Thursday 3 October 2019


Hi Everybody!

Today is a bank holiday here, the day of German Unity, celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of East and West Germany in 1989. This was a momentous day in history, and I still remember the moving scenes shown on the news as the Wall fell and people were able to be free again. Freedom is a great gift, and we need to use it wisely.

Today I am re-sharing a piece made to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall. Many artists used the wall to show their feelings and ideas, among them Thierry Noir. You can read more here

The text in my A3, mixed media painting: "Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Thierry and some colleagues started painting it in 1984. Since 1991 this section of the Wall has become a national monument, The 'Eastside Gallery' "

I used figures like Thierry's and painted them in bright colours on a gray wall, using diluted acryl paints and  Gelatos. The barbed wire is a stencil.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Google is showing this picture today, with lots more infos here:

Some photos taken on my walks:

The sign is at a field where you cut and buy flowers on trust, putting your money in the box after cutting. 'Only paid for flowers bring joy'. The pigeons resting on this wet and windy day look like they are making sure that people pay! On the day I visited the flowers were no longer blooming and the field waiting to be replanted:

Birds circling over the fields:

This crow always fishes at the Rhine along with the ducks and gulls:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You can see autumn coming in your photos Valerie, your spider web photos are beautiful. I really like your art work about the wall too, I remember the day it came down. A friend here who was born in East Berlin went back to see it happen, she has a bit of the wall here. I wonder if the world has learned anything from that sometimes! The pigeon looks like it is reading the sign!!

    1. Hmmm, pigeons are very observant, perhaps they can read, too!

  2. Hi Val, this is a wonderful post, and very fitting for today. I still remember that evening when the Wall fell and the people streamed into West Berlin, it was really unforgettable. Your journal page is fantastic, a cheery take on a dark time in history. Thierry Noir is a fantastic artist. Love the photos, too, you have a great eye for seeing what so many of us miss - thanks! Have a fun day, hope your back is a bit better, hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Val! I wish you a good day! One of the most impressive events I witnessed - via TV, of course. It was a fantastic day never to be forgotten by German or the world. Amazing spider webs. That flower field concept is so interesting. First time I heard of something like that.Sometimes I have to chance to see crows but never close enough. They are very inteligent birds. As for the movie Joker, yes, I am expecting a very troubled character and a big acting show from main actor. Oh, I am glad political campaign is over. Most politicans ashame us. I think politics has become unatractive for the good people. Now we have only opportunists running. They might look ok but once they get the place at the office they start lying and become prisioners of interests...

    1. Your last sentences are really too true. Politicians all over the world seem to put their own interests before those of the people they should be representing!

  4. Wow. I remember when the wall came down too. That was 1989. Holy cow time does fly. I like the journal drawing you made and are reshowing. It is cool and does remind me of the wall. And that butterfly does look like it has eyes. We don't have anything like that here in New Hampshire. Happy Thursday. have a great rest of your day and week. Hugs-Erika

  5. It is especially appropriate to celebrate the removal of the Berlin Wall. There is a sad irony that Ronald Reagan urged Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall," and Trump is seeking only to build another one.

  6. An amazing post including history and fabulous pics. I agree with David above too..xx

  7. Wise words at the top of your post - I'm not sure we're being very wise with our freedom in the UK at the moment. It's too easy to be complacent about how quickly freedoms can be lost. I love your page celebrating the art of the remnants of the wall.

    Great nature photos today - the cobwebs, the dragonfly and those magical fungi all caught my eye.
    Alison x

  8. We should all work at tearing down the walls we build, the physical walls at borders to keep people out or in, and those walls we put up around ourselves that isolate us. I like the colorful figures you created especially the Godzilla. He really made me smile.Really beautiful images you captured on your camera. The stalks on the dandelion look like stars (I really thought snowflakes, but I don't want to think of Winter approaching so soon!) Enjoy your day!

    1. You are so right, well said! Who wants to think of snowflakes? It's cold and wet here!

  9. Pamiętam jak burzono ten mur to był symbol otwarcia na inne życie. Wolność to dar , dar bezcenny. Piękne fotografie ptaków , wrona jest urocza. Pozdrawiam:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, freedom is indeed a great and precious gift!

