Thursday 4 February 2021

Thursday/ Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have 2 pieces to share. The first is a mixed media A3 journal page, painted with acrylics, meant for my 'heavy metal' challenge at AJJ. The flowers were stenciled with gold paint, which I also used to outline her and add some decorations:

The second piece is a tag with a photo of Frida Kahlo, made for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have more photos from beautiful Burg Linn:

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love those green eyes in your first piece, and, of course, the swan.

  2. Your beautiful lady almost looks like a Roman wall fresco Valerie. She is very beautiful. You got some fantastic bird photos of the heron and swan. Hope your week is going well. Do you ge to go home again this weekend? Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like my lady. No more weekends at home, but it's not too long now till I can go home.

  3. OHHHH the wisteria! LOVE IT ! I can smell it now ~ what a fascinating door too ~ Thank you for transporting me once again into Spring ~ The Heron on the water ~ The path yet to be explored ~ Loving it all! ~ Wonderful tag and journal page too! Blessings and Spring wishes sent to you ~

    1. Thanks Karen! It is indeed a beautiful t special place, like a fairy tale castle!

  4. Love your art.
    Love your photographs, such a lovely selection, and a reminder that Spring is on the way!

    All the best Jan

  5. I love your art today. That first one is amazing. The photos are great. Mr. M. thought the Heron was shot here. Our world is so connected. That yellow house, I want to visit. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it's a small world indeed! Stay safe!

  6. Gorgeous art and photos as always Valerie. I hope you are having a great week!

  7. Beautiful girl and a lovely tag. Enjoyed your photos today.

  8. Beautiful face art work, looks like maybe spring is heading your way soon with those lovely photos. xxx

  9. It's so nice seeing those splendid birds. How I miss the water birds!

  10. Ich liebe diese zwei Kunststücke , aber die erste ist so grossartig ausgedacht und so süss ich bin richtig vernarrt in sie, diese Haare ach so toll gestempelt und auch die Farbenauswahl mit dem Hintergrund das ist für mich künstlerisch wertvoll, du hat mich mal wieder wie sonst auch immer überraschtd damit.Die Erinnerung Fotos sind auch wunderschöne Momentaufnahmen vom Leben wo alles so schön blüht und warm ist.
    Ich wüsnche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Sei herzlich gegrüsst Elke

  11. Thanks so much Laurie! Have a safe day!

  12. Danke liebe Elke! Es freut mich dass mein Mädchen dir gefällt. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  13. Hello Beautiful ... You drew a very nice girl and Frida Kahlo will be jealous ...
    So much greenery and so beautiful birds in your post today ... gorgeous!
    Have a nice day, the weekend is knocking at the door! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella, I am looking forward to the weekend!

  14. Great art work, in particular I like the golden lady. Lovely to continue our walk and see all the birds. I haven't seen our heron for some time, I guess you have to be in the right place at the right time. I have to travel a good distance to find swans too, but there were many on the mill pond near my mother's care home.
    Stay safe and well, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, I had fun with the golden Lady! There are swans on the lake round the corner, they are so beautiful to See. Have a great day!

  15. Feels like coming home when I visit your blog Valerie, so sorry i've not been around really finding time hard to juggle right now so popping in before I head out to do those care duties. Your green eyed girl is awesome upon your textured background, love this unique style of yours it adds so much depth and interest. So nice to see those spring greens amongst your pictures, Spring is just around the corner. Excited to read you are AJJ host this month will be over this weekend to see what this month is about. Take care Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Love the Frida Tag x

    1. Thanks Tracey, always good to see you here, but I know how busy you are! Take care!

  16. Love your journal page and tag. Great texture in the journal page, gives it an added dimension. Love the beautiful sunny photos. Have a great day. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, much appreciated, have a great day!

  17. wow,wunderschöne werke heute,der schwan und reiher sind auch bildschön.
    das lilane blumenhaus,sowas liebe ich ja.

    grüße jenny

    1. Danke, liebe Jenny, gut wieder von dir zu hören! Pass gut auf dich auf!

  18. Everything is beautiful here, Valerie, from your fantastical female to Frida Kahlo. Surely she would have been an interesting woman to share a tequila with. And we haven't got to the pleasant springtime walk through town, along leafy glades and close by the water, where you had wonderful views, and took exceptional pictures of a Grey Heron. The heron is majestic enough, but the Mute Swan alongside it is an image of grace and beauty if ever I saw one. The Coot too deserves honourable mention; he looks like the village priest in his cassock, perhaps sent to admonish the heron and the swan for having too much fun. Burg Linn looks charming from every perspective and I bet you will be looking forward to a return visit once COVID restrictions are lifted. It's almost the end if the week. Enjoy what's left of it. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! Friday KHlo was indeed a fascinating woman although she had so many health problems to contend with. Burg Linn is a beautiful place at any time of year, and I'm looking forward to the time when I can go there again. The food really looks elegant in his feather cassock! I'm looking forward to the weekend and some free time! Have a wonderful day, stay safe and hugs to you both!

    2. That should have been Frida Kahlo!

  19. Yay! I totally love your mixed media journal page, which is so cleverly done. Looks like an awesome hairstyle and those vivid green eyes are awesome. Always so nice to see lovely and peaceful scenery pics. Hope you are doing well! Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro. I wish I could do that with my Hair!

