Wednesday 30 October 2019

Halloween and more

Hi Everybody!

Okay, I must admit, this time I have gone completely overboard with Halloween, but will start afresh on November 1st and hope to be back to normal by then!

This hybrid piece was made with a painted, dripped and doodled A3 background, which I then digitally altered using elements from Serif and Mischief Circus:

Same technique here. A painted, collaged and glittered background with digital additions from Serif - once again, I had great fun with this one!

And I have another tag for Tag Tuesday, once again with a Halloween theme:

And last but not least some of my Halloween pieces from previous years:

And now, back to sunny hours walking around the beautiful lake in Xanten:

The path along the east side of the lake reminded me of an old Roman road:


A Roman watchtower:

From the end of the lake we could just see the cathedral in the distance:

And back at the windmill in Xanten which was near the spot where the car was parked:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Midweek spooktacular post

Hi Everybody!

It was really cold outside today, but the sun was shining, and I enjoyed my walks. And I enjoy coming home to a warm room and a hot drink!

For my challenge at Tag Tuesday, anything goes, I have more tags as inspiration. The first was made for a kid, so is a non-scary one:

This one has been painted, stenciled and collaged, with die-cuts and leaves from the oak-tree in the front yard as embellishments. The toadstools were purchased:

And to get us into the Halloween mode, I have one of my decorations made some years back:

 And I have some more photos of the beautiful, Gothic cathedral in Xanten:

Down in the crypt:

Here there are stones with the names of many of the concentration camps and of those from the town who died in them:

The mosaic lamb of God was beautiful:

And I loved this motive from one of the old windows which needs to be restored:

These photos were taken here at the lake around the corner:

 I will show the pics of our hike around the lake in Xanten in my next post.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!