Monday 16 December 2019

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more

Hi Everybody!

We had a wet and stormy day here on Saturday, but Sunday was really a sun day. I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked outside and saw the sun again! We have been promised very mild, spring-like temperatures with a mix of sun, wind and rain this week. And some people still say the climate is not changing....

This week we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Sandie is hosting. The post will be going live at 9 pm GMT. She has chosen shabby chic or vintage as her theme, so there's lot of scope there. She has 2 beautiful and inspirational tags on our blog to give you some ideas. I made an oval, vintage tag using a photo of my great auntie Fanny. Other images used are from Serif and me. As always you have 2 weeks to join the challenge, and I hope to see you there. Joan has left our DT because of family commitments, and we will miss her. But we have a wonderful new DT member, Pinky, who is a fantastic crafter, so I would like to give her a big welcome into our team:

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, which always begins Monday evening. I would like to welcome all the lovely ladies of the T Gang who stop by here.

The shops here in our little town have plenty of lovely, seasonal china:

I also had plenty of coffee to keep me going on my many walks. In spite of three days non-stop rain last week I still managed to walk 97 kilometers. On Saturday evening it was so windy and wild that my umbrella was ripped out of my hands and flew off. I'm just glad I didn't get blown away like Mary Poppins! I have no idea where it landed....

This was taken in an Italian cafe, where they have a big display of Panettone, a sweet and delicious Cake/bread made and eaten at Christmas: 

And this is my joy at home, my beautiful, automatic coffee-maker, which makes me all sorts of coffee whenever I want:

And I have started on some festive stuff here. Last week I baked cookies and shortbread with Nathalie. Now I have started on home made chocolates, which I will be giving away as little gifts. These are filled with cranberries soaked in chocolate liqueur:

Here I have just added the filling, the top layer of choccie comes next:

These are filled with peanut-butter and topped with sea-salt:

And the bad thing is, I have to keep trying them to see if they taste good.... I hope you are feeling sorry for me!

 This is my version of an English fruit cake as WIP. It still needs to be covered in marzipan.

The sky this morning was beautiful:

And it was lovely to be able to walk all day and not get wet once....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Unser großer Sonnenschirm hat es von ganz unten mal bis hoch in den dritten Stock geschafft!
    Seitdem nutzen wir starkes Seil, das hätte echt "ins Auge" gehen können! Mary Poppins für Große, sozusagen :-)
    Das sind schöne Geschenke, manchmal finde ich es schade, dass ich selten Süßes mag...
    Ja, es tut mir sehr leid, dass du immer und immer wieder probieren musstest ;-)
    GlG... naja, eher Frühlingsgrüße, Iris

    1. Ja, es war hart, aber ich bin tüchtig und hab alles pflichtbewusst probiert....

    2. Für mich wäre es wirklich nur eine Pflicht ;-)

  2. Hi Val, I thought you weren't going to post today, so I'm glad you did! Your tag is gorgeous, auntie Fanny was so lovely. Your culinary creations look great, pity I wasn't there, I would have gladly helped you with tasting! It all looks so good, yummy. Glad you had one dry day at least. We had rain again today. Have a great evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your tag is amazing. It is a real beauty. Your Aunt Fanny is always fun to see. This is a vintage gem.

    I had to laugh at Panettone. Lots of people apparently aren't fond of it, and it often doesn't sell, at least here in the states. Much like citron infused fruit cake, both are highly overlooked here.

    You certainly enjoyed a lot of cappuccinos this week. And of course, if I were there, I would gladly be your taster to see if these chocolate treats were perfect. Especially the ones with peanut butter!!

    The sun actually DID come out, didn't it? Great sunny photos of your walk today. I'm loving it.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely tag, your chocolate treats, your sunny photos, and your cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday. I won't comment on the panettone (grin)!

    1. Panettone is not my fave either, but I get one from neighbours every Christmas. Ti cut it into slices and toast it, with cheese on top it tastes good. But I do prefer my English fruitcake or the German Stollen!

