Monday 29 April 2019

T stands for EinsTein and a Tray

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a great weekend, and here's wishing us all a good week. We had some cold and wet days, but today the sun is shining again, and I know we need the rain badly, so no complaints. I was still able to get out for walks and had fun, even marching through the pouring rain along the Rhine. And I used the rainy time to actually do some dreaded and very necessary housew**k!

Today I have another tag for Michele's  'faces' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used one of my heads on a background from one of Einstein's notebooks, and I love this quote:

I decorated this tray at art group. I still can't do much with my fingers, but I can hold a paint brush. The tray was an old one which had got rather messy over the years, so I gave it three coats of white paint and then a napkin transfer. I finished it off with 2 coats of varnish, and now it's looking good on my white table, and can be used again:

Tuesday is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday Party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang. Here are some of the places where I had coffee this week:

I bought the take-away coffee at Lidl as I had to wait 15 minutes for my bus. Most vendor machine coffees taste ghastly, but this one tasted quite good, which was a pleasant surprise:

I love how they warn you that it's hot! I took the cup home with me and am using it for painting-water till it falls apart:

The bakery in town:

And I have some photos from my walks. This wall is sehr wonky, and I always wonder if it still be there when I visit again, but as it has lasted a few hundred years it seems to be tough:

I walked through Lantz'scher Park:

I leave by the back gate and walk along a path leading to the bridge and the Rhine:

I always love this walk under the trees:

The boat is docking at the jetty here, I wish cars could drive sideways to park like the boat can:

My path through the woods:

And a cloud from yesterday evening which reminded me of an Easter bunny:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow! What lovely photos and what an amazing spot to live!

  2. Hi Val, good morning to you! The sun is shining here so I hope it's the same over there. Love the Einstein quote and tag, fantastic! Wonderful photos, too. I need to go to the doc's with the littl'uns today, they need some vaccinations so there will be lots of screams.... Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  3. I am glad to see you used one of your heads on a tag. And a smart head too if Einstein's brain is working in it. Smile. And nice tray fix up. Is that you kitchen shelves in your new header? I love it. I noticed it first up and thought how artistically it is arranged. And I am still in awe of how green it is on your walks. We're still way behind you, and cool week for a few days ahead. But I do wish you a happy T day! Enjoy those coffees on your walks. Hugs-Erika

  4. I love your banner! All the blue china! My favorite is the little polka dot tea cup. Your Einstein piece made me smile. Lovely job you did of refinishing your tea tray. Very pretty. I always enjoy the pictures you take on your walks. I would like to relocate the couple on the bench to my Zensical garden. Oh, and I'd like those window boxes with their cheery pansies, too. After all your walking you deserve the coffee, but I'll take the chocolates and maybe something nice from the bakery. Enjoy your day!

  5. Lots of coffee! Lovely art and photos today!

  6. Such a lovely transformation of the tray! I really like the statues sitting on the bench! That quote about stupidity is spot on, love that one! That wonky wall almost makes me dizzy looking at it lol, I wonder if it’s been that way since construction? You do love your coffee and have many lovely spots to enjoy it!

  7. I love your choice of quote lol. Parts of that wall do seem like it's leaning too much to stay up, but it's lasted this long... That park looks like a delightful place for a walk. Happy T Day

  8. I can relate to the cold, wet, rainy days but I'm seeing lots of sun here in your walks and glad you had that -- along with time to be delightfully productive!

  9. You have given your tray a wonderful make over, a really serene scene and those flowers look so pretty.
    Its a wonderful tag, I like how you had Einstein in your head and its a good quote as well.
    All the photos were lovely to see, the weather does seem to have been good , the skies look so clear and blue. The wall could make me feel giddy if I looked at it for a while, but it has loads of character.
    Were you tempted to one of those delicious cakes with your coffee?
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Ah, Yvonne, it's so difficult just to choose one....

  10. So envious of your walks on the Rhine. Just lovely of you to share them with us. I love the little people on the bench. So cute. Looks like you had lots of lovely coffee this week. Happy T Day!

  11. Gotta love Einstein:) Fun tag art! Really love your tray with the soft imagery and the Buddha. And oh what beautiful sights about the park, with a coffee or cappuccino- yes please. Happy T day!

  12. I see the Easter Bunny in the cloud too. :)

    Great quote on the Einstein piece and I love what you did with your tray. Wow. Sorry your fingers are still not cooperating- but glad to hear you were able to work on the tray.

    Those chocolates look tasty- especially with a delicious coffee. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  13. I laughed at the Einstein tag. It was clever and a very well done tag.

    Speaking of well done, I really enjoyed how you changed that tray. It is a real beauty, and very, very well done and balanced, too.

    You had LOTS of coffee this week. Even your to-go coffee, which you are able to recycle the container, was note worthy. Thanks for sharing all these cups of coffee, all the sweets, the bakery and your new blog banner with us to celebrate T this Tuesday.

    Your photos from your walks are wonderful. I just hope your hands begin to improve soon. I hope they find out what is wrong with you, so you can return to making even MORE wonderful art.

  14. Your walks always yield some beautiful sites. I LOVE that chapel! And your Einstein tag is brilliant.
    Your tray is really lovely! I love the scene that you have created with those flowers and the buddha.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Tolles Tag
    und sehr schöne Foto's!

