Monday 15 February 2021

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Have a good, safe and healthy week!

Today I have a new A3 mixed media piece for my heavy metal challenge at AJJ.

I used gold and bronze metallic paint and 2 stencils.

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I have a selection of nice coffee memories from the good old times of pre-Covid normality, and I sincerely hope that these times will return soon!

 Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely coffee memories ... those were the days!
    Like you I do hope they return soon.

    I like your mixed media piece.

    Enjoy the new week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks! Let's hope that things will soon get back to normal!

  2. Lovely metallic art page. The coffees look warm and comforting. We are expecting a lot of snow in the next 2 days..shovelling here we come.

  3. I love the Dina Wakely faces, and I also think you used them in such a good way! And that quote is great also. It works so well with the page. And nice metallics. I am enjoying this challenge a lot myself, and I think you are too. I think we all need pre-covid world to return. I sure do. It has been so long, or feels that way. I hope you have a wonderful week Valerie, and a happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we all want our normality back again!

  4. Beautiful art and your coffee outing always look so good. I sure hope those time will be back again soon too. Happy Valentine's Day Valerie :)

  5. Food, stars and coffee bars, love your life and post. xxx
    Stupid robot is onto my back now for 4 days. ♥

    1. Thanks Annie. I hate that robot, too! Have a great week!

  6. Thanks, it's one of my fave quotes!

  7. I am quite introverted, so I don't go out to cafés and restaurants much anyway. However, I long to have back that gift of CHOICE! To wake up and say: Yes, I'll go out today, and know I can do so, in safety.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Yes, we need to feel free to choose again! Have a great week!

  8. Hello Gorgeos,
    I smell the coffee from here ... so good!
    Very nice metallic art page ... I love those moon faces, and the quote too!
    Let's hope that soon we can enjoy a cup of coffee on a terrace in the spring sun!

  9. Wonderful art and great photos Valerie! I hope those free and easy pre-covid times will return soon.
    Alison xx

  10. Nice art, I like your photos ❤

  11. Love your page, Valerie, so comforting to think about your words as they are so true. We are all under the same sky! Lovely use of metallic too.

    Your coffee pictures are wonderful and make me miss the good old days a bit more! Hugz

    1. It is indeed comforting to realise that the same sky covers us all! Have a great week!

  12. Okay, Valerie, enough with this daubing on paper for the "heavy metal" challenge. Time to get a hunk of bronze and start sculpting. Let's have some real heavy metal art! Naturally you will wish to choose a bird as the subject of your first venture, perhaps a Canada Goose since you have so many models readily at hand. And here's the thing. If it goes wrong you don't have to admit it to anyone. You simply carry on and create what would allegedly be a new discovery of one of the strange lineage of the birds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. You can't lose! Those wonderful images of coffee, and more significantly coffee shops, bring back memories of what seems almost a forgotten era, when we simply went out, window-shopped a little, walked up and down the street, enjoyed the fresh air and stopped somewhere for a coffee. A global pandemic can sure knock the stuffing out of the simple pleasures of life! Enjoy the week ahead. Here it is still very cold, and we are expecting a major snowstorm so my shovelling muscles will be mobilized for action. At least when I come back inside Miriam will have hot coffee and a muffin ready. Hugs and kisses from your Canadian correspondent, David

    1. Hi David, they might not be happy at the clinic if I start schlepping hunks of metal inside! Perhaps another time! But I could perhaps create some of my Balconia birds again, with gold or rust, we'll see! A lot of simple pleasures have disappeared, but let's hope things will soon get back to normality. Here it's milder and rainy today, let's see what tomorrow brings. Have a good and safe week, hugs, Valerie

  13. I love these little faces. Wonderful photos of coffee and the shops. Have a nice day.

  14. The perfect quote for these times. The café days can't return soon enough to suit me :) Happy T Day!

    1. Oh yes. Amen to the speedy return of the Coffee shops!

  15. this coffee place looks so cozy and nice;)

  16. Love the coffee shop photos. I sure hope things get back to normal too...

  17. Hi Val, Bill here. Stay well!

  18. Gorgeous page Valerie, I love the metallic paints and that awesome quote! Great photos, that wooden rabbit next to the tea set is so cute. I hope you are doing well. Take care and have a nice week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I am doing well, in 2 weeks I can go home! Stay safe!

