Wednesday 4 December 2019

Rain's Thursday Art Date and new challenge at MMM

Hi Everybody!

On the 5th of each month we start a new challenge at the More Mixed Media Blog. As always our challenges are anything mixed media goes, with an optional colour addition, which is white this month. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and there are prizes of digital papers for the lucky winners. I made an A3 mixed media piece using acrylic paints, collage and pastel chalks. The lanterns are cut outs from a magazine:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Rain's theme this week is flavours and aromas. Now the first thing that came into my mind was coffee - what else. After that I started thinking about food, bread, cookies, cakes, veggies, meats, cheeses.....

Okay I'll start off with my fave beverage - coffee:

And I love the smell of fresh veggies when they are being cut and prepared:

And you can't beat the smell of cake rising in the oven....except perhaps with the taste of the finished cake with lemon  cream cheese....

And this was a delicious nut cake:

Or perhaps I can tempt you with the smell and taste of a cherry and sour-cream cake, topped with almonds....

Or what about a pineapple upside down cake, with gooey caramel underneath?

Lemon sponge cake is always one of my faves, so refreshing:

And served with a cappuccino, even better:

And the aroma of freshly baked waffles is so good that it lures the neighbours out of their apartments....

And served with home made apple and ginger preserves and whipped cream - yesssssss!

And this is another of my favourites - spice cake with chocolate, fruit and nuts - what a wonderful conglomeration of flavours: 

Or perhaps some fresh tomato soup served with sour-cream?

Or a winter casserole with veggies, chicken and barley?

And another great taste - apple and raisin pie:

And this is a shepherd's pie - creamy mashed potatoes over ground beef and veggies, baked in the oven so you can enjoy the aromas:

And a hearty, fresh peach to finish off:

I hope you have enjoyed this selection of aromas and flavours.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow,wow,wow! The food looks so incredibly good, especially the cakes, I would love to try all of them, yum!

  2. You created a great mixed media page. I enjoyed all the foods you displayed but I'm afraid it made me hungry. I'm going to go look in the cupboard but I'm quite sure there will be nothing that beautiful waiting for me.

    1. Thanks, I hope your cupboards will have something nice in them!

  3. Hi Val, you have made me very hungry indeed! First of all, I love your atmospheric journal page and the sentiment you used. Great idea. And I wish we still lived near enough to each other so that I could sample all of your lovely cakes and creations. I still dream of your smoked salmon pancakes! The cakes all look sooooo good, too. Have a nice evening, and sleep well, hugs, Sarah

  4. Great art work Valerie, all those foods have made me hungry!! Shepherds pie would be my favourite, we had that earlier this week. Your cakes sound wonderful.

  5. If ever I buy shares in a coffee company, I will make sure they carry the brand you prefer, to guarantee success! All of the food looks so delicious, Valerie. I am glad it will soon be dinner time because just looking at the pictures is making me hungry!

  6. Wow and wow and wow on these amazing flavours and aromas Valerie!!! Beautiful art too. You are a good baker.

  7. Despite it being so dark out, I always think of December as the time of light, with Hanukkah and Christmas both using much light. I love your piece. As for the food -- well, my mouth is watering!

  8. Beautiful art pieces!

    I love all the foods you shared. I want some tomato soup! Also, those desserts look tasty and the waffle. YUM! I can smell all the flavors too. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great week!

  9. I am on my way. All that wonderful food. Lemon sponge cake and Pineapple upside down cake. Ohhh love the art too.

  10. Good thing I had my supper as all this food is tempting. Those desserts especially, since I had a nice healthy meal but nothing to satisfy my sweet tooth. And the food is art in itself, but I must say your art is also nice, especially the lantern piece. At this time of year who doesn't crave a little more light? Hugs-Erika

  11. Gosh what a feast, I feel like ten ton Tessie now, fat.... Gorgeous post love it as always.xx

  12. Oh me oh my, what a smorgasboard of YUM! This looks so inviting and delicious! Beautiful artwork to start of the slide show in here :) Your use of color and technique is just so serene and soothing - thanks for sharing!

