Friday 20 December 2019

Weekend / Birthday post

Hi Everybody!

It's the last weekend before the big holidays, and I hope you all have some time to rest and relax and are not busy all the time with holiday preparations.
I have been busy making more chocolates, and I hope enough will survive the weekend to have their photos taken next week for T Day. Nathalie came over on Friday, she was busy packing and decorating a present for her Mum, and I cooked us chicken and veggies, Indian style, spicy and aromatic,  which we both enjoyed. Unfortunately it didn't survive long enough to have its photo taken - that's life!

Saturday is my birthday, on the winter solstice, and that's a good day, as from now the days will start to get longer again, leading us hopefully towards spring. When I was a kid it made me sad that my birthday was on the shortest day of the year, because I thought I got less birthday than other people! I am going to be celebrating with friends at Cafe Schuster, where they offer a wonderful breakfast buffet, and I won't have to do the work. I have more friends coming in the course of the afternoon, and I'm sure we will enjoy coffee and my homemade fruitcake and chocolates. 

I painted this huge piece (A2) some time last year to use up left-over paint at art group, and now I have managed to finish it with some simple, cut-out, geometric shapes in primary colours. I am linking to Yvonne's words and numbers theme at 

On Thursday evening I saw this lovely corner where St Swidbert is so well lit up:

Earlier in the day I went round and took photos of the festively decorated doors and windows in our little town, here are a few of them:

Rocking horses in the window for Elizabeth:

And these beautiful views greeted me when I got up Friday morning:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful festive and sunrise photos, and I love your art Valerie!
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday!
    Alison xxx

  2. Happy Birthday to you ~ and what lovely artwork creation and gorgeous Holiday photography ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Hi Val, this a lovely birthday post, and I wish you a very happy day tomorrow. I will ring you in the evening when we get back home. Love your geometric page, and the photos are gorgeous, as always. The day of your birth was a good day for the world, that's certain! Lots of hugs, Sarah

  4. Liebe Valerie
    toll dass du dieses Journal fertig gebracht hast jetzt und wunderschöne Weihnachtseindrücke und Sonnenaufgang *wow* was für eine Farbe der Himmel hat.
    Ich wünsche dir morgen eine schöne Feier mit all deinen Liebsten! Du bist richtig geboren weil es geht ja aufwärts danach vom Licht!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Oh so cute decorations darling

  6. Happy Birthday on the 21st Valerie, looking forward to longer days. Beautiful A2 page. Love those festive doors thanks for sharing!

  7. I have scheduled my post for tomorrow and have wished you a happy birthday on my blog. Unlike last year, I am NOT a day early this year (grin).

    You gave us a beautiful and colorful page today, Valerie. I love the geometric aspect of it, too. It's definitely gorgeous, and thanks for sharing it with us using Yvonne's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    LOVED the rocking horse. Thanks for thinking of me. I really liked the wreathes. They were all slightly different, but certainly conveyed the spirit of the season.

    Beautiful photos from your walk and you made me hungry with your food you prepared. Sounds like tomorrow will be a perfect day for you. Since you have done so much baking and cooking already this week, you deserve the day off. Enjoy your breakfast buffet. I know your friends will love your fruitcake and chocolates. Happy birthday a day early, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I knew you would love that rocking horse!

  8. I have enjoyed reading your post Valerie and I hope you have a wonderful Birthday tomorrow , have a lovely time with your friends to celebrate.
    Your art page looks fantastic and two super words, ' chaos and order'. If' order' turns up point him in my direction as' chaos' seems to be in charge here just now. Thank you so much for adding the page to AJJ I really appreciate it.
    Enjoy your special day Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I have been trying very hard to find order for my chaos this week, therefore my sentiment! Thanks for the lovely cards which arrived today!

  9. I love your chaos and order piece, the colors are wonderful! Your photographs are so lovely as well. We share a birthday, the 21st is mine too! I hope you have an excellent day.

  10. Happy birthday tomorrow, Valerie. It comes on the shortest day of the year because the best things in life come in small doses! I am sure you will have a great time with your friends for breakfast and later in the day too.