  10. Lovely commemorative piece for PPF, I remember that time so many years ago now. Beautiful fall photos.

  11. Oh I love this Valerie, and I remember it from last time around. isn't it mad that we celebrate taking one wall down but people still want to build new ones. Your photographs are fabulous today, I love the cobweb! Take care, Sue xx

  12. Wonderful art to celebrate the anniversay Valerie! I thought the Eastside Gallery was amazing when we visited a couple of years ago.
    Alison xx

  13. OOh what a so wonderful Art page you created Valerie !! This is a great contrast between the happy colours of poeple and the grey wall. I remember those days in TV news, it was fabulous. Yes, freedom is very important.
    Thanks so much for sharing your expectacular photographs with us, love all of them, but specially the dragonfly and the butterfly, it may be very difficult to catch them like that. Great !
    I wish you a very nice Friday, and send biiiig hugs

  14. Your art today is just perfect for the wall day. I remember it well. And of course your nature shots are always beautiful. You're right -- those birds atop the sign look like they are keeping an eye out!

  15. A very moving painting on the anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. I love all the close ups of the little things in nature, fungi, webs and birds!

  16. Your piece is fun:)
    You got some great shots, especially the butterfly and bird with water in the background AND the mushroom.
    So true about freedom. I truly hope we aren't squandering that right away over here.

  17. Wow! Your photographs today are such a wonderful mix showing nature at its best.
    Lovely :)

    All the best Jan

  18. I love your wall thoughts and art. The mushroom and butterfly are especially gorgeous!

  19. Your wall is wonderful Valerie - a great way to remember such an occasion :D)
    Beautiful photographs, the spiders webs are gorgeous as are the butterfly. I always enjoy your posts and walks. Great idea the field for picking flowers on trust xx

  20. I LOVED your wall art today. It was beautiful and poignant. I remember I was in a graduate night class. When it was over, a few of the "kids" who were taking (undergrad) night classes asked "what's the big deal about a wall?" I remember asking how they would like it if one day they woke and their parents were on the other side of the wall and they would never see them again. How would they feel about the wall then? I don't think they "got" it, though.

    Those same kids are probably now Trump supporters who want to put barbed wire that tears flesh on top of a wall, or snakes and alligators in a moat at the wall. Those were suggestions he made yesterday. He also suggested border guards shoot people in their legs so they couldn't run. True story. I swear, this guy is a CLOWN. He should try out for comedy club. He'd get more laughs that way.

    Your photos of autumn are beautiful. The dragonfly is breathtaking, and the spider webs are incredible.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. Trump is an evil man, there's no nice way to put it. We visited East Berlin once each year with a group of school kids so that they would see what it was like to live with the wall, and it was was always a sad but instructive journey to the 'other side', and the oppressive atmosphere there. Our last trip was just 6 weeks before the wall fell.

    2. I came back to tell you how sorry I was to read your back didn't get better after visiting the doctor yesterday. I am so sorry you are in pain.

      It's too bad nearly 40% of my country disagrees with you and me. They put him on a pedestal OR are too afraid to disagree with him, because they know how he attacks people he doesn't like. His strategy is to deny, then attack. I agree. Trump is truly evil and is going to put my country in such a bad light, no one will trust or believe us in the future.

  21. I remember the fall of the wall like it was yesterday as I met my Hubby just days before this event, both events are ones I will carry for a lifetime. Fabulous journal page to celebrate it's anniversary, the bright colours of the artist would have certainly brought light to the walls darkness.
    Beautiful photo's Valerie, how our seasons change so quickly. Our weather has been so wet of late, I think the earth will take the leaves earlier than usual this year before I get chance to gather any this year.
    Wishing you a super weekend & Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. A wonderful piece of art celebrating the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, I remember it well. Stunning photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  24. We have a part of the wall here on Europaplatz - great work you did! All my Thomas-es are from GDR.

  25. how powerful is your painting? We all remember the excitement of the wall coming down, representing progressive inclusive actions. Your photos are simply amazing. I love photos and looked for a long time at the focus and clarity of your compositions. All of them could be a painting source. Great Post Valerie

  26. I will always remember the day the wall came down. It was an emotional day. Lovely artwork and beautiful post. I love how nature changes in the fall. Everything looks like it's saying good bye and getting ready for winter. Sad but beautiful at the same time. Have a beautiful Friday and a lovely weekend, Maria

  27. Beautiful artwork and a great way to commemorate the fall of the wall! Your photos are fabulous, you did well to get the dragonfly, they never sit still long enough for me 😉. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  28. Hi Valerie I love your colourful piece as a memorial of that wall coming down, totally amazing day in History! You have made a great piece from the colourful pieces that pop, super creatures painted on your wall and the barbed wire is so well captured too! Great to visit here again and thanks for popping over to dreamcolour-kat again!

  29. what a joyful page you made to commemorate the wall coming down! What a wonderful and important part of history to honor. Your nature photos are absolutely gorgeous!!! Happy PPF!

  30. Great piece of art. Love your photos. Have a great week.

  31. I was an exchange student in Berlin in 1970 - 1971 and still have a piece of the wall. It is a wonderful day to celebrate. Your piece is very powerful.


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