  20. Beautiful artwork, beautiful tag and beautiful photos from a beautiful person! Take care Valerie xx

    1. Thanks so much Pinky! Your words warm my heart!

  21. Great bird photos, and that wisteria!

  22. Beautiful art and wonderful photos Valerie!
    We saw a heron in flight this morning, on the misty golf course where we walk. There are 3 lakes, so we often see a few mallards, moorhens and geese. It's always a bonus to see the shy heron.
    Have a good evening,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Herons are beautiful, I love watching them, too

  23. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love that lady and the gold stenciled flowers! Awesome photos of the birds, love the Heron and the lush green photography is so beautiful!
    Take care & stay safe.
    Tammy x

  24. Love your journal page and tag. Great texture on the page. Hope you are feeling better after your weekend at home.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. Thanks Wendy! The weekend at home was good, hope I can soon be home agu!

  25. Love the tags. Those green eyes just pop.
    What a beautiful area. Serenity just seeps from these pictures.
    Stay safe. Be well.

    1. Thanks Sandra! Perhaps I'll call her Popeye! Stay safe and well!

  26. Lovely art! And lovely photos again. Especially love the heron. We have a huge population of them around here. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks. I love watching the herons. Stay safe!

  27. Re your question on Suze, sadly she has not settled at all, howling all night for two weeks now, missing her pact and siblings, so we are returning her on the weekend or next week, sad as she could make a gorgeous pet. Our neighbours have been good but it's not fair to them to listen to her all night long. x

    1. So sorry to hear this Annie! Sending you big hugs!

  28. Lovely artwork as always. Just love those shots of the Heron.

  29. Very fine pictures, beautiful photos;)

  30. Hi Val, I'm late again, everything is chaos just now, we had a burst water pipe....You can imagine how it feels!! I love your golden girl, and the photos of Burg Linn are wonderful, I would like to visit there again sometime. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, sorry, it sounds bad! Take care! Hugs to all.

  31. All is wonderful. The Frieda tag could inspire me to try some tags.

  32. Beautiful mixed media artwork ~ she is gorgeous ~ lovely tag art ~ Your nature photos are awesome ~ wonderful photos of our 'feathered friends' ~ Happy Weekend to you ~

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol! The Walter birds are always special.

  33. Loving your mixed media art, the lady is beautiful and I love the tag too! I loved seeing your photos, you always capture nature so beautifully 😀. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  34. Two lovely ladies- and both are done beautifully Valerie.
    Wonderful captures of nature- the water birds are my favorite!
    Keep well, and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, I love watching the water birds, so peaceful!

  35. Those swan pictures should be hanging on walls.
    The necklace in the first piece is great.
    How are you feeling?

  36. Burg Lyn certainly looks like a lovely place to walk - and the bird life is gorgeous. A shame we cannot walk to our lakes at the moment, or anywhere except close to home (lockdown rules). Oh to be out of this mess now. I have had enough and I never thought I would start feeling like that.
    Anyway, thank goodness for our art. Love your first picture of your lady with the lovely metallic hair decorations, such a lovely face and I see that texture has been used again.
    Nice Frieda tag too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it is indeed a wonderful place! I think we all long to be able to move about freely again. Take care, look after yourself!

  37. Your photographs are magical, so clear and Springlike. I always love to see houses and architecture and that yellow house is pretty amazing. Also amazing is how still a heron can stay for so long.
    Your lady is very assured, has a nice smile and I love her flowery hair.

    1. Thanks Sheila. I certainly can't stand on one Leg as long as a heron! Have a great Weekend!

  38. Oh I love her Valerie, she looks so regal, and the flowers are lovely too. What is on the background to make the texture?
    What a beautiful place that is, and that yellow house with the wisteria climbing up it, amazing colour combo! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Elle! The background was textured by putting a good blob of gesso and a couple of spots of colour in the middle of the page and then spreading it with a brayer, which makes the texture in the thick paint. Have a great weekend!

    2. it looks very good - have a lovely weekend

  39. I like water fowls. Happy PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  40. Loving both your art pieces, but your golden girl, has a place in my heart! Love her! Gorgeous pictures! Love the yellow building and all the beautiful birds! Big Hugs!

  41. Thanks Stacy, I had fun with the golden girl! Have a great weekend, stay safe and well!

  42. Your girls are wonderful! Such lovely photos as well. Happy PPF


  43. Both works delighted me. I like Frida Kahlo, her life has been extraordinary. Lovely photos. Lots of health :)

  44. What a lovely place to visit, and a great photo of the heron and swan together! Your gold piece is beautiful! :)

  45. Wow, these are amazing! I always love your faces, and Frida is a favourite of mine too so it's a double yes from me! Take care, Sue xx

  46. Love your art journal lady - her hair is sooo cool, her eyes are amazing, and I love the texture on your page. Freida is looking lovely as well! You do some fun things with images of her.

    Super pictures. I love how they trained the wisteria on that house - with my luck, it would dig into my sewer pipes or wrap around my roof and destroy it. LOL. They probably have gardeners to tame it. Wow. All the pictures are so pretty.

    Hope you are doing well, Valerie. Many hugz

  47. Fabulous art work - love the texture in the first one and of course, what's not to love about Frida?
    Love the photos, especially the ones go the heron and swan together! Hugs, Chrisx


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