  4. The floral frame looks so pretty around Auntie Fanny. Your shop window displays are always so pretty. I could spend hours window shopping. Our store windows are pretty boring. That bakery had me salivating until I saw the chocolates you are making. Oh, my! I wish I lived closer as I would be happy to be in charge of quality control. 😋 Happy T Day

    1. That would be a fun job here. Today I made more with white chocolate, almonds and soft nougat topping. Dangerous!

  5. The Auntie Fannie is precious. Love the "Old Timey" images. Love your creation. I must be a strange one because I rather enjoy fruit cake. I am a pie fan to be sure. Wet bottom shoo fly and cherry pies are my fav's. The weather here has been dismal except this past Sunday. It is chilly, damp and threatening snow, sleet and freezing rain today and tomorrow.
    Love your photography. Stay warm and dry.
    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  6. Thanks for the big shout out Valerie, I'm hiding under my desk now!! Crikey your tags are truly amazing!! How cute are those little china cups and saucers!! I'm craving some of those chocolates and the fruit cake!! Very unfair to tease us with all this deliciousness!! Gorgeous photos. Our weather is much the same as yours. Frosty, sunny and slippy here today!!

  7. Oh my. The art is beautiful, the food looks so good, I love the shops you have in your town and your photos amazing.

  8. Stunning artwork here and love the gorgeous photos, china tea shop and in general always an inspiring and beautiful post..xx

  9. It was good to see Aunt Fanny again before the year ends, the tags look fantastic .
    I liked the selection of china you shared in the shop window photos, they looked the kind of shop that it is good to look in but perhaps not to buy.
    THose chocolates you made look delicious, I would like to join you for a tasting session. Think of us poor souls you are tempting today and we cannot reach out and taste one for ourselves.
    All the photos were lovely, its a shame your umbrella flew off in the winds, they were awful here as well for a few days.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie
    Yvonne xx

  10. Great tag. You are a very talented lady. Those chocolates look yummy!

  11. If I lived next door, Valerie, I would volunteer to be your taster. it would be a great hardship, but I would muster all my fortitude and do it. Of course, tasting is a very fine art, and one can never decide based on the first attempt. I would sacrifice, without a moment's hesitation, in the interests of attaining perfection, and have three separate tastings of each item, just to make sure I got it right. No doubt you would wish to have a very fine liqueur available for me to adequately cleanse my palate between sessions. Hmmm, let me check flight schedules!

    1. David, I appreciate your offer. If ever I win in the lottery we'll order a ticket so you can be my head taster for the season!

  12. Yes, me too. I'm checking flight schedules as I speak! I'd love to be your quality control person and test all your lovely chocolate goodies. They certainly would make lovely presents. Clever you.
    I'm looking at all those pannettones. I don't particularly like the plain ones but there are those with patisserie creme in them. Those are nice. Also the chocolate covered ones arfe really nice. The Italians eat pannettone for breakfast with a bowl (yes, bowl, not cup) of milky coffee.
    The weather has been brilliant for you. The world looks so much nicer when the sun shines.
    Your aunt Fanny tag is lovely.
    I always like window shopping with you and these cups etc are beautiful. But then I enlarged the photos and saw the prices...!
    Wishing you a very happy T-Day,

    1. The shops here are very expensive, mostly only tourists who buy there...

  13. Lovely post …
    From your great looking tag, to all of your lovely photographs and especially those chocolates which do look rather delicious, yum :)

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  14. gosh you are a good baker Valerie, your chocolates look so good. Great photography skills too and art!

  15. such a beautiful vintage tag! Your chocolates look heavenly, and no I don't feel bad for you because you always manage to walk it all off:):) That bakery looks divine too- and yes, even in my area the Panettone comes out in many bakeries! Wonderful outdoor photos- glad the sun has appeared for a bit. Happy T day!

  16. I came back to see if my comment published. It didn't. I just can't post from my iPad. Makes me so mad! ok, done ranting. Love your photos from your walk and the shops. You and Elizabeth put me to shame with your decorations and baking. I have really done neither. My husband did bake pumpkin bread and make Christmas mix, though. Happy T Day!

