Monday 13 December 2021

T sTands for loTs of frusTraTion

Hi Everybody!

I'm frustrated because I can't do things that I usually do because of my frigging fingers  and this makes me very frustrated.  Anyway, I painted a wonderful frustration piece today, with lots of scribbles. I will show it another time as it's too dark too take pictures now, the days are getting shorter and shorter. But soon we will pass through the mystical door of the solstice and then the days will get longer again.

My piece for my doors challenge show the open doors of a place where Alice is apparently determined to go in. The mad hatter and the queen of hearts are having a heated discussion, which ends with the mad Hatter saying, Alice, Alice, who the f*** is Alice, while the cat looks on gleefully.  Now you will have to wonder which side wins and if they go into the hotel for their afternoon tea. And to those who don't like bad language, sorry, but I'm singing that song from Smokie as I type and it is definitely improving my mood! If you want to listen to the song you can do so here

Alice was the introduction to Elizbeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party  which starts this evening! Help yourselves!

Today we are also starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, which goes live at 9 pm this evening. Our lovely and talented Pinkie is hosting and has chosen the theme of anything Christmas goes, so hope to see you there!

And some Thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Valerie I am so, so, so sorry about your fingers. I know how frustrating it is to have a body part or parts now work. I love your post though. Alice is one of my favorites. Lemon, yum and the muffins too. I don't know what's wrong with your fingers but I hope they heal soon. Hugs N.

  2. So sorry about your fingers-feel free to express your frustration here-hugs.
    Love your Alice page so much, and your tea service and treats looks so inviting Happy new week ahead and Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Alice is always good for a re-run! Happy T Day, hugs!

  3. Hope your fingers get better Valerie, sending hugs. Beautiful art, love the Alice piece and your cute tag! That lemon cake looks delicious. Have a great week ahead.
    Take care, Tammy

  4. Beautiful art and memes so sorry about your fingers.

  5. So sorry reading about your fingers Valerie. That must be very frustrating. I'm glad the song made you feel better. I do the same thing when I am covered in hives and itchy. I'm loving your latest door page. The red queen doesn't look so happy that Alice is thinking of going inside. I hope she has a wonderful tea inside. And nice tag too. I like the challenge topic. Your treats look so yummy and I'l take a piece of your cake as well as a muffin. Wishing you a hopefully not so frustrating start to the new week and T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I think we need something to take our minds off things that are hurting or hindering us. My friend has bad allergies, and I know what he goes through with them. I would like to go into that hotel with Alice, it's a nice place. Help yourself to cake! Happ T Day, hugs!

  6. Another terrific post. I have been playing with some Alice in Wonderland stamps and they bring out my naughty side too 😜. I found a perfect friend for your owl painting but don't see how I can blog it. Hope you feel better soon. V xx p.s. You could also play the alternative "Thank you very much".

    1. Thanks Vee, I think we all have a naughty side lthough some peeps pretend the haven't! Have a great week, hugs!

  7. Very interesting post always full of great art, beauty, food and interest. xxx

  8. Hi Val, good morning, hope you are feeling a bit better. I hope the doc at the hospital can advise some better treatment. I hope you mange to get there okay for such an early appointment. Love your art today, as always, and naughty words belong to life!Loved the funny about the issues! Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. A neighbour is taking me to the hospital, and then I will come back by tram. They are really good there, so hope they can help! Have a great week, hugs to all!

  9. I wish I lived closer. I would type for you and you could serve me coffee. I look forward to the day those fingers start to heal, but winter is a bad time for them to do that.

    At least your art hasn't suffered. Your Alice is adorable. I hope she doesn't pick the door that leads her down the rabbit hole. This is a very inspiring entry for AJJ using your theme.

    That tag is lovely,. Really lovely. I like the menorah and the dog with the cute hat.

    I will gladly join you for coffee and that very rich looking cake. Thanks for sharing it with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    Your thinkies are all good, but I think I like the issues best! Hope you are better soon, dear.

