Monday 8 February 2021

T sTands for a new challenge aT Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. This time I am hosting and my theme is black, white and one other colour. Tags of all formats are welcome, and as always, you have 2 weeks to link to us. Hope to see lots of you joining in! I have made a Frida tag, I stamped the image and added the flowers, heart and text digitally:

 Today is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. Today I am sharing some photos 'from the good old times', taken at a coffee shop in the old Harbour in Düsseldorf:

Brewing the coffee is taken very seriously by the barista:

A little work of art:

Next door they were offering coffee to go:

The TV tower has disappeared in the mist:

Different coffees to choose from - I chose desert rose!

And I loved this rusty hydrant we saw on the street:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. As you know I'm usually a tea drinker
    the coffee in your photographs look so wonderful :)

    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  2. I love your art piece! So inspirational! Cool coffee house! Love your photos! Big Hugs!

  3. Lovely tag and coffee photos! I like the minimal colour theme in the tag challenge.

  4. OH how beautiful - I love the contrast in the color and so unique to use Frida as the inspiration! LOVE the coffees - I'd sign up to try Desert Rose! Havea great day!

  5. I've seen them make patterns, most often a shamrock, in the top of a pint of Guinness, which is known for that thick, creamy foam on the collar.
    Wishing you a wonderful week, Deb

    1. I would Love to See a Guinness with shamrock!

  6. A great colour combo, used to be my favourites as a teenager my bedroom colours. I love that Frida quote Amazing. You have so many lovely memories to reflect back on with your photo's Valerie, here's to those times again, slow brewed Coffee and discovering rusty hydrants just like the one on display.
    Hope all is well with you..?? Trying to get back into the swing of things here.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I'm sure we are all longing for the times when we can be Out and about again! Stay safe!

  7. Super project , love the colours, and the heart added.. Thanks for always visiting...Have a lovely week. .xx
    Robot is around me again.. ggggr

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great week. That robot gets on my nerves, too!

  8. Thanks Laurie, I'm drinking coffee right now!

  9. Good morning Valerie: Frida looks wonderful, with her heart pumping right out of her chest! In fact it pumped so hard it has slipped right down to her sleeve where she wears it proudly. You can tell that the pictures in the coffee house represent modern times, for someone has her iPad open on the table. Maybe a really tech-savvy person would be able to even identify the year of the iPad. I know that Miriam's is a few years more recent than mine and it looks a little different. What did we ever do before we had these gizmos? As for the pattern on the cappuccino I was amazed in Scotland when we stopped for a coffee and the fellow who owned the little coffee bar, knowing I was Canadian, put a maple leaf motif on the surface. I was about to sing the national anthem, but Miriam told me I would clear the coffee shop of other patrons, so I'd better not! Good advice! It has become quite cold here of late, nothing drastic mind you, but cold. Yesterday the high struggled up to minus 14, but we were out and about and we saw three Snowy Owls. February is already a quarter over! How did that happen? Take care, stay well, stay warm. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, good morning. It's cold and wintry here, you would probably find it warm with -7! Yes, what would we do without our gadgets! I'm typing on my tablet right now. How nice that you got a maple leaf on your ☕☕ coffee! So glad Miriam stopped you singing before the customers got scared away! How lovely to see those snowy owls. I saw crows, robins and squirrels today. They are quite game as they get well fed by patients and staff. Have a good and safe day, hugs to you both!

  10. Hi Val, good morning! I hope your day got off to a good start. We had lots of snow and ice, my car has disappeared under a mountain of snow! Love your Frida tag! Great colours. Take care of you have to go out! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, sorry about your car! I am glad I don't need to drive anywhere today! Stay safe, hugs to you all!

  11. Terrific new tag theme and entry ~ YUM to real coffee with steamed milk in a real café.
    Blessings on your week ~

    1. Thanks Karen! Yum indeed! Have a wonderful week!

  12. Great tag and the coffee looks so good. I love the old rusty hydrant too!

    1. Thanks Martha, I love rusty bits as I'm old and rusty myself!

  13. Love your tag, very striking. Can't wait to be able to go out for a coffee with friends. Have a great day. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, we are all looking forward to going out again.

  14. Einfach schlicht und doch so wunderschön deine Frieda mit dem Zitat und Herz auf dem Tag!!!
    Die Kaffees was da alles gibt für Sorten, toll dieses besondere Cafe und der Düsseldorfer Fernsehturm im Nebel!
    Schöne Erinnerungsfotos sond das wieder.
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Wochen start und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag und bleib gesund!

  15. There was a movie about Frida, starring Selma Hayek, which I thought was interesting. I can't quite remember her work, though, so perhaps I should google her. I love your photos of coffee.

    1. Her art was wonderful. I liked the movie, too.

  16. Gorgeous tag and awesome coffee pictures, love the art in the foam! And what a great photo of that old rusty hydrant. Hope you are doing well-
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, that place was good. Have a great week, Take care!

