Monday 28 October 2019

T stands for Tag Tuesday and XanTen

Hi Everybody!

The sun is shining here this morning, although it's really cold. Sounds like good weather for walking!
I have another tag for my 'anything goes' challenge at Tag Tuesday. There is still a week to join us, so hope to see some of you doing just that!

This one has a painted and glittered background, and is 11 1/2" x 4 1/2". I matted it with some orange card to give a contrast and sewed it together. The little skellies are die-cuts from Sizzix,and the owl frieze has been punched. The black bats are also Sizzix die-cuts:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
 I drank my cappuccino at various places.

At the baker's:

Here on the market square:

And on the Market Square at Xanten, an ancient town founded by the Romans:

 We did lots of walking last week. On Saturday Nathalie drove us to Xanten, and there is lots to see there, including a large archaeological park. The Romans called the town 'Colonia Ulpia Traiana' after the Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus. Xanten also has a wonderful Cathedral and lots of quaint streets and houses to visit. And there is a lake near the archaeological park, and we had fun walking all round it. On that day I did over 22,000 steps:

Here we are on a 'selfie spot' with the roman walls in the background:

And here at the lake:

I took a lot of pics, here are just a few, the rest I will show in another post.

The view of the cathedral from the parking lot:

A rusty sculpture:

We saw a lot of old pumps:

A Gothic house ( I had coffee there last time I was in Xanten!)

A model of the town in the middle ages:

The beautiful Cathedral:

The old towers along the town walls:

Some colourful inhabitants:

A sculpture showing women fetching water from the pump - a hard task:

The mill still works:

The video is a few seconds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the spooky art, including the new heder. They are lot of fun. I love that about Halloween also. And you look like you hd a fun last week. Lots of nice days about and about, even if they weren't too sunny. And what a cool place to visit. Did you take photos of the archeological park? Zanten looks likes a beautiful place. And those bird sculptures made me laugh. I have a tiny one on a stick to put into my plants that I was gifted several years ago. Makes me wonder who the artist was. Happy T day and new week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. There are photos of the Archaeological park in the links in the text

  2. Now that is some serious walking! I keep telling myself we should get one if those devices to check how far we walk, but have not done so yet. It was obviously an attractive walk, Valerie, with lots to capture your attention. I suspect that with all the coffee you drink you keep an eye open for washrooms!

    1. Yes, I am always thankFul for Google maps which show the way to the next one!

  3. Ich muss zugeben, es fällt mir schwer, auf einen Englischsprachigen Post auf Deutsch zu antworten. Ich muss richtig überlegen! Seltsam!
    Süße Skelette, die tanzen so fröhlich :-)
    Wenn ich die Grippe los bin geht´s wieder an mit Sport, heute werde ich mich nur zum Bäcker schleppen (immerhin 2,5 km eine Richtung).
    Ihr seht glücklich aus :-)
    Die Skulptur gefällt mir. Ohjeh, das war ein hartes Leben damals. Wir drehen den Wasserhahn auf und... fertig!
    Das Modell der alten Stadt ist super. Wir haben eins vom Burgplatz für Blinde.

    1. Ich weiß was du meinst! Bin gerade vom Bäcker zurück, war lecker! Ja, wir haben es heute viel einfacher. Das Modell in Xanten ist auch mit Blindenschrift versehen.

  4. Hi Val, good morning, although it's almost midday. It was great talking to you last night, P. is sometimes so difficult, I don't know what to do with him! Love the fun tag and the gorgeous photos you have shown today, Xanten is really nice, we were there once in the distant past. Have a fun day, great that you are always so active. Hugs, Sarah

  5. I LOVE your Halloween tag, Valerie, the rusty sculpture and the wind mills. Thank you for sharing these photos with us. Hugs,my friend.

  6. Very scary tag! Your coffees look comforting. Fun times with Nathalie!

  7. Replies
    1. Oh yes, I love this time of year! 👻👹👻

  8. Wonderful photos of Xanton Valerie, great sculpture and nice to see photos of you and your friend.
    Alison xx

  9. A wonderful Halloween tag Valerie, the skeletons look as if they're enjoying themselves.
    Lovely photos from your visit and it looks like you had perfect weather. Xanten looks a lovely place.
    Avril xx

  10. Your Halloween tag is batty good. It's a wonderful tag, and I sincerely hope to find time to make something before time runs out this fortnight. I just need about 10 more hours in a day, and I might catch up. Regardless I love how you have created the spooky fun of the season.

    Goodness, you have done a lot of walking. Seems you and Nathalie must enjoy walking a LOT. No wonder you are both so slender. I simply love seeing the two of you in your adventures. I am so short, if I put on ONE pound it shows. Three pounds and I must go to a bigger dress size. That's why I have to watch what I eat. You are lucky to be so tall.

    I simply adore the rusty statue. Thanks for taking a photo of it. I also like the pumps. Mechanics at their best. Old ways are sometimes better ways.

    You had a lot to drink this week. Seems you are stopping often to refuel your "habit." I love seeing the different places you stop to have a coffee or cappuccino.

    Thanks so much for sharing your awesome tag, your beautiful walk, the photos, and your various cappuccinos with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend. I started reading this over 40 minutes ago and finally finished with this comment. Everything about ZanTen is awesome.

