Monday 30 December 2019

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and celebraTions

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, here's wishing you a good week and a great start in the new year. We had a very cold and frosty weekend, but it was good to be able to get out and do lots of walking and enjoy the dry weather after all the rain we had last week.

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and our lovely new DT member, Pinky, has set the theme 'Celebrations'. I rarely go to any big celebrations these days, but celebrate everything positive in my life - good weather, good coffee, time with friends,  sunrise and sunset and everything that makes me happy. Today I have my 'Nanas' honouring the fantastic work of Niki de Saint Phalle dancing through my head, having fun and celebrating life:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday daTe, so here a big welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. On Saturday I walked into town (about 10 kilometers) and met up with Nelya. After walking around a bit and buying a new umbrella to replace the one the wind ripped out of my hands recently, we went to a new-to-us coffee shop, which seems to be run by clear-thinking people:

The cappuccinos and cakes tasted wonderful, too. Nelya had cheese cake, and I had a peanut and caramel slice - heavenly!

And another coffee from earlier in the week, still with Christmas decorations:

Some early morning pictures: 

These were taken with my phone while walking home over the bridge just as it was getting dark:

These were taken on my Sunday walk to the next village:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, yet another lovely post. Your tag is gorgeous, those fun ladies are really celebrating life. That's the way to go! Great photos as always. I know how you love sunrises. Beautiful pics from your walk, it looks like Lohausen. Have a great evening, I will ring you tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great early morning shots - the benefit of being out and about at the crack of dawn, a pleasure so many people never experience. All the best for 2020, Valerie.

    1. Sunrise and sunset are my fave times, but I love the hours in between, too!

  3. Dein Tag ist wunderabr gewordne mir gefallen diese Figuren!
    Schöne Eindrücke von der Fahrt und vom Rhein. Dein Sapziergang war mal wieder sehr schön auch Sonnenaufgang.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  4. A lovely message on your fabulous fun tags , you are so right in saying we should celebrate life.
    The photos from your walks looked lovely, beautiful sunrise photos.
    It looks a nice new coffee shop you found, you seem to have so many to choose from on your walks.
    Happy T day wishes and I hope the coming year will be a good one for you.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Those four ladies are classic - gosh, I love them! Your coffee pictures look so nice, lovely to see coffee in real cups and not the to-go stuff you get here so often. Some of your photos made me downright homesick.
    Happy New Year to you, Valerie.

    1. Great to see you around again Carola. Have a great 2020!

  6. Wonderful tag about celebrating life no matter one's age, Valerie.

    Gorgeous photos from your walks of the week. The new coffee place looks promising. You have so many options - how wonderful!

    I love how you celebrate all the good things in your life. I'm learning to do the same.

    Happy New Year and Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  7. Very fun tag Valerie, your coffees always looks so delicious-and pretty too.
    Enjoyed all the photos-that's awesome that you get so much walking in-One of my goals for myself-even if I walk around inside the house and up and down stairs to get myself moving more.
    Happy T and Happy New Year's Eve Hugs Kathy

  8. Lovely celebration piece, enjoyed your photos today and the coffee looks good.

  9. That tag was so much fun. I love how you honored Niki de Saint Phalle and her "Nanas." This was colorful and smart and proves that tags can be any shape you want them to be.

    So good you were able to join Nelya for coffee. That coffee shop looks like some place I would enjoy, too. I would take the cheesecake and a coffee, rather than cappuccino, though. I loved the hearts in both restaurants.

    Your photos of your walks were wonderful. I especially liked the birds in the trees in the dim light. They were great shots. Thanks for sharing your tag, your lovely photos and of your time with Nelya, as well as your cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend. I was also glad to read you had received the tip-in, which I had HOPED would get there by your birthday, but didn't.

    1. Post was very late this year, I'm still waiting for some things!

  10. I'm with you about celebrations. I go for small ones. But it is good to see the Nanas again in this cool tag. And that looks like a cool coffee shop you discovered. And what does your new umbrella look like? We've had snow and sleet today and I sure would have liked to go out for a walk. Happy T day and happy new year. Hugs-Erika

    1. My new umbrella is lilac! I'll make a photo sooner or later!

  11. Gorgeous photos. You make me want to get out there with my camera more.
    Happy T day!

  12. Lovely creativity...Popping in to say Happy New year and thanks for being a great crafting on line friend.xx

  13. Die kleinen Dinge im Leben sind doch die, die zählen. Ich mag auch keine Parties....
    Sehr schöne Arbeit dazu!
    Ha! Siehste. Geht doch. Wenn ich so weit laufe sind die Leute immer ganz erstaunt dass ich "tatsächlich" zu Fuß da bin. Schön, dies zu lesen :-)
    Sehr schöne Bilder, besonders die von der Brücke. Und das Pärchen auf der Bank.
    Dir einen Guten Rutsch (wir gehen wohl eher früh ins Bett!) und GlG, Iris

    1. Ich mag schon Parties, aber mit zunehmenden Alter werden die seltener....

  14. Fabulous artwork Valerie, and the coffee and cake looks delicious. I hope you have a wonderful 2020 with lots of art, walking, and even more coffee! xx

    1. Thanks Sue, especially for getting my priorities right!

  15. I like your fun tag. Wonderful photos. I especially like the sunrise and sunset photos, since I never seem to get any of those. Happy T-Day and Happy New Year!

  16. Wonderful are such moments, delicious coffee, a walk, photographing. I wish you a happy new year 2020!

  17. As always a wonderful post with art, food, and photos. Happy New Year.

  18. Wow, what a fabulous post! I love that you celebrate life and have depicted it through your art, the café looks wonderful and those morning skies are breathtaking 😁. Such lovely walks too, the garden Christmas, hens and geese decorations are such fun! Wishing you a happy T Day and a New Year filled with peace, good health and happiness! Hugs, Jo x

  19. Your coffee places look like comfortable spots, and such tasty treats! I'm jealous of your ferris wheel :) Celebrate Life sounds like a mantra worth carrying into the new year. Encouraging :) Happy New Year's Eve, and Happy T Tuesday!

  20. Hi Val! I am here to wish you a very good New Year! All the best for you: great walking, lots of good moments with friends and plenty of tasty cakes to try!

  21. Hi Valerie I love your work your tags are awesome ,Thankyou for your friendship and kind comments,wishing you a wonderful 2020 my friend xx

  22. Fabulous art and photos Valerie!
    Happy new year!
    Alison xx

  23. Happy New Year Valerie!
    Your tag is gorgeous with the 4 Nanas loving ife.
    Again I enjoyed the photos from your walks and the sunrise and sunset photos.
    A belated Happy T-Day,

  24. I love your photos today, Valerie. The morning and the late in the day, the sweet villages, all of it. Happiest of New Years!

  25. I love what's going on inside your head! The coffee shop looks great and the Christmas coffee definitely does! Love both the morning and evening shots. I'll be back for a catch up soon, meanwhile belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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