Tuesday 14 December 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody! 

Today I am sharing another piece inspired by the lovely Effi Wild:

And I have another piece for my doors challenge at AJJ. This is one of the doors in our little town:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I saw this on FB she is just gorgeous. Hope your fingers are better.

  2. Wow. Once again you have created a genuine beauty. Glad you are able to make art, at least. I thoroughly enjoyed the journal page. It's nice to see your photos and art work together. This is a charming and fun spread. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using your theme.

    I loved the snow people on the bench. That was clever. Hope you feel better soon, dear.

  3. Beautiful art. I had to figure out that cute snowman meme
    'the best present is time together because nobody knows how much of it remains'...beautiful.

    1. Thanks Christine, it really is a wonderful meme!

    2. Christine, I didn't notice it was in German, sorry!

  4. Beautiful and special art design and love every thing in your post
    I have another new blog now too if you would like to join in I would love you too https://anniescrafthaven.blogspot.com/ the follow button under the header seems to take a while to show up though...xx

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hoe all went well at the doc's and that he could give you some help. I love your new portrait, the girl is stunninG! Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. Sweet lady and door art, both are good. Let us be kind to another. Beautiful snow couple.

    1. Thanks Nancy! being kind to each other is so important!

  7. Your new painting is a real beauty, it seems like you are realy enjoying these classes.
    A fantastic journal page for your theme at AJJ as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I am indeed enjoying painting, have a great day, stay safe, hugs!

  8. Thank you for yet another exotic woman to become part of my dreams, Valerie! My word, you have a way of making them sultry and appealing. ALL the doors would open for her if they were operated by men, but a few women might prefer to shut her out! The way that you have inserted all the little components into the photograph of the old door in your little town is really quite wonderful. I interpret the picture as a young boy (is it a boy?) who has gone carol singing and is wondering if he has started a little early, but is hoping the door will open wide and he will receive a little money, and a mince tart perhaps. The way that you are able to select a photograph and embellish it with these components is remarkable. I can only imagine what you could do with a picture of a Blue Jay or a cardinal (the bird type, not those wrinkled old celibates in Rome - there's nothing to be done with them, except have done with them!). One of the Canadian versions was snivelling here about all the reasons the Church has for avoiding their role in the residential school system and why reparations should not be paid. Gotta build a new cathedral doncha know? On that cheerful note, I wish you a happy finger day, may you raise appropriately! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, Im glad you appreciate my exotic women and that they increase your fantasies! I think I need to show the results of my nude painting class. And before you get excited, the models were nude, we were clothed. Your interpretation to my doors is good. I was thinking that we often stand in front of doors which could lead to new opportunities and are afraid to open the door. But perhaps the little boy is just a carol singer, as you said! Cardinals - I love the birds, but the red frocked ones are not on my favourite list. There is so much hypocrisy and sometimes blatant lies hidden there. When I think of the treatment of the Indigenous people in Canada or what has been done in the name of God in other lands, I am sad and mad! My fingers feel a tad better, I now have some tablets that should help. Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Your lady is so lovely Valerie. I love her gentle expression as she looks at the bird. And nice door too. That quote is great and so true! Its can be way to easy just to stare at the closed door and sometimes (like the by) we need a little reminder to open it. I hope your hands are improving. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erik! Sometimes we are really afraid to open a new door and need courage to open it and see what's on the other side! Hugs!

    2. That should be Thanks ERIKA! Sorry!

  10. I don't know what the snowman caption translates to but I love the photo!

    1. Sorry! 'Being together is the best present because nobody knows how much time we've still got'

  11. Oh this blue lady is my favorite. She has so much depth and looks warm and mysterious. Not to mention beautiful. Love the other piece as well.
    Have a pain free, energy-filled day.

  12. so lovely snowman art:D and this woman art also looks genial:)

  13. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovey painting, wow! Hope you feel better!

  14. Gorgeous art and colors Valerie, love that lady! The snowmen on the bench is so cute, love the stick limbs!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

  15. Great photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  16. Such colourful art :)
    Loved the snowman meme.

    All the best Jan

  17. Your lady looks so beautiful and deep in thought. Love the saying about the door and the snowmen on the bench are too cute.

    1. Thanks CJ. I was imagining my lady listening to beautiful music. Yes, that saying is true, sometimes we just need to oprn the door!

  18. Beautiful art as always Valerie!
    Have a good evening,

  19. You have captured a look in your lady's face which is so serene. Beautiful painting.
    Love your door, takes me back to my visits to Germany and the lovely buildings and doors that always interest me. I love your little character waiting to go in.
    Hope the fingers are a little bit better today.
    HMugs, Neet xx

    1. That door is by the basilica here, I love these old doors.

    2. I pressed publish too soon. I was imagining the lady listening to beautiful music. Have a great day.

  20. Another totally fabulous woman. She does look like she is listening to beautiful music. The door page is so true - fear of what is behind the door stop a lot of us when it should not (in most cases). Lovely post. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. If we don't open the doors we can't go our way!

  21. Another beautiful portrait Valerie. Great words to go with your page. Love those snowmen, Hugs, Chrisx


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