Wednesday 17 April 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We've had good weather these past days, so spent as much time as possible outdoors, which always does me good, as I love to walk, especially at such a wonderful time of year.

I have another of my A3 mixed media pages to share, made using various recycled textile and scraps as well as scraps of tissues from Jane Davenport and others on a painted background. I did lots of sewing and some doodled spots:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

I visited Hofgarten park to see the water fowl today:

This is the composer Robert Schumann, he looks rather sad:

I was sad to see that the male black swan is missing, and the lady is on her own. But she seems to be getting food brought by the park wardens. I hope she manages alright:

Lots of ducklings running about:

This one wanted my sandwich:

And the horses are back on the meadow by the Rhine:

Sorry, can't write much just now, my fingers are very painful, and I can only leave short comments on blogs. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful artwork. I love her flowing hair. Great photos of the local area. That is sad to hear the male Black Swan is missing. I enjoy seeing your park photos.

  2. Hi Val, glad I caught this before bed time. That's a wonderful journal page, love the colours and design and textures, and your own special sewing and style. Great photos, too, hope that swan turns up again. Poor mother swan all alone. Hugs, Sarah

  3. I love your fantastic collage page Valerie, the sewing is great for highlighting the foal images.
    The photos were super, but it was sad to read the male black swan was missing. At least the wardens are looking after her.
    Yvonne xx

  4. sorry about the fingers, and about the swan, sigh. Lovely mixed media piece for PPF.

  5. I'm so sorry your fingers are still bad.
    Loved all of your photographs from Hofgarten park, although it was sad to read the male black swan was missing - at least the wardens are looking after the female.

    Take care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

  6. Love the flowing hair. I hope the male swan is ok. Swans mate for life so the female will grieve without him. Fortunate the park wardens can look after the female. All the ducklings are so cute. That meadow is so green. We've had so much rain and more on the way that the grass looks more like mud. Hope your fingers are feeling better

  7. I had hoped that by now they would have determined what was causing the pain in your fingers. Sorry to read that is not the case.

    Your mixed media entry is out of this world. I love everything about it. It has a little bit of everything, and I was instantly impressed with it. I'm just in awe, and it's one of my favorite pieces.

    Now I'm sad that the male black swan is missing. That is NOT good. Please keep us updated on this situation. I hope the park wardens find him AND in good health.

    1. I will go again tomorrow and see if anything has changed

  8. The eyes have it in your piece:)
    Loved the fowl and horse photos. Glorious. Distressing to hear about the male swan.
    I'm so sorry your fingers are bothering you.
    FYI When the HH told the doctor he was having pain in his fingers, the doctor recommended horse liniment.

    1. Should be easy to get, we have lots of horses hereabouts!

  9. Cool art page-the star of that page for me is all the gorgeous messy stitching. And I wonder what happened to the male swan. But it is good to see all the ducks and the ducklings. Spring has arrived and life blossoms. Happy walking. hugs-Erika

  10. Your photos are wonderful, the mixed media piece is as well, it must be so satisfying to do this art work, I’m so sorry your fingers are sore, rest up, feel better soon.

  11. hübsche seite,gefällt mir gut.
    die entchen sind ja süss.
    schönen donnerstag noch.

    hugs jenny

  12. I'm sorry you're still having pain and hope you get relief from that.

    I wonder what happened to the swan... That's a real shame, especially if I understand correctly that they mate for life. The Schumann statue is striking!

  13. Luv the detailing in your collage. The lady's hair is gorgeous. The duck and swans and horses an added bonus
    Happy PPF

    much love...

  14. Such beautiful and colorful artwork! I really enjoy it! Hugs...RO

  15. Your layers, textures and details amaze me. I cannot seem to do that. Lovely photographs!

  16. You always get such great texture in your mixed media pieces. Well done. I hope the black swan was just on a break somewhere and if not, that the lady does well. It's fun seeing the ducks and birds again, isn't it?

    1. The swan hubby is still missing, but she is being cared for. I visited my feathered friends again today.

  17. So sorry you're still having the pain in your fingers. Your mixed media art is gorgeous- I love the collage elements and all the stitching! So wonderful to see all the ducks, ducklings and horses. I do hope the male swan is OK. Happy PPF and happy Easter too!

  18. Nice work, I've got a thing about post marks.

  19. She is exquisite. Looks like a mermaid to me. I love your inspiring.

  20. Looks like you had a blast doing your art and thank you for sharing all those water birds.
    Coffee is on

  21. Beautiful page! I love the use of stitching! I love the water bird photos. Happy ppf and happy Easter too!

  22. Wow! Love your header photo and your colorful and thoughtful mixed media collage is a lovely tribute to Paris and Notre Dame ~ Gorgeous feathered friends and four legged critter photos!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Beautiful post. I am so sorry your hands are in pain. Sending healing energy to you.

  24. I love your art piece! So colourful and pretty!
    Your fingers are still hurting? I am so sorry!
    I love seeing all the baby ducks! So cute!
    I truly hope the black swan is ok!
    Big Hugs!


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