  19. Hi Val, good evening! Sorry I'm so lange today, we had the builders in. Need I say more? Chaos all through the house! Love your art and photos as always. Hugs from all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Hope the builders are soon finished! Hugs to all!

  20. Your piece and saying go hand in hand.
    Here's to being Covid free.

  21. I love your piece Valerie, and the sentiment is perfect for these covid times. I can't wait to go out for coffee again either! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I think we are all longing for some normality in our lives! Have a great week!

  22. Very interesting photos;) Have a nice day:)

  23. Love your art piece and quote! So meaningful! Gorgeous photos! So pretty! Big Hugs!

  24. Wonderful quote on your art today. You have been to some lovely coffee places. Out #2 son recently made a wall poster with a coffee bag, it looks amazing.

  25. Your art is gorgeous, Valerie. That quote really got to me. I was so impressed with the faces and the care you took with the lovely entry you gave us at Art Journal Journey.

    I also look forward to the day I can go out, if not just for coffee, but for a nice meal, too. Your coffee photos are superb and nostalgic. Thanks for sharing them with us for T this Tuesday, dear. I'm off to link you as soon as my link goes live.

    1. Thanks E! I Hope we can soon get back to normal. Thanks for linking me!

  26. Lovely page and lovely thoughts, Valerie. We all long for those old "normal" days. Funny that they didn't seem so special then. Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. Now we can appreciate how good we had it!

  27. Great to see those photos of the "old days" and I hope we'll all soon return to that prior normal situation!

    be safe... mae at

  28. Those days WILL return! And if nothing else, I'm looking forward to see your first T back at home after such a long absence!

    1. Yes they will! I will make a special Post when I get back home!

  29. Terrific coffee shops ~ Loving the happy gold stars on the page too. Blessings to you!

  30. Hopefully we will soon be back to those days, lovely to see all the lovely coffee shops and beautiful mugs, love the pretty flowery teapot and jugs.
    Great piece of artwork, I love the sentiment too.
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan, we are all longing for those days to come back!

  31. Fantastic artwork and wonderful photos.

    1. Thanks Anne, good to see you again. Happy T Day!

  32. Love your page and quote. Your photos are always beautiful. May we all get the gift of being able to enjoy a coffe out, do some window shopping and admire beautiful scenery.❤️

    1. Thanks a Lot! Let's hope we can soon enjoy the little things in life again!

  33. A lovely thought to go along with your fabulous metallic spread! Oh Valerie! Those coffees day........Happy T Day, Chrisx

  34. I really like the quote on your mixed media page. So true!
    A lovely look back at normal times. I too miss eating out and window shopping.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I think we are all missing these 'normal ' things! Stay safe!

  35. What a gorgeous page with all those faces.
    I enjoyed your coffee photos. We all long back to the time when we could do all those things. When that time comes, unfortunately half of those lovely coffee cafe's will have gone out of business....
    Happy T-Day,

  36. Such a beautiful page! The shine from the gold and copper looks so pretty 😁. Wonderful coffee and cafe photos and flowery tea service in the window is gorgeous too. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jox

  37. Nobody does a coffee photograph like you do. How this made me realise how I have missed cafe culture. Will those days ever return where we feel safe sat inside a cafe or will we have to sit outside to feel safe? Certainly prefer to sit outside but the winter weather in England does not allow for that.
    Love the idea of all of those faces and I must copy the words down, they are something that should be remembered.
    Hugs, Neet x


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