    1. It's always difficult posting from an iPad. It helps if you have a Chrome browser.

  17. Nice new tag. I think I have one already made that will work for this challenge. Smile. And I love seeing the coffee shops. We have Panettones here also, and they always looks tempting, but I wonder how they actually taste. Have you ever tried one? And you are making me drool with those candies. You are having lots fun I can tell. Have a super T day. Hus-Erika

  18. Lovely tag, the Christmas goodies look delicious. I usually make an old English fruitcake, and we like stollen too, and chocolates for the holiday-yours look wonderful.
    glad you got some warmer dry weather with sunshine-sun always makes a big difference I enjoy all the photos and seeing your coffees at different cafes and bakeries Happy T Hugs Kathy

  19. I am always amazed at your energy -- walking, baking, creating and I am sure you spend some time on the computer.
    I know now how cold that rain and bitterness can feel along the Rhine. You must have a very warm coat and good boots.
    Sandy xx

  20. Was für ein romantisches zauberhaftes Tag das ist und die leckeren Sachen was ihr gemacht habt o wie fein und der Kuchen. Die Sonne war es auch bei mir so schön am Sonntag und heute ist es schon wieder bewölkt und grau!
    Normal ist das Wetter bestimmt nicht mehr udn das da smit dem Kilmawandel zu tun hat denke ich schon. Es wurde mal gesgat wir hier im Norden sollen englisches Wetter haben und da stimmt ja Nieselregen grau und grau, neblig und nicht so kalt.. also britisches Schmuddelwetter. Das haben wir seit Wochen udn imme rnur so ein Lichtblick dazwischen.
    So jetzt wünsche ich dir einen schöne Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke


  21. I love coffee with a bit of sweets. You told us beautifully about your day. :)

  22. Seasonal cups and mugs! I'm delighted at the selection here. I'd be looking at price tags, hoping to get lucky :) Your at-home coffee maker has a great design, doesn't it! I like that clean, modern look. I'm willing to help you in these trying treat-tasting times ;) Just say the word lol I like your scenic photos, but especially those last two: that one with the arched greenery on that skinny town house, and that waterside view. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Kind of you to offer help, come on over, I made new choccies today. And the coffee is always fresh!

  23. So glad you had some sun and got to warm up a bit on your walks. I can imagine how shocking it was to have the umbrella ripped out of your hands! Wow! Glad you weren't taken for a ride with it!

    Beautiful artwork and sky pictures. And displays and coffee too! The coffee looks so inviting and I am quite jealous of your machine.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  24. What a beautiful tag! The images that you used are fabulous, so romantic 😁. I loved seeing the different festive cups and cakes - yum! Glad that your umbrella was the only casualty and you weren't blown away like Mary Poppins 😉. It looked like a lovely day for your walk too! Sending you happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  25. Valerie your photos of lovely and those chocolates look amazing, I think I would love all those flavours
    I’ve always fancied buying Christmas china but we don’t really have much storage space but those are really pretty.
    Thank goodness you didn’t hang on to the umbrella, sounds very fierce for it to take it away like that.
    I’m not keen on Panettone but I know it’s very popular.
    Well done with your walking despite the weather, have a great T day
    Jan x

  26. I loved all these photos and I like the mugs.

  27. Lovely art work Valerie, and the Xmas cups and mugs are wonderful. Good you had a break in the weather to have some walks. Your baking looks wonderful too.

  28. Oh, your chcolates look just fabulous. Someone will be very lucky to get some of these! Especially the peanut butter. And I love it when you use your family in your art. This is a lovely piece.

  29. Beautiful artwork and great photos. Those desserts look delicious. Happy belated T-Day!

  30. Beautiful tag, Valerie. All those seasonal china pieces are so appealing. So far, I've resisted the temptation to buy. I just enjoy seeing them in the stores and at aother people's houses. lol

    Ear-to-ear smile at your "Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat" mug. I would love one of those chocolate candies of peanut-butter topped with sea-salt. I bet they're better than Reese's p.b. cup, which I like. But homemade is almost always better.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  31. You certainly are experiencing mild weather, we seem to be getting more than our share of heavy rain. The world needs to shift and give others in need some of it.
    Beautiful shaped tag and a fabulous theme that I yet again have no time to play along. I need to try and give myself time next year and a personal promise to play along more. Your handmade chocolates look delicious, I'd have *Tried* them all before i'd even got chance to photography them hee hee! I bet your fruit cake also taste mighty delicious.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  32. Lovely photos, yummy food, and I love your tag Valerie! xx

  33. What a gorgeous tag Valerie..your great aunt is stunning.
    Loving your blog header, cute,all the birds with their Santa hats...xx

  34. So many lovely things in this post! All your homemade treats are making my mouth water! LOL! Your art piece is so beautiful!! Love the photos! Big Hugs!

  35. I forgot to say, I'm glad you weren't blown away!!!


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