  17. Your tag is beautiful Valerie, I always like this as a theme, and of course, Frida is a favourite of mine. Wouldn't it just be wonderful to go out for a cup of coffee (OK, and a piece of cake) a little thing but it would be like heaven! Take care and have a happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I think we all love Frida. One day we can go out for Coffee and cake again!

  18. I Agree! Amazing art. Coffee is the first thing reached for in the morning.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  19. Beautiful tag! I love the colour combination and your coffee looks amazing with the beautiful leaf on top 😀. Such wonderful photos too, the rusty hydrant looks amazing! Wishing you a happy new week and T Day! Hugs, Jo x


  20. I love this artist, she was beautiful and talented. It will still be safe and we will travel and drink coffee in cafes with friends. Good week:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, one of these days we will be able to do these things again. Stay Safe!

  21. Great photos, and I love your Frida tag Valerie!
    Have a lovely week,
    Alison xx

  22. Hi Valerie. Hope you are feeling well. I love your theme. Black and White with one color. Yours is beautiful. I really enjoyed the photos today too. Have a great Sunday. Well it is Sunday here. :)

    1. Thanks Nicole. I'm doing well! Have a great week!

  23. Wonderful tag and sentiment. I'd enjoy sitting in the coffee shop and smelling the coffee. I don't care for the taste and I like the coffee art the baristas create. Take care.

    1. Thanks. Coffee always smells good! Happy T Day!

  24. You did a great job with Frida. It's a beautiful tag.

    Sorry this is short, but at least I saw where you asked me to link you, which I did. I remember many of those photos, and loved the various cappuccinos and designs in them. Thanks for sharing your tag, your trip into the "city," and your cappuccinos with us for T this week, dear Valerie.

  25. Lovely Frida tag, Valerie. I wish you could see all the wonderful Frida art we have here in Mexico. As you can imagine, she is quite an icon and much admired.

    OMGosh, I know Elizabeth will love that rusted pink hydrant. How unique.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! I would love to visit Frida's house! Happy T Day, stay safe!

  26. Your theme reminds me of the old joke,
    Q: "What's black and white and red all over?"
    A: "A newspaper."

    that coffee shop looks really tempting in these no-going-out times.

    be safe... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I remember that one! One day the coffee shops will be open again!

  27. Love your Frida inspired tag- and what a great color combo too! I'm sure you can't wait for the day you can walk about freely and sit and have one of those delicious cappuccinos with a treat before walking out and about just window shopping again. Keep well and happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, I am really looking forward to those times again. Stay safe!

  28. Great new tag challenge. I shall play around with some as this week will be cold and snowy, I have been missing the good old days of going out and about. You look like you had some fun with your coffee time. Maybe by summer you can do that again. Let's hope! Have a super T day.

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like the challenge, I am looking forward to seeing what you make! Let's keep hopeful!

  29. What pretty coffee art. I only drink tea but I love the look of the swirled cream.
    Loving your Frida tag.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I grew up in a family of tea drinkers, but never liked it!

  30. Hi Valerie, long time no see, hopefully we will soon be able to enjoy our coffee indoors, we are lucky that even in winter its warm enough outdoors. I love those patterns on the coffee, here its usually a heart at , .valentines.
    Happy T Day, Jan S

    1. Hi Jan, good to see you around again! I will be happy when things get back to normal again. Happy T Day!

  31. Your tag is gorgeous, I love Frida. The quote is typical of her.
    I enjoyed looking at your coffee bar photos as we all have restrictions and can't go out like we used to. Having said that, we can still go out for a coffee, as long as we stay in the village, and of course here in the village they don't have any fancy patterns. They don't even serve cappuccino. It's café (like an espresso but not so strong), cafe americano (black coffee with much more water, usually served in a glass), Café con leche (coffee with milk), and café cortado (a black coffee with a tiny dash of milk). Of course there is carajillo which is black coffee with a (large) dash of brandy or liquor of your choice. Café bonbon is half black coffee, half condensed milk so that the two layers are clearly visible. Fun to see but I've never had one.
    OK, did you enjoy the coffees or are you sticking with your cappuccino?
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, I think we all love Frida. Interesting to hear that you have so many coffee variations, but I don't like the sound of condensed milk in coffee! I mostly drink cappuccino or black cafe crema! Happy T Day!

  32. Fond memories :) Those days will return, I trust. Happy T Tuesday!

  33. Gorgeous tag. Luv your photo share

    Happy Tuesday

    much love...

  34. Loved seeing "the good old days"! Looks like fun times and that coffee looks delicious.

    Gorgeous picture of Freda!

    1. Thanks Jess! I hope those days come back soon!

  35. Great tag - sounds like something she would say! Very fun.

    LOVE the coffee pictures - yum. Those where the good old days and I am hoping they come back by Summer. I am on a mission to find somewhere that can make coffee with designs like this when they come back. Not sure that is possible in Alabama but I am going to try!

    Lovely post. Hugz

    1. I hope you succeed! I'm longing for the return of freedom!

  36. Love the Frida tag! Oh! Those coffee pics, I do look forward to the days of cafes being open! Belated Happy T Day, Hugs, Chrisxx


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