Friday 12 February 2021


Hi Everybody!

Happy Friday. Today I am linking to Paint Party Friday and to my 'heavy metal' challenge at AJJ. I made an A3 mixed media page using gold and bronze metallic paint on a texture background. The sentiment was written by hand:

And I have a tag for my black, white and one other co lour challenge at Tag Tuesday

And I have some mixed photos from this past week:

We visited Schloss Kalkum and the animals:

The moat was frozen:

Don't tread on the ice:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Hi Valerie, loving your latest art pieces.
    Enjoyed seeing your flowers and brrr looks cold like here. we are really really cold here won't be going anywhere as there is ice on our road and driveway.
    stay warm and safe-Happy weekend Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I think we are all having icy weather! Stay safe at home!

  2. It does look cold and wintery in your photos. I guess seeing it is February it's expected. The llamas/alpacas don't seem to mind. And I love the new art. That chess quote is great and nice metallic effects. Have you watched or red the Queen's Gambit? It's a chess themed story. Nice tag. The gold looks great with the black and white. I made a tag today I will post tomorrow. Hope you are warm and safe. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes it's winter, but unusually cold for here! I saw the Queen's gambit, it was good. Have a great day, stay safe!

  3. Lovely metallic page and a nice tag. The photos are so good especially the flowers.

    1. Thanks Christine, flowers are always beautiful!

  4. Now that is a fantastic piece of art. I really love it. Wonderful photos too. Have a great weekend.

  5. Beautiful art Valerie. Love your snow photos and that tulip is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Sue, I would enjoy snow and ice more of it wasn't so cold!

  6. Beautiful project and adorable colours on this design. Your photos are amazing as well.xxxx

  7. Thanks Laurie.I am doing well, hope to go home soon! Stay safe!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better. Love the chess page and quote. Some workers are coming today to assess the damage! Stay safe and warm, don't go on the ice! Hugs, Sarah

  9. Great pages and love your amaryllis

  10. Oh just look how the metallic shimmers on your gesso textured page, fab chess pieces. I bet the fluffy snow hides lots of slippy ice underneath be extra careful.
    I'm so glad it's Friday.. been another hard week. I hope all is well in your world??
    Stay safe & keep warm Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, all is well here, Just very cold and icy! Sorry you had a hard week! Stay safe and warm!

  11. Love the chess piece! And that rose colored tulip with the fringed petals. Gorgeous! Happy PPF!

  12. How amazing is that tulip? It looks as if it's ready to bite!
    Stay safe and well, hugs, Deb

  13. Thanks Deb, I love these tulips! Have a great day!

  14. Hello Gorgeous!
    I love the quote, and your art looks amazing as always!
    The pink parakeet tulip is very nice!
    I won't say anything more about the snow pictures ... I've had enough of the snow! But they are beautiful anyway! LOL

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Snow Looks so pretty, if only it wasn't so cold and slippery! Stay safe!

  15. The chess pieces are sooo cool and your words are very fun! Some truth to them as well. Love you did the pieces in gold. That tag is wonderful - love him and your numbers background. Great pieces in your post today, Valerie.

    The pictures are so pretty - how fun to see the moat iced over. Wonder if that helped or hurt back in the day when they were really useful things? LOVE your flowers.

    Hope you are well! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I am doing well! A frozen moat would make things easy for attackers! I suppose they made holes in the ice to prevent such things!

  16. Love that gold and bronze paint and those snowy vistas are wonderful. Another great post. Stay Safe.

  17. Stunning!!! Valerie. The Check Mate is my favourite today

    Happy Friday


  18. Checkmate! Now there's a word I haven't used in a long time, not having played the game for many years. Great crafting today, Valerie, and pretty esoteric with a combination of chess and Albert Einstein. I don't know of any moats around here but they would certainly be frozen at present. Yesterday Miriam and I were driving alongside the Conestogo River, and other than for a few small, rapidly flowing sections it was frozen solid. Your landscape there looks very wintry too, but when that snow melts it should be great for moisture levels in the soil. By then spring will be in the air and perhaps as more and more people receive their vaccination, the fragrance of coffee from sidewalk cafés will be in the air. Enjoy the weekend coming up. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Chess and Einstein go well together! I have never before seen the most frozen, we rarely get such cold weather here, and I am sure it's much colder over there! Between snow and floods of should help a bit, the Rhine is still flooding. The vaccinations here are going very slowly, so we may have to wait a long time for our cafes to open! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to you both!

  19. Lovely page and tag, love the backgrounds with all the metallic paints. Hugs Wendy

  20. As always, your works are beautiful. I love alpacas they are so nice. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks. I Love watching the alpacas too. Stay safe!

  21. great art and chess quote Valerie, and I love your tag art!!
    Gorgeous photos of the flowers and sunrise especially. Happy PPF!

  22. your gold is brilliant. MIne always looks washed out and only seen if I tilt the paper... llamas! the tag is a great design with clocks and einstein

    1. It's hard to Show the shine! I Love the llamas!

  23. I love your heavy metal piece! And the tag is very nice! Oh a moat...I've always wanted one to keep the people away lol...I guess it wouldn't be too practical though! Beautiful flowers! :)

    1. A moat would Look very classy! It could double as a Pool in summer!

  24. Fabulous photos Valerie, and wonderful art!
    Hope you have a good weekend,
    Alison xx

  25. Your photos are awesome and wonderful artwork ~ favorite is the Einstein tag ^_^

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol! Einstein is always a fave with me!

  26. Beautiful art Valerie, I love the shimmer on the chess pieces and that awesome quote! Great photos, the flower is the window is gorgeous! Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, that is really a wonderful tulip! Have a great weekend!

  27. Hi Valerie, loving your art and beautiful photography. Great to pop back here and enjoy all your creations.

  28. Fabulous page and tag! The Einstein tag in the black, white and gold looks amazing 😀. Lovely photos too! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  29. Your photos are super luscious! I also love your page and tag, such strength to them.

  30. I do like your page and tag ...

    Wonderful photographs, amazing to see the frozen moat.

    Mind you here in the UK even parts of the River Thames were frozen, first time that has happened in 60 years!

    Brrr ... roll on Spring.

    All the best Jan

  31. Your two art pieces are so cool!!! Love them! Love your photos! Your photos always make me happy! Big Hugs!

  32. Great page ,great TAG and photos, congrats 👏👏👏💐 have a nice day 😊
    Hugs from Chile

  33. Your journal page and tag are lovely! The gold is just perfect! Such wonderful photos! Stay warm.

  34. I love the flower closeups. And the frozen moat! Wow!

  35. i do not have words for how much i love that einstein tag! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, Einstein was a wonderful person.

  36. Chess is the best game ever! Handwriting is becoming a lost art nowadays. You did it well.

  37. What fabulous pieces, they are both so striking. Take care xx

  38. Love your Chess pieces. I don't know a thing about the game and watched the show THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT and loved it but didn't understand a bit. Do you play Chess?

  39. Lovely art work - the tag is gorgeous - I love the images, and the gold looks beautiful with the black and white - a real stunner.
    Diana x

  40. Another lovely quotation with the metallic chess pieces and a simply gorgeous tag featuring Einstein. Love the business of it all. Even though I don't play chess, have never played it, I watched all episodes of The Queens Gambit and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it yet I can recommend it.
    Must have been cold to freeze the moat. Mind you I have seen pictures of sea frozen.
    Hugs, Neet x
    ps Good news about the 2nd March - although you might have got used to the clinic now, it will maybe seem a bit strange to go home. Good luck anyway.


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