  13. Schöne Arbeit - das Licht fehlt mir in dieser Jahreszeit!
    Kaffee... ich sollte mich zwingen! Gestern hatte ich Brühe, weil ich so durchgefroren war..
    Oh, danke für den Hinweis, eine rote Paprika wartet auch schon länger...
    Schön mit der Schubkarre.
    Mit den Kuchen kannst du mich leider nicht reizen ;-) Ananas nur auf Toast Hawaii (hatten wir diese Woche).
    Komischer Weise Apple Pie - Ja! Mit Vanilleeis.
    Himmel, yum, die shepherd´s pie! Könnte ich auch schon jetzt um halb acht morgens! Ich werd so langsam hungrig hier!
    Ohhh, sieht der Pfirsich hübsch aus!
    Dir einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Der Pfirsich war ein Glücksgriff am Markt, und ich hab nur die Hälfte zahlen müssen weil er krumm war!

  14. I just ate and you made me hungry again. I love the photos of your food, but I also like the images you created in your book, too. This is wonderful and shows how diverse you are as an artist, whether it is in the kitchen or the craft room.

    I also like the MMM entry. The background simply shines through. It seems magical even before you added the lights. Such a great entry.

  15. Liebe Valerie
    grossartig wie das Thema umgesetzt hast!!! Wunderschön die Seite mit den Lichter!Ach und so leckere Sachen da bekommt man Gelüster! Das Herzpfirsich ist so goldig, der wird besonders schmackhaft gewesen sein.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  16. Oh Valerie, this was a delicious post! The photos are fantastic! The art beautiful!
    I just happened to be browsing and stopped by.

    Have a beautiful day!

    Hugs and Love ❤

    1. Hi Jan, so nice of you to come by, thanks! Great to see you again!

  17. This is a delicious post! Your page glows and since I haven't had breakfast yet, you've teased me with the smells of the delicious baked goods.

  18. I love those lanterns with their warming glow. Yes, you can tempt me with all of those cakes. Wow! How can anyone choose just one?! Everything looks delicious :)

  19. Oh my goodness ... I must go have lunch. I am so hungry after looking at all of your delights, but sadly, I don't have anything like that here to eat. Did you bake and prepare all of this delicious food?
    When I bake, which isn't often, I end up eating most of it before anyone else has a chance. That is probably why I don't bake often ... my body can't afford the temptations. But I can certainly enjoy good food from this distance. A delicious array of flavours and aromas, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  20. OMG. Did you bake/cook all of these? If so please pack me a doggy bag:)

    1. Gladly, I always send my visitors home with doggy bags!

  21. Wow Valerie, I am in aroma heaven after reading this post and seeing all the delicious food photos you shed here. I would be choosing tomato soup, followed by a piece of lemon sponge cake.
    Its a gorgeous art journal page and the lanterns look like they are really glowing.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Love your first piece, it's beautiful. I want to be in your home with all those lovely cakes!!!! x

  23. Yummy!!!!. Happy PPF

    Much 🍰 love

  24. What a magical page with the misty background, fabulous lanterns and wording 😁. All those sweet treats looks so yummy too, I'd love a piece of the lemon sponge please 😁. I'm off to raid the kitchen now 😉. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  25. Oh my gosh- SO much delicious looking food-yum! And your digital art is just gorgeous- positively glowing. Happy PPF!

    1. It's a mixed media painted collage as stated in the text, not digital!

  26. You are making me feel hungry seeing all that delicious food.

  27. Your collage is wonderful! Love all the details. Such yummy food pics!

  28. Hi Valerie :) Ooooh you got me at lemon cream cheese!!! I love your flavours and aromas! Coffee...yes, that's the first thing I love to smell in the morning...then I do my "cheese chores" so I smell all the cheeses I've made as I flip them, brush them and wipe them! So many luscious scents and tastes!! Alex's favourite cake is pineapple upside down cake! That caramel is yummy! Your food looks great! I have to say I'm envious of your waffle iron! That's one little gadget I do NOT have but WANT WANT WANT!!! Shepherd's pie is one of my FAVOURITE comfort foods! I so enjoyed this post, thanks so much for joining in!!!

  29. What a gorgeous post … all of your food looks delicious … if you hear a knocking on your front door it will be me! I'll be round for late supper! LOL!

    Seriously a great post, I loved your art too.

    All the best Jan


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