  11. Beautiful colourful post, lots of gorgeous Christmas wreaths you have shown too... They would not last long here if access to them on the front door as kids would steal/destroy them. [and we live in a good neighbourhood, they come from other places]
    BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a lovely lady whom I have been friends with forever.xxxx

    1. Thanks Annie. Shame that some kids have to destroy things, that's always sad.

  12. Beautiful look at the front doors, sounds like good eats for you on your birthday too Happy Birthday! loved the morning sky photos too happy weekend Kathy

  13. Wishing you a happy birthday Valerie. It sounds like you have some fantastic plans. And at least you can say you share your birthday with a day everyone knows. And hopefully you'll get some photos to share, although more candy photos is not a bad thing. Smile. Enjoy your special day and make it a special day! Hugs-Erika

  14. Happy happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day. The photos pf the doors and the morning views are beautiful. More gorgeous art work too.

  15. Hmmmm, indisch klingt superlecker!
    Wir haben gestern Aussie Pie Teil eins gemacht (also die Füllung) und heute steht Grünkohl auf dem Plan.

    OH! OH! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!! Auf ein neues, schönes Lebensjahr, alles Gute und Liebe von hier!
    Süße Geschichte mit der Zeit, na, dann habe ich ja ein bisschen mehr Geburtstag bald ;-)

    Sehr schöne Arbeit. Ich kämpfe immer zwischen den Fronten von Chaos und Ordnung...

    Ach, ich muss noch unseren "Türkranz" bloggen, das Foto habe ich schon.

    Dir einen wunderschönen Tag (und ja... 05:20, Himmel, manche Nacht ist kurz!).
    Auf Freunde und gutes Essen, eine schöne Zeit - GlG, Iris

  16. thanks for this post:) i feel truly Christmas time now;)

  17. Wishing you a very happy birthday as well as a merry Christmas! It sounds as though you have lots of lovely feasting and friendship to see you through the day - I hope it's all just as fabulous as it sounds. Thank you for taking the time to share some glorious skyscapes with us again, as well as all the decorations around town.

    I love what you've done with your painting - the chaos behind being made orderly with the geometric shapes... except when the wheel turns and chaos rules again!
    Alison x

  18. Happy Birthday, Valerie! Your birthday plans sound like great fun -- and what a wonderful gift to have your birthday on the Solstice! You are getting the gift of the sun, the light returning! I know you'll have a wonderful day with friends and a terrific start to your new year! Enjoy every second. Happiest of days to you, my friend!

    1. Thanks so much Jeanie. I think this is why I am always so fascinated from sun, moon and skies!

    I think you have your birthday on a great day, you have the longest night so lots of sleep and dreams ahead! ;) Your door photos are wonderful, such a great idea! And I LOVE those sky photos too. Have a wonderful time today!!!

    1. Thanks so much! I will enjoy my long sleep and hopefully happy dreams tonight!

  20. So busy! Chocolates sound like a good idea :) I love the chaos and order art -a striking piece. I like how much variety there is in the wreaths. Lovely.

    Happy Birthday, and Happy Solstice! It may be a few seconds shorter, but it heralds the coming of warmer and longer days.

  21. Happy Birthday. A good time of the year for it. The Chaos and order card is wonderful. Love the colorful doors and decorations. The sunrise photos are a perfect way to greet the day.

    May you be blessed throughout the year.

  22. Everything looks so festive and I love those morning photographs, just beautiful.

    Many, many happy birthday wishes :)

    All the best Jan

  23. Happy Yule and Happy Birthday. Enjoy your birthday breakfast and celebrations with friends. Love all the festive decorations. Especially the blue doors which looks like the doors to the TARDIS

  24. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to everyone here!

  25. Happy belated birthday Valerie!! Sounds like you had a real fun day lined up, not to mention cake!! Love your door photos. How nice to see them all decorated like that. We put wreaths on our doors here for Christmas and it's becoming very Americanised with lots of outdoor lights flashing away until the new year! Loving the sky photos, amazing!! Not to be missed!

  26. I love your artwork Valerie, and what fabulous pictures of your beautiful town. I hope you had a very happy birthday, and a wonderful Christmas and 2020. Take care, Sue xx

  27. Happy birthday!! I love all the wonderful wreaths you have captured on doors! Beautiful artwork! Merry Christmas and happy PPF!

  28. Happy Birthday for Saturday Valerie! All the treats you planned to have sound wonderful and, best of all, spending time with your friends.
    Thanks for all your beautiful blog posts throughout the year. Your photos really inspire and remind us of what a gorgeous country you live in.
    Best wishes for a great and merry Christmas ~😊🎄💖~

  29. Your art piece is fantastic! I love all the pictures of the doors and windows! Priceless! Your sky photos are breath taking! Big Hugs!


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