Thursday 25 February 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have 2 pieces to share. The first is a 30" x28" collage. I painted the background, cut it into strips and wove them before adding the quote:

This hybrid piece was made with images from Mischief Circus and me:

I am linking both pieces to my heavy metal challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday.

Some pictures taken here in the clinic and in the grounds:

More photos from Sunday's walk to Castle Kalkum:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Awesome interpretation of the puzzle quote. So nice to see signs of Spring. Take care

  2. Both your art pieces are so special! I truly love them both! Thank you for the gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!

  3. Your woven abstract would make a good feature for a card, especially with your written words included. A really statement piece. I love the lady in your second page, she's very stunning. Those burst of light as they hit the camera really adds charm to your pics Valerie, the view from the clinic window is a scene i'd love to sketch and paint. I was amused by the satsumas with little faces in the fruit bowl i'd leave those ones till last hee hee.. Wishing you well, I can not believe it is nearly the end of another week Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, weaving is a kind of therapy, Always relaxing!

  4. I do like your woven art, and so nice to see more photographs from your Sunday walk.
    Maybe Spring is just around the corner ...

    Happy Thursday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  5. Beautiful art today. I love the quote and the woven piece. It is quite striking. You digital hybrid is also perfect for AJJ. I really enjoyed walking with you. I particulary like the effect of all the shadows from the trees along the path. Have a great THursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you like the pages. That path is a wonderful place to Walk!

  6. Stunning project, BRILLIANT design.. That texture is amazing. xx

  7. Beautiful woven collage and mixed media. I love the spring flowers.

    1. Thanks Christine
      . It's good to feel the spring.

  8. Your art work is fantastic! The photos are great too. I really liked the one of the lane with the shadows. I hope you are coming along and getting closer to going home soon. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. I have an MRT today to See what is still causing problems. I'm looking forward to going home!

  9. I love your art Valerie-you are so creative, and I really enjoyed the photos too. Lovely grounds for the clinic-that's really a nice area. Hugs Kathy

  10. Absolutely stunning! I just love the creativity you bring to your blog! Great photos for the clinic and Im sure you are happy your snow is gone :) Hugs! x

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and are feeling better! Love your art today, both pieces are wonderful, the woven piece is very striking! Good luck with the examinations today, hope all goes well. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I will ring you this evening! Hugs to all!

  13. *wow* ist das kreativ getsaltet und sieht toll aus mit dem Spruch dazu.
    Diese Frau in dieser Art ist ein schönes Kunstwerk geworden. Grossartig diese machart!
    Wunderschön deine Fotos von dem Wetter und erwachen von den Blumen!
    Alles gute dir und drück dir die Daumen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  14. Making a woven piece of art is fun because you never know what you will get. There are some lovely shadows and shapes in your landscapes today, lots of creative sparks of JOY! Isn't it glorious to see some sunshine again? It's shining here, waiting for it to sail around the pine end into the living room by lunchtime. Hugs, Deb

    1. Yes, this was fun to make, cheered me up on a dark day! The sunshine is wonderful! Have a great day, stay safe!

    2. are you signed up for Ida Andersen Lang's "Wish Upon A Star 2021"? I saw your FB profile pic in the group members line up. See you there?

    3. No, not this time. I am behind with everything just now! Have fun!

  15. Love your woven piece, such a lot of texture there and the printing beneath is so beautiful. You have a lovely hand.
    The portrait - what haunting eyes she has. This is a beautiful piece and if I could produce a portrait like that I would be well pleased with myself.
    Sorry, I thought you were home, did not know you were still in the clinic. It looks a lovely place to be though and I am sure you are being well cared for.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I had fun with this one! I am indeed still here in the clinic, but will be going home soon!

  16. Great quote on the woven piece. I love the face of your hybrid page and the splotchy hair.

  17. Hello Gorgeous! Did you miss me?
    It is spring and really had to go out ...
    Both of your pieces are great and I love them! The quote is also beautiful!
    I hope you are well.
    A very big hug!

    1. I always miss you Sweetie! In spring we need to go out and enjoy! Stay safe!

  18. Wonderful work, Valerie, and the girl with the splotchy face looks very sultry and come hitherish. There's a title even. We've had "Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair" so it's on to "Suzie with the Splotchy Face." See, I named her even. The clinic/spa looks very lovely as always, and your walk at the castle with so many signs of spring looks like the tonic we are all looking for. Yesterday was above freezing here for the first time in many a week, so the signs are hopeful. And now when we have dinner it is always still daylight. Yesterday Miriam made a delicious pizza and we had a bottle of Australian Shiraz, so we were suitably sated and quaffed! Take care, stay safe, get outside, wear a mask, be well. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David! Rusty faces could come back into fashion again, who knows?! It has been great to see the signs of spring, and to feel the warmth of the sun! Glad you enjoyed your dinner, a few of us here baked pizzas yesterday for 20 people and they were enjoyed by all. But we don't get wine here! Take care of yourself, hugs to you both!

  19. I like your paper quilt and that quote is just perfect and one in which I believe.

    The clinic looks just lovely. That view, looking out the doorway with the sunrise -- oh, it's beautiful. If you cannot be home, it looks like a good spot to be (and not for long!) I love that it seems to have a warmth. Thank you for sharing such lovely signs of a new season. The snowdrops are a true sign, aren't they? How fun to be in a place with good spots to walk, like to the castle. I always appreciate your photos.

    I hope you are feeling much better. YOu've been there rather awhile now, and I hope they have worked their magic so your life when you return home will be easier. Sending all good wishes.

  20. Thanks Jeanie. This is a good place to be and that has made my stay easier. Not much longer now!

  21. Two fabulous pieces of art Valerie, and beautiful photos! It's wonderful to see the spring flowers appearing now.
    Have a good evening xx

  22. I like your two quotes, very meaningful for me. The photos are so nice. Very pleasant place to be.


  23. Your works are amazing. I like the photos of the world seen through open windows. Lots of health and smile :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna! Windows make a great frame for photos! Stay safe!

  24. Wonderful creations and love your photos. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Anesha

  25. Very fine photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  26. Both pieces are great.The photos are so serene. Love the faces on the fruit:)

    1. Thanks Sandra, some fellow patients had a kitchen playtime!

  27. Both your art pieces and the saying are great Valerie. Lovely to see signs of spring happening around you.

  28. The collage looks very interesting. And the protrait looks wonderful! And pretty photos, as usual. :)

    1. Thanks Tarang! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  29. I like your collage and the portrait is wonderful. Lovely photos of the coming Spring.

  30. Love the puzzle and the quote.
    Gorgeous artwork...stunning!!!
    That beautiful rose truly brought a smile to my face.
    Always wonderful photo images.

    HUGS ❤

    1. Thanks Jan, The rose is in the kitchen at the clinic! Have a great weekend!

  31. Your photos are lovely Valerie, and I love that puzzle art...the message is beautiful. Your gold piece is lovely too! :)

  32. Love your paper tapestry. Love You're worth more than gold. Love all your photographs. Love, love, love!

  33. Oh, you have spring flowers already, wow. Can't wait to see them here too.
    Thanks for sharing lovely photos again. Have a relaxing weekend!

  34. Beautiful artwork Valerie, I absolutely love the quote on your first piece! Gorgeous photos, love the sun shinning through the door. I hope you are doing well. Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love that quote, too. I'm doing well. Have a great Weekend!

  35. Bravo, your woven abstract is fantadtic. Thanks for sharing your fab photos
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  36. Great idea with the woven picture and the great quote. Love the face on the fabulous background.
    Hugs Wendy.

  37. wonderful paper weaving and such a beautiful quote as well! Your hybrid art is striking and perfect for the AJJ challenge. The clinic looks quite nice and your photos of nature are a joy. Happy PPF!

  38. Wonderful collage and paper weaving ~ great message for all ~ other artwork is very dynamic ~ delightful photos with beautiful signs of Spring ~

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  39. Oh I love these pieces Valerie! Your paper weaving is fabulous, and again what a great quote. Your photo's are full of the signs of Spring, I can't wait for it to come here too. Have a great week, Sue xx

  40. Great journaling pieces. Love the woven papers and the words - they are soooo true. Your girl is amazing.

    So glad to see you are out walking a lot again and good to see you found much beauty at the clinic. Hope things are going well for you.


    1. Thanks Nancy, things are going Well. Next week I can go home!

  41. I've actually done that paper weaving technique and found it fun :) Yours turned out well! It looks like it's beginning to be spring where you are.

    1. I love paper weaving, it's a good way to use up scraps.

  42. Great pages Valerie! Love the woven papers! The views around the clinic are beautiful! Is it far out of the town? Hugs, Chrisx


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