    1. Thanks E. I've been trying with word to type, but it only works with German. There's always plenty of coffee here! Yes, the one with the issues is good. Have a great week!Hugs!

  10. Not surprisingly, Valerie, frustration is just oozing through this post. I can't imagine living with your fingers. Literally everything you do requires you to use them and you know before you attempt anything how much it is going to hurt. We all have to live with aches and pains now and then, but it seems that anything we might have put up with pales into insignificance compared to yours. I can only hope that the doctors can do something to alleviate your misery. You are going to need more than Alice in Wonderland, I fear. You have brought a whole new meaning to this scene with Alice. I suspect we won't find this particular retort from the Mad Hatter in the original version! Perhaps he too was having a bad finger day! Take good care. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, my fingers are oozing too! I wish I could follow Alice down the rabbit hole and find a magic potion, that would be great! Or do I need to go to Hogwarts for the magic potion? Whatever, it would be good. Lewis Carol was a clergyman, so I am sure he didn't use bad words! Tomorrow morning I have an appointment at the hospital to see a specialist, he helped last time my fingers and toes were bad. I just need to be up very early! I hope Miriam and you are keeping well and safe! Hugs

  11. Good luck with new treatment for your fingers. I hope you can get over the issues.

    I love your Alice post. The theme of doors really is everywhere in Wonderland. The idea of doors appealed to me so much that my post for today is about doors even though I don't do any craft work and I am not a participant in that blog event.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae! I always love Alice and all of the meaning behind it. Keep opening doors!

  12. I like the Alice art piece. So sorry about your fingers. Thank you for the thinkies. Have a wonderful week.

  13. A fabulous journal page Valerie and I hope you can get some relief or treatment to help with your finger problems. Stay safe my friend and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I like that piece of Alice at the door. Very cute! And the coffee and the pastries, delightful!

  15. wow this Alice in Wonderland art looks so pretty:)

  16. Every photo is a wonder! I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with continuing pain with your fingers. I hope that the art doesn't make it worse because I know how much you love doing it and how much we love seeing it. And I hope there is something -- heat or cold or anything -- that can alleviate the pain, even for a bit.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I'm going to a specialist tomorrow, let's see what he says! And I can paint with my left hand, but not write!

  17. I LOVE your Alice piece Valerie and just name Alice makes me say that...out loud..ha ha ha..I could sure use some of that lemon cake or slice, yum!...and your tag is gorgeous...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Hi Chrissy, let's sing it together - that would be fun!

  18. Hi Valerie, I do hope you get the fingers sorted. I've got a problem with the thumb on my right hand at the moment (too much gardening) and it's really stiff so I know how you must be feeling as it really impacts on what you can do. Loving the post though and wishing you a happy creative week. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela. Thumbs up that things get better!

  19. So sorry to hear you're still having such troubles with your fingers. Prayers for healing.
    Ha ha- love your Alice page:):):) Delightful tag art(hopefully mine fits the theme)! And the treats around the holidays are so much more delectable and tempting aren't they. Nothing beats the European goodies IMO! Thanks for the thinkies too. Take care, and happy T Day!

    1. Thanks linda, yes, Alice is fun! Yes, the treats here are very delicious and hard to resist! Hugs!

  20. Valerie, I am really sorry about your fingers. I can understand how very frustrating that must be. I do hope that they will get better soon and you can do all the fun stuff again that you enjoy so very much (and I love to see the result of that work). All the best to you, my friend.

  21. Love all your fun art! Super cute characters and great backgrounds. Seriously fun, Valerie. Great food pics!!! Love me some coffee and dessert! The funnies are great and I am going to reflect on that comment about love - I really think it is true and I think I need to do more of it. Hugz and happy T-day!

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you liked the art. And yes, that comment is worth thinking about. Hugs!