  16. A wonderful tag and your decorated tray is beautiful - the photos of your walk are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. Hi Valerie, I am so sorry that your hands and fingers have been painful and I hope that you are feeling better soon. I love the work that you have created here on your beautiful blog post, especially the gorgeous tray. And your photos are so beautiful - I love seeing each and every one of them. Thanks for sharing your talents, even when you are not feeling well, with all of us. Sending HUGS and healing wishes., Sharon

  18. Great artwork and photos. The words on the Einstein tag made me smile. And that tray came out beautifully. I always enjoy seeing the photos of the area around the Rhine. You have lovely paths to walk along there. Happy T-Day!

  19. Your tray turned out beautifully, it's so pretty.
    I love the photos from your walks, always looks such a lovely place to live.
    Have a great week
    Jan x

  20. Einstein is definitely my favourite quotee - he just comes up with absolute gems all the time. Love your tag and the pretty tea tray, and all those wonderful photos with the glorious vivid spring green trees.
    Alison x

  21. Woowwww Erika !!! What a so so Gorgeous Einstein tag !! love love it, the colours are great. And what can I say about your tray ? It´s Wonderful and so special, I don´t know if I could use it.
    I love to walk with you and visit new interesting places. This wall may be very strong, and I love the house with the couple sitting and talking.... but the cloud rabbit is.. fantastique!!
    I´ll take one milka chocolate with the coffee :) Happy T-day !
    I wish you a very nice day
    Big hugs, Caty

  22. That is great quote, Valerie! And so is your tag. Fabulous job on the tray. I love refurbishing and updating crafty things myself. You live in such a beautiful area and always have something new to share in your fabulous photos. I really enjoyed this walk about.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  23. I love the sculpture of the old couple!
    Good vending coffee..who'd a thought:)
    You're right, that saying on your first piece is priceless:)
    Your tray is awesome!
    Hope today is a good day for you.

  24. wow what wonderful walks, coffee places and beautiful art. Fabulous post. I just joined the T for Tuesday gang, I hope to join in every week too. Hugs June x

  25. I do like your new banner photograph, and I did enjoy seeing all of your photographs. Loved the couple on the bench, that made me smile, and the pansies are so colourful.

    Hope your week is going well.

    All the best Jan

  26. I love that Einstein quote and your tag looks fabulous! The tea tray looks amazing too, I love the blossoms that you painted 😁. It looks like you have had some fabulous weather for your walks and I'd love one of those yummy chocolates with my cuppa! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

  27. OMG What a fabulous walk today ..It was so refreshing .. and did you and we take in the sites ...I love all the greenery and that quaint little restaurants with the little old man and lady sitting beside the flower boxes (SWEET)... You did a great job of the Tag Challenge and the quote is perfect. ... Your tray is awesome... The tranfer is wonderful. My daughter would love it so much ... I might try to make one for her... nowI just have to find those napkins. ... Too bad about your first coffee, but the second one must have been plus, especially if you could just sit and find more images in the clouds ... What a happy pastime...I love it !!!.. Have a great day, My Friend... Hugs

  28. The Einstein quote really brought a smile today Valerie.. I adore your repurposed tray a very relaxing image. Sorry to hear those fingers are still causing you pain and problems but i'm so impressed at how you do not let them get in the way of your creativity.
    Well done for finding a vending machine coffee that tastes not too bad i'd have had to have a cake to go with it :))
    The wonky wall reminds me of holidays in Devon as a child all the walls seem to have been made in that drunken style hee hee!!
    Happy T Day Hugs.. I seem to be chasing my tail again this week.
    Catch up with you in the week Hugs Tracey xx

  29. Great post! Einstein is kinda one of my heroes, because not only did he have a brilliant mind, but he had a great sense of humor, too. So needless to say, I love your first piece. And that tray! Wow! It looks terrific.

    It's probably been obvious in the other pictures you've posted before, but for some reason, I'm really noticing it today. What really stands out is how neat and clean the streets and walkways are. I mean, WOW! No litter at all. Not seeing discarded trash and broken bottles, etc. all over the place would make for a much more enjoyable walk. Our area isn't bad, but yours... is fantastic!

  30. Love your tag and tray - hope your hand problems improve soon xx

  31. We were at a bakery Monday that reminds me of your picture. I want to keep going back until I've tried everything! Heh.

  32. Brilliant art Valerie, that quote is brilliant, and so true. Well done with the tray, I'm sure it's better than new. Your town is looking beautiful, just ready for Summer. Have a very happy May xx

  33. I love the way you used one of your heads and the Einstein quote!
    Your tray looks great with it's makeover too! Well done for remembering to take photos of your coffees - I just keep forgetting to take photos - even of our craft shop visit, which was fun!! I love the walks you took..that is a very wonky wall!!! I love the tree photos too and I'm glad it's not just me that sees shapes in clouds - hubby can never see what I am looking at! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  34. I'm sorry my comment has not come through. I always comment dear Valerie, as I love your blog and the walks along the river and your delicious looking coffees. I always do yours (and Johanna's) first as soon as I get up on Tuesday. So I don't know what went wrong here.
    I think I complimented you on the tea tray, how nice it has become. And Einstein is great as well as the quote.
    I also remember commenting on the chocolate and telling you that my hubby has always worked in a chocolate factory (Cadbury's) but that we still looove chocolate.
    It is wonderful to see the trees so freshly green. And the chapel is lovely.
    No, Lidl's don't have coffee here. I would welcome it as shopping is such a chore, but I doubt whether it would be popular with the Spanish.
    Happy (very belated) T-Day,

  35. A wonderful tag, and I love your decorated tray Valerie! A lovely lot of photos too.
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  36. That is a good quote! Love your tray! You did amazing with it! Some more yummy coffee and treat pictures! Always making me hungry! LOL! That wall sure is wonky! LOL! I love the old lady and old man statues! So cute! Big Hugs!


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