Saturday 11 December 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good weekend !

My post today is once again lacking in text, my fingers are still not behaving themselves!

This is for my 'doors' challenge at AJJ. The door is from the Basilica here, I just magicked it into a van Gogh knock-off after changing the colour:

And another of my colourful ladies, inspired again by the wonderful Effi Wild. I hope David can name the bird:

Some photos from the Christmas department:

Some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, loved the memes, your doors journal is really cool, and I always l always love your ladies in your art.
    enjoyed the Christmas photos Happy weekend-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great weekend, stay safe!

  2. I love your Van Gogh-ish piece. It's great how you combined it with your door challenge. And your lady is very lovely. She does look a little worried, or perhaps she is just seriously watching something. She is a beauty though. And I love the Christmas shop. There's so many pretty decorations. I hope your hands improve and and you have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

  3. Lovely art and festive photos. Enjoyed the memes, thinking of you.

  4. Wonderful art. I love your door piece, and the lady looks like she has a
    lot to say.
    Beautiful words of wisdom as well.
    Merry Christmas!

  5. I will say it a "pretty bird" look like your area is into the Christmas Spirt.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. I really love your first piece, those blues are entrancing. V xx

  7. Beautiful art pieces. I miss going to the shopping mall to look at the Christmas decorations. Thanks for the reminder to tell people that we love. So true life is so fragile especially during this pandemic.

  8. Hope your weekend is great. Brilliant weekend post..xx

  9. Hi Val; good morning! Love your beautiful girl and the van Gogh knock-off, both are beautiful. Do I spy Erika hidden in the van Gogh painting? Fabulous detail! It's my turn to cook dinner for the family today, so I'm off to get started! Hugs fro all, Sarahh

  10. I thought I left you a comment earlier, but I must have been dreaming. Your door with the Van Goghish background is lovely and a perfect entry foir your theme at Art Journal Journey. I was going to mention seeing Erika, but I see Sarah already did.

    I think that must be a dotted bird. It sure matches the woman's dress. Or maybe it's a mocking dress bird. David will know, I'm sure.

    Loving the Christmas department. I want to go there, too. Everything looks so fun and beautiful. Got to love the thinkies. They really make you look for the good in people.

  11. Good morning, Valerie: it has been a challenge to identify the bird on the shoulder of this formidable woman but I have marshalled all of my ornithological experience to do as best I can. Initially, I felt a surge of optimism, as I thought that the legendary, and very rare, Finger-fixing Fantail had found its way to Balconia-by-the-Rhine. It is attracted by the sighs, cries and curses of afflicted people, so there was good reason to think that might be the case. Sadly, it was not to be. Further study compels me to conclude that it is a male Orange-breasted Spikelet, a charming bird, but not one possessed of curative powers for ailing fingers. I hope that it will in any event bring joy to your corner of the cosmos. It seems appropriate that it should put in an appearance at Christmas time when people believe in all manner of myths, and seek solace from the cares of the world in bright colours, droning music and the accumulation of credit card debt. I remain as always your dedicated Canadian chum. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, thanks so much for identifying this beautiful bird! Orange breasted spikelet is a worthy name for this beautiful species. The finger-fixing fantail would have been great to see, perhaps I didn't sigh and curse loud enough to lure this bird here. And sighs are not really my things, curses, yes! I am happy I do not belong to those running up credit card debts to finance Christmas! I have just bought myself some new art supplies for my birthday, financed by saving for them first! Have a wonderful weekend, take care, hugs!

  12. Great memes, amazing art, and wonderful photos Valerie!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  13. I love those wonderful photos and the funnies are very much so. The last one -- so true, this time of year and every time. Life IS fragile.

  14. There's that gorgeous blue again and it shows up in the coiffure of the elegant lady with the bird. The Christmas decorations in the store are so bright and sparkling. Beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Thanks CJ, I'm a blue Fan. Happy Weekend!

  16. Renkler, onlar da çok şey anlatıyor. Gogh,"Sözcüklere gerek kalmadan beni anlayacaklarını sandım." der.

    1. Thanks Mustafa, that's a a lovely quote from van Gogh!

  17. Hi Valerie. What dramatic colours and your art is Fantastic. I just love them All. Hugs Rita xxx

  18. Hi, I really enjoyed reading your post, and hope to read more. thank you so much for sharing this informative blog.
    Fishing by the River

  19. Great photos ;) Have a nice day ;)

  20. Your "door" challenge has caused me to think a lot about how doors appear in art and in literature. They make such a nice concrete anchor for symbolism.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it's made me think lot about doors and their meaning and symbolism, too. Have a geat day!

  21. A beautiful post. Again I hope your fingers and hands get better soon.

  22. I hope you are feeling better-it's hard to have hurting hands. I loved this post...

  23. Lovely art and Christmas photographs.

    All the best Jan

  24. Oh Valerie, I love your knock off Van Gogh as you call it. It really is a study in blue and what a gorgeous shade of blue the background is. It's a super idea for your wonderful theme (which I intend to join in another way other than Dylusions if time allows me to). We have taken a break and are back in our caravan in the Lakes (actually shopping because it feels safer up here than at home, people wear masks here, not at home - what is wrong with them?) and I managed to grab a couple of stamps to use whilst not out walking or shopping.
    Gorgeous colourful lady and the bird - your words made me have to go to see what your friend David said about it. What a fab friend he is, he put so much thought into your page and linking you. He's definitely a keeper for a friend.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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