    Love the

  11. Forgot to mention how much I like your new blog header, too.

  12. Hi Valerie wow what a clever tag,i love it,well done my friend.
    Great pics and i love the ones of the model town,fantastic,hope you have a wonderful day Valerie xx

  13. Love your Halloween tag.
    Great to see all of your lovely photographs from Xanten, it looks a very good place to visit.
    Well done on your steps, 22,000 is a lot!

    Enjoy your week.

    All the best Jan

  14. I can't believe how many steps you do in a day! I wish my feet could handle that. And to do that many and still get such a collection of fabulous photographs blows my mind. Promise if I ever visit Dusseldorf, you won't be too impatient if I'm a little slower or can't go as far!

  15. Your tag is brilliant! Canteen looks to be a great place to visit - the cathedral looks very impressive and the streets look very interesting with lots to see! I am very impressed with the number of steps you walked - I was pleased enough with my 19,000 plus last week! Happy T Day! Chrisxx

    1. Canteen sounds like food, but we visited Xanten!

  16. I love your halloween tag-and wow what an amazing area to get walk around in-is this area near where you live. congrats on your steps-I really need to get back into walking again-and right around my lake house it is very steep hills so would be a good exercise.
    Your beverage always looks so delicious too-and enjoyed in lots of different cups. Happy T wishes kathy

  17. Wow! The architecture from the cathedral is so beautiful! Such a lovely place full of amazing sites to take in. I loved seeing all the pictures of the unusual sculptures and buildings. And I really enjoy seeing the many places that you drink a cappuccino.
    Your card is very bright and spooky.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. You really have done enough steps, beautiful photos, looks a very quaint town. I love seeing the different coffee cups. Your tags are so vibrant, I really love them, very spooky.
    Happy T day. Jan x

  19. I see you have a new blog header. Great!What a lovely outing you had to Xanten. What a beautiful town. I love the gothic cafe and the brick buildings.
    The sculptures are fun to watch and we thank heavens that we don't have to carry water anymore.
    I noticed the unusual sugar bag. Your coffees look yummy and it makes me want my coffee now as it is mid morning.
    Well done on doing 22000 steps. That was a long walk.
    Happy T-Day,

  20. First off, that blog header is fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! Yay to reminder that cappuccino/Frappuccino is yummy wherever we can find it, and reminds me that I need to make a cup right now. Wow! 22,000 steps in one day is really something, and I'm impressed. You're motivating me to get out there and do lots and lots more every day! Hugs, RO

  21. What a fun tag - love the dancing skeletons and the punched border is great. Looks good in the landscape format too. Xanten looks like a really interesting place to visit - what history. I love the model of the medieval town, and the whole place looks really well looked after. Love that rusty sculpture too - wow!
    Alison x

  22. Super Halloween fun! The background glitter and lovely owl border look amazing 😀. Wow, you did so many steps and I can see why from your photos, such lovely places to explore with you. I'm worn out just looking 😉. Happy t Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  23. Woowww your tag is so scary-magnifique Valerie !! I looove it, the background is wonderful and the skeletons too. Happy T-day ! Love to see your coffees. Really impressed about all the steps you walk !! oohh.
    Xanten may be a lovely place, thanks so much for sharing all those super-beautiful photographs with us, and the viedeo too. Great to see the mill is working nowdays. Lovely old pump. I love the miniature medieval town, with its so interesting buildings and monuments. It´s so nice to see how happy you are both Nathalie and you.
    I wish you a very nice day, and send biiig hugs

  24. Wonderful Halloween projects Valerie, it will soon be here and those spooky characters will have to hide away until next year.
    The photos from your walks are lovely and that is an awesome amount of steps you recorded/ The buildings and statues looked interesting. I liked the model of the town as well.
    Tuesday T day wishes Valerie and I hope you have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Where to begin??? :)
    Your art is awesome! I love all of the detail!!! I love your selfies and it's so nice to see you!! It looks like you had a wonderful visit. The waterpump and mill photos are my favourite!!!

  26. Great tag, Valerie. The die cut skeletons are freaky. The owl and star border is perfect.

    The teacup at Teatro really caught my eye. It's quite unique. I wonder if it was difficult to drink from. Over 22k steps in one day - wow! Good for you!

    Fun selfies of you and Nathalie. I really enjoyed the tour of Zanten. It looks like a fascinating place with sites that span so many periods of history.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen!It was easy to drink from the cup and good to hold!

  27. I love your Halloween artwork. Great photos. The architecture is fantastic. I noticed the people there are wearing sweaters or coats, so it looks like your weather has turned much cooler. Happy T-Day!

  28. Toll du warst in Xanten und da bist du aber fleissig gelaufen und so viele schöne Ecken an geschaut!!
    Wieder so fantasievoll die Gruseltag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  29. Oh, I wanted to say so much about each thing, but by the time I got to this section, I can't remember it all! LOL Ok, congratulations on 22,000 steps. I haven't done that in awhile! Love the glittery background on your project. I think you have enough cups of coffee, etc. to get into the TSFT party! I love all the photos, especially the little town replica was neat. Great post! Sorry, I am so late.

  30. Great Halloween Tag..Loving all the places you visit and share in your blog posts..I loved that rusty sculpture...x


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