty to others mission is fading. GREAT quotes you shared. I am feeling that one about 2021 (and 2020). Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Schools today are very different, more the survival of the fittest than duty to others! And the buildings are different, more recreation centre than a lace of learning! Oh yes, I think we all feel like that about these last 2 years, WTF indeed!

    2. That should be PLACE of learning, not lace!

  19. Well, my comments disappeared so here I am again.
    Love your funnies, a real smile for Christmas in here Valerie.
    Similarly, love your old school, what an imposing building. it must have been lovely going in through that front door every day.. Great motto too. Just love those little characters you have introduced us too, along with the kite they are flying.
    Great portrait too, I love how you painted her.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. That's good news about your fingers :)

    All the best Jan

  21. Your paintings of the ladies are all beautiful, I think you must be enjoying the time you are abler to sp0end creating them. I'm pleased to read your fingers are not so painful. Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Sending all good wishes for your hands and hope you continue healing!

  23. Glad to read of the slow recovery of the health of your fingers. Love the door page - my school uniform was frightful too! Hugs, Chrisx


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