  22. Wishing you speedy healing. Your Alice pieces spell the pain of frustration. Hoping you get some relief when nature passes you through the magicsl solstice door

    Stay Safe


  23. I will definitely join Alice for tea! Happy T Tuesday :)

  24. How awful that you still have problems with your fingers. And frustrating too. I can feel your frustration through the ether. I hope something can be done medically that will make you feel better and give you the dexterity you need.
    I love the Alice piece. What will she find through that door? I hope she goes in, shuts the door on the Queen, the rabbit and the Cheshire cat.
    My mouth is watering at the sight of those lovely cakes. The tea tray looks very familiar. I must have known someone who had one like that.
    I love the thinkies,
    Best wishes for you (and your fingers)
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, the tray was from Aldi many years ago! Hugs!

  25. Your cake looks delicious, your Alice page is great (and I have that song stuck in my head now haha) and I love your tag! Happy International T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. The song is in my head, too, but WTF! Happy T Day,!

  26. So sorry to read about your fingers but heartened to read in the comments that you will be seeing a specialist, I do so hope he will be able to help you.
    Sending lots of healing wishes to you.

    Loved your Alice art, and that slice of cake looks so yummy.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lemon cake is always yummy! Thanks for the good wishes!

  27. Super Christmas Tag, love the images.
    So much to see on your blog page, just wonderful, especially the cake,lol.
    I feel your frustration re your hands, mine are driving me nuts, the splints make it difficult to do anything.
    Keep safe..xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, we make a good pair with our hands!

  28. Sometimes the best way to work out frustration is to vent through art. You did both and very well. The F word is my 2nd favorite 4 letter word next to sale. I think the Queen of Hearts will win as she always does and then they can go in and have tea. I'll gladly have a slice or two of your lemon cake. Take care.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one using bad words! Sale is very good, too! Have a great day!

  29. Valerie, I can't feel your pain but I know how I am feeling with arthritis in my thumb, just one but the right one. To have all fingers sorer than sore (that's how I feel yours are) must be awful. My sympathies are with you, wish I could offer more.
    Love your page, but then anything with Alice is a winner for me, but the composition you have used is brilliant. I love the fact of them all going into a hotel for afternoon tea. Imagine the Queen shouting if something is not quite right and the antics of the mad hatter, whilst the Cheshire cat just sits and beams (and I bet wraps himself around the teapot). Poor Alice has bitten off more than she can chew with this little jaunt. Bet she is saying the F word under her breath on more than one occasion.
    I love it! It's just my cup of tea!
    Wonder if they served tea and cake as nice as the ones you shared with us?
    Hugs and wishes for those fingers to begin to heal.
    Neet xx

  30. Thank you for the goodies. Love lemon! ;) Have a great week.

  31. With all that you are going through Valerie you have still been able to make me chuckle throughout this post!! I love your artwork and totally feel your frustration but yes sing out loud and get some of that frustration out!!! I do love your Christmas tag too <3

    1. Thanks Pinky, today I've been singing along with the Rolling Stones from way back when! Singing out loud helps! Have a great week! Hugs!

  32. Hello! I'm realllly late this week! Ohooo and such a lovely tea party, yummy cakes and chocolate covered buns! (Yum) bet they're all gone by now! LoStay Safe. Happy very Late T for Tuesday! (Lyn)

    1. I always keep a few buns for late visitors, help yourself!

  33. If Blogger eats this comment again I will have a temper tantrum for sure.
    Valerie, I love this page, made me laugh out loud as I had to ask the older boys at school to stop saying it.
    Your tag is delightful.
    I am so sorry to hear about your poor fingers, I do hope you find some relief soon!
    As for coffee and cake - it's nearly time for some of hubby's veggie soup so I will pass. Last time I tried to comment I was totatlly up for it!! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Blogger is playing silly buggers again! My fingers are starting to get a bit better!

  34. marvelous tags and photos and i really love the quotes and memes. xo


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