Tuesday 10 December 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today we had a whole day with no rain. It was frosty cold all day, just great for walking. But don't worry, tomorrow will be wet and windy again!

I have another tag for Joan's challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And this is a WIP, an A3 book I am making to store art pages, with lots of gold, embossing, leaves which were hand-cut and sewn on etc. I hope I will sooner or later have time to finish it:

It's cold and wintry, the Rhine is full of cold water, and the water fowl love it:

And this little robin was sitting on the railing. Sorry, the pic is a bit fuzzy:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am glad that your walk took you down by the river, Valerie, so that you could bring us this wonderful array of bird pictures. Great stuff,

    1. Thanks David. It's always great to walk along the Rhine.

  2. Hi Val, hope you had a great day. We had a party at the Kita, fun but very sticky. Love the pretty tag, and the book is coming along really well, it's fabulous. Great photos, too, the birds all look happy and contented. We're expecting bad weather here, too. Still, what to do? We can't change it. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie wow you tag is so cute and your journal work is amazing I love the colours and the leaves,well done my friend and Thankyou for sharing your lovely bird pics xx

  4. Das ist ein wunderbares weihnachtliches Tag und dein BuchHülle ist grossartig kreativ gewerkelt!
    Ach udn die Vogelwelt hast du in Szene gesetzt schön wie sie im Flug oder in dem eisigen Wasser stehen.Das Rotkehlchen ist süss!
    Ich wünsche dir schöne Tage und es soll ja schneien morgen bei euch.Mal schauen.
    Lieben Gruss elke

  5. What great shots of your beautiful fowls.
    As always, you did a wonderful job of your pieces. That first one just shouts a warm and cozy Christmas.

  6. Hi! Wonderful photos of birds- I love birds. But your journal is fantastic! The texture, the shine and shape of the leaves. Quite lovely. That TV series is interesting, yes it is. A samll window into our future!

  7. Many times we strolled along the Rhine and at the winter season, it's just gorgeous! Lovely walk and the birds are so sweet and your ATG/tag is just gorgeous! So festive and I love the storybook look to it!

  8. It's amazing how the birds withstand the cold. Beautiful tag and book cover.

    1. You are right. I always wonder how the heron can stand for hours in that icy water!

  9. Fabulous bird photos Valerie. And that book cover is pretty spectacular. I also like the tag. It feels wonderfully country and my kind of Christmas. Hugs-Erika

  10. Fine tag here my friend, the gorgeous book cover is well, amazing...lovely post.xx

  11. Your tag is at least trying to put me in the mood for Christmas. I LOVE the tree and the packages are filled with hope for a better world.

    Your journal cover is perfect for the holidays, too. You can't get enough glitz and glitter this time of year.

    I love the new blog header. Although I love all birds, my favorite are the black swans and how rare they are.

    1. They are always fascinating to watch, and I love to visit them!

  12. OH! Bist du nach Perth gezogen?! Schöne schwarze Schwäne, gibt´s die auch bei uns?
    Schönes Tag, so dreidimensional.
    So wie das folgende, toll!
    Möwen :-) Die vermiss ich!
    Eine Cousine wurde mal von einem weißen Schwan gebissen. Dem Geschrei nach zu urteilen tat´s weh ;-)
    Dir trotz des Wetters (na, noch ist es dunkel) einen schönen Tag und GlG, Iris

    1. Wir haben viele schwarze Schwäne hier in D'dorf, meistens in Hofgarten, wo sie gut gepflegt werden. Ich mag sie sehr.

  13. Me ha encantado el libro está muy bien trabajado, digno para guardar tus páginas de arte... el tag navideño muy simpático.. tiene regalos nieve...👏👏

    BESOS...Las fotos del paseo preciosas!!

  14. Piękne są te fotografie ptaków. Rudzik to cudowny ptaszek bardzo go lubię jest malutki ale śliczny:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Robins are very beautiful, one comes every day to my balcony to feed.

  15. I like the photos. They are all beautiful!

  16. Your tag is so pretty and the book cover is awesome. So sparkly. You got some great close-up shots of the birds. My favorite is that little robin. So sweet.

  17. I do love your bird close-ups! And it's fun seeing your robin, so different from the ones we have here.

    1. Yes, they are also much smaller than the American ones.

  18. Your bird photos are amazing-I love those-I just have an old digital camera and so far can't get too close or they fly away.
    Lovely tag and your book is very awesome! Happy mid week hugs Kathy

  19. Love your tag, so pretty! In here it's been very frosty today, but it's nice!

  20. Lovely photos of the birds and gorgeous art Valerie! Great textures on your book cover!
    Alison xx

  21. Some fabulous bird images, so sharp and crystal clear! And oh my! That journal is going to be stunning. It IS stunning. And what a perfect spot for your beautiful art!

  22. Piękny tag. Dziękuję za wspaniały wirtualny spacer i cudne zdjęcia natury!
    Pozdrawiam z Polski, Alina

  23. Oh those birds look amazing, I always think that they must be so cold at this time of year with only feathers for warmth. I love your festive tag, and your album looks wonderful, very strokable. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  24. Wow, thats an awesome cover for your art pages, the textures and gold look gorgeous.
    Its a super bool mark as well, its a lovely winter scene in the background.
    Super photos of the water birds, they look like they are posing for their photos to be taken.
    Yvonne xx

  25. I do like your tag, and your album looks great …

    You have many 'stars' on your post today!
    The birds, swans, heron and sweet robin (my favourite bird) are all WONDERFUL.

    All the best Jan

  26. Fab Tag Valerie..and as always some amazing photos too...xx

  27. the christmas tag is beautiful. and your book? wow! xo

  28. Beautiful tag Valerie! Wow to your a3 book cover! It's enormous and so beautiful and sparkly....perfect! Loving your bird photos. My Christmas gifts for my Mother-in-law are all robin related. Her late husband loved birds so I thought it would be nice for her.

  29. yes I have missed you - your art - your cooking and your wonderful pictures. I see more on your blog than I actually saw on our short cruise down the Rhine. They sailed all night and docked during the day. Tons of rain which made the cold seem colder. And tons of people - wow!

  30. Your tag is beautiful and I love your book! WOW!!! Love seeing all the birds! I wanted to hug that little robin!!